Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1535: The reincarnation of the great [two more]

North and South family! In the enclosed space where the son is located.

There was a trembling station in the north and the south. He had already explained everything that happened in the city of Fucheng. He only waited for the son of the lord to make a fall. He closed his eyes to the son, and the blonde had no wind and automatically, sitting cross-legged on the futon. I don’t say a word.

The North and South paints stood so quietly, and they did not dare to move. It was like a child who was doing something wrong and waiting to be punished. After he came back, he did not go to the high-level elders of the North and South family, and he came directly to the Duke. I suspect that in this north and south family, it seems that this is the same as the son of the lord.

The dynasty did not speak, and the sweat from the north and the south was flowing out, but what he can do now can only wait, not to disturb the retreat of the dynasty.

After a long while, the Chaozi son finally opened his eyes. His eyes fell like a knife on the body of the North and South. With only one look, the North and the South were trembling, and the soul was about to stand still.


The grandson said coldly, a huge pressure was uploaded from the body of the dynasty, and the North and the South seemed to see the most terrible thing in the world, and slammed into the ground.

"This time I didn't think about it. I didn't expect that Jiang Chen would be so abnormal. Please ask the public to punish."

Nanbei Yitu quickly said, did not dare to have a little bit of defense, he knows that the Chaozi son does not like to listen to people to explain, has always been to see the results do not look at the process.

This scene is very astounding. You must know that this pilgrim and the North and the South are just like the early days of the Emperor. They are rare geniuses of the North and the South. According to the identity and status, they should be the same, and they are like the North and the South. Applying such a genius, the bones are all proud, and dignity is more important than what you see. It is difficult to make such people look down, let alone squat down, but now, the North and South are painted in front of the dynasty, the head is high. The cold sweat underneath does not dare to wipe.

"You said that Jiang Chen was only the cultivation of the early Emperor, and he killed the two men in the North and the South?"

Asked about the opening of the Chaozi, he was very interested in Jiang Chen.

"Yes, Jiang Chen is indeed only the early cultivation of Xian Wang, but he will have a powerful transformation skills, can increase the combat power ten times, and his means are extremely powerful."

The North and South said, I dare not hide it.

"Jiang Chen?"

The eyes of the dynasty are slightly stunned. The whole celestial world can make him interested in few geniuses. He will not be okay to pay attention to a little fairy king, but Jiang Chen actually appears in his sight, if the north and south Tu Tu is true, then this is a very terrible figure, is a genius against the sky, because even him, it is absolutely impossible to achieve so many levels of killing.

"The son, I have already investigated, and Jiang Chen and the Emperor of the Dagan Empire have a close relationship. This time it was because of Yang’s obstruction that he did not take him and gave us such a big loss. Jiang Chen entered the genius house of the Dagan Empire and was very heavy. We should not go directly to the Dagan Empire and give them pressure."

The North and South Painted acupuncture said.

"No, the gold killing field is about to open. Such a genius will definitely enter at that time. It is a very simple matter to kill him at that time. Now there is no need to make a small ants and a big dry empire." ”

Said to the grandson.

"The son is assured that if he dares to go to the gold to kill the domain, I must kill him."

He said that he is a genius of the North and South family. He has made many things that he is proud of. Today’s things can be said to be a shame in his life, so he must find an opportunity to wash himself. The shame must be killed by Jiang Chen.

"Okay, go on."

The Chaozi son waved his hand to the north and south.

"Yes, son."

The North and the South painted like a big man, and quickly left the space, thinking of the horror of the dynasty, he still has some fear and shudder, today is able to come out intact, it is a very lucky thing.

At the same time, the Dagan Empire is the royal palace.

Jiang Chen, Yang Bufan, and the big yellow dogs gathered together.

"Where Wang, do you know that the North and South families have a pilgrimage?"

Jiang Chen asked, he is very interested in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. This is his old enemy. He will meet sooner or later. It is not difficult to hear from the mouth of the North and South. This is a very important figure in the North and South family. Low status, so Jiang Chen wants to know about it.

"There is such a person. This person is very mysterious. The name is the Southern and Northern Dynasties. He rarely appears, but there are rumors that he is the reincarnation of the great emperor, so he has a pivotal position in the family of the North and the South. Although I have not seen this pilgrim, I can Certainly, this is a terrible person."

Yang Bufan said that he still knows some about the legend of this dynasty.

"The reincarnation of the Great?"

Jiang Chen’s eyes are obviously not well prepared. If the Northern and Southern Dynasties are really reincarnation of the Great, then it’s horrible. For such a powerful opponent, for Jiang Chen, the pressure is too great. Ascension, he is more and more aware of the horror of a powerful Xiandi. It is a legendary existence. He once saw the means of stalking the devil and the old liar, and it is already a legendary existence, and the emperor still To be above, the most peak in the fairy world.

"It’s just a legend. Is it true? I don’t know, maybe it’s just that the North and South families deliberately boasted in order to improve their heritage and deterrence in the East Xuan domain."

Yang Bufan said that he had never seen this pilgrim after all, so he expressed doubts about the powerful reincarnation of the great emperor.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog looked at each other and saw the dignified color in the other's eyes. Yang Bufan would doubt the authenticity of the reincarnation of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, but they did not doubt because they had played with the North and South Dynasties. Dealing.

Like the people of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, what is incredible in him is normal. Jiang Chen has always attached importance to an opponent. He has come a long way, many opponents and enemies are dead, and many people even do not remember Jiang Chen. There is no impression, but if you ask the most important opponent in Jiang Chen’s heart, the answer is almost certain, that is, the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

"Where Wang, this person is not a small person. If you encounter it in the future, you must be careful. The North and South dynasties are ambitious and the plot is also big. There is him in the East Xuan domain, and Dong Xuan domain is going to be chaotic sooner or later."

Jiang Chen said that no one knows more about the Northern and Southern Dynasties than him. Although he is only a avatar with him, this is a tyrant of the world. His purpose is to dominate the world. The East and the North are in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. calm.

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