Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1542: Jiang Chen’s decision

There are still seven days. For Jiang Chen, I can just prepare for it. He is very clear about the genius who entered the gold murder field. I am afraid that he is the worst. Even if he is tyrannical, he is only 20,000 days. In the middle, it is definitely not outstanding. There are too many masters than him. If you don’t say anything else, the masters of the emperors in the major forces are not the opponents.

"Rade, you said that this trip to the gold squad will not appear in the Northern and Southern Dynasties?"

Jiang Chen looks at the big yellow dog.

"This is the genius feast of the younger generation. You will get the guy less. In his eyes, everyone who entered the gold killing field is his prey. Maybe we still have a chance to run it, just don't know. Can he recognize you?"

The rhubarb dog said that with their understanding of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, this trip to the gold squad, he must have appeared. If it does not appear, it is not the style of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. An ambitious person, everyone is regarded as a stepping stone.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog don't know what kind of scene will happen with the North and South Korea again. Can the North and South Dynasties recognize that he is unknown? After all, it was only the ordinary one in the Southern and Northern Dynasties that could not be ordinary. There is almost no comparability in comparison with the deity.

"At least there will be induction. Anyway, it will be an enemy sooner or later. For the rhubarb, I am going to the Golden Killing Field this time. I want to bring my sister. I used the big celestial technique to calculate the condensed sister. The sister herself also owns it. The air transporter, but her powerful air transport has been blinded, this time the gold killing field is dangerous, but for the sister, it is also a great opportunity."

Jiang Chen said that this decision was made after he thought about it. Before he consulted Dongfang Yu, everyone who has a quota to enter the gold squad can bring at least three people, but these people have no identity kits. It is more difficult to enter than to have a personal gift.

Wu Ningzhu is now only the cultivation of Xianwang in the early days. With the strength of dancing and condensing bamboo, it enters the golden killing field. It is really a life of nine deaths. Anyone who can come out with a genius can kill her. For Wujingzhu, stay in Fanwangfu. It is the safest, but it is not a long-term solution. He calculated that he had a dance, and Jiang Chen had no right to deprive a person with the air of the right to choose, so he decided to take the dance bamboo into the gold killing field. He believes that it is absolutely no problem to protect the safety of Wu Ningzhu with his own skills. If you help Wu Ningzhu find a big chance, it would be better.

"Well, I can see it. There is indeed a qi in the body of Ningjie, but it has not been shown. It is time to behave now. The golden murder is the ancient gold family. The land left behind, it is a very long time. The king of Xianxian and the emperor of the emperor are the people of that era. The golden lupin of the golden family has not yet been found, indicating that there is still a heritage of the golden family in the golden killing field. This is for anyone. It is an opportunity. The gold family is flowing with the blood of the ancient gods Jinwu. It is very tyrannical. If the air traffic of the sister can be expressed in the golden killing field, there may be unexpected gains."

The rhubarb dog said openly.

"Rhubarb, you seem to know a lot about the gold family?"

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at the big yellow dog. This dog knows too much. Many things in the fairy world are known.

"You don't have to ask, my secret will tell you sooner or later, but not now, but this time the gold killing field, I definitely have to go."

The rhubarb dog said, he knows that Jiang Chen is smart, and he has long felt that he has a great secret. At this time, the big yellow dog is no longer concealed. It is no longer concealing it. It seems that Jiang Chen is a fool. The same is true between the brothers, but with regard to their own secrets, the Dahuang dog feels that it has not yet reached Jiang Chen.

"Well, I am waiting, and I am looking forward to it."

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders. He had long been looking forward to the secrets of the big yellow dog, but he only looked forward to it. He would wait for the rhubarb dog to tell himself one day that the rhubarb dog would not say that he would never force it. This is The secrets of others are also useless.

On the next day, Yang Bufan came, and Yang Bufan’s arrival was within the scope of Jiang Chen’s expectation. Needless to say, it must be for the sake of gold.

"Little dust, you should have got the identity kit?"

When Yang Bufan came up, he asked, and his whole person was very angry. It seems that he is very excited to enter the gold field.

"Well, yesterday the Oriental House owner has given me the identity kit. I didn't expect that the opening of the Golden Killing Field involved so many forces and geniuses. It is exciting to think about it."

Jiang Chen said that he can feel that Yang Bufan is also in the same mood as himself. Both are unstoppable people. Yang Bufan was able to leave the Dagan Empire to go to the abyss of sin, which itself explained his uneasiness. Points, the abyss of sin he has gone, so this gold kills the domain, he has nothing to fear, but rather the expectation.

"This time, countless geniuses have entered the gold murder field, and some people will bring some people into it. The number of people will probably reach 4,500,000, involving the three major sects. We will be able to participate in such a genius event in our lifetime, and it is not alive. However, this trip to the gold murder field is extremely dangerous, because in addition to the crisis contained in the gold murder itself, everyone inside is a crisis, and four or five thousand people are their own enemies. This is A chance, but also a great challenge and competition, according to my work, many genius figures in the fairy world who are not born, will appear this time."

Yang Bufan said.

"Where is Wang, how many geniuses who have entered the Golden Killing Field, to what extent can they be cultivated to the highest? Shouldn't it be just the beginning of the Emperor?"

Jiang Chen curiously asked, the so-called knowing oneself and knowing each other, can make the best response at the crucial moment.

"Of course not. In the early days of Emperor Xian, it was naturally incomparable. But the foundations of the major forces are far more than this. I have the masters of the Mid-Emperor in the Dagan Empire. They rarely appear on weekdays, but they are true geniuses. It is said that in other regions, there is also the Son of the Supreme Master. It is cultivated as the late Emperor of the Emperor who has reached horror. Every major force has its own heritage, and there are geniuses who are not born. This trip to the Golden Killing Field, Everyone will appear, you and my strength, want to be rampant in the gold killing field, it is impossible, as far as I know, Xianting will also have genius, repair is unfathomable."

Yang Bufan said, these words once again shocked Jiang Chen, the immortal genius of the late Emperor, what kind of horror realm should be, anyway, with his current cultivation, encountering the late Emperor, is definitely not to say, Xianjie Many big forces have been passed down for a long time. Some of the supreme teachings and the supreme family are rich and powerful, unimaginable, and the immortal genius of Xianting has aroused great interest from Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen’s heart is a very mysterious existence.

"Even other people can't be underestimated. Many important people of big powers will have strong cards in their hands. For example, the family does not trust his safety. He will carry the family's supreme baby with him, and the key moments will burst out. Unparalleled power, so many people are not irritated, but we are not afraid. There are many opportunities in the golden killing field. A huge ancient battlefield has left countless treasures. It is said that in the past, many people were there. The golden killing field has got huge benefits, and the repair has directly gained a huge improvement. Yang Zanqing was born in the golden killing field that year. We can still, as long as our realm can be continuously improved, we are not afraid. anyone."

Yang Bufan said that his ambition is full of ambitions, gold is murderous and changeable, and there is a crisis everywhere, but this does not hinder them from advancing. It is a kind of motivation. It can survive in this environment, and the whole person has a sublimation. This kind of exercise is extremely rare.

The so-called rise in adversity is just dying in adversity. All the geniuses who enter the golden murder field are passionate and go with the mentality of a life of nine deaths.

"I can't wait any longer."

Jiang Chen said that he could not suppress the excitement in his heart when he thought of colliding with countless geniuses.

"For the little dust, are you ready to bring people together?"

Yang Bufan asked.

"The rhubarb must be brought, I am going to take the sister together."

Jiang Dust Road.

"Dancing bamboo? Her cultivation is the beginning of Xianwang. Although you are also the early stage of Xianwang, but the two of you are not comparable. If you take her, it is equivalent to bringing a burden. The gold killing crisis is heavy. It is easy to run into danger."

Yang Bufan is a little surprised. I don't know why Jiang Chen is so smart. Why do people make such a stupid decision? You must know that Xian Wang has entered the golden murder field. Even the late master of Xian Wang is almost certain to die.

"I have my own thoughts, this is the king who doesn't have to worry about it."

Jiang Chen laughed and said that Wu Ningzhu had the right to display his own gas, and Jiang Chen would not deprive her of her chances.

After saying goodbye to Yang Bufan, Jiang Chen left the genius house and went to the Wangfu House. This thing is not known.

Where the Wangfu is located in the Imperial City, it has always been stable and calm, and Jiang Chen did not fly over the Van Wang House. He did not want to be too arrogant.

Before the gate of the palace, the two guards saw Jiang Chen and immediately greeted him.

"How can Jiang Gongzi come back today?"

The guards nodded against Jiang Chen, and his attitude was very respectful. Jiang Chen’s prestige in the Wangfu Palace was still very great. When he was crowned Wang Dadian, he became famous. Later, things that happened in the genius house have long been rumored, especially Jiang Chen walked out of the forbidden land and defeated the Seven Emperors. He was a powerful young alchemist who brought the supreme glory to the royal palace. Therefore, everyone in the palace is up and down, and everyone is incomparable to Jiang Chen. respect.

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