Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1558: Surround

This is an endless ancient battlefield. Jiang Chen does not know what happened in the ancient times. However, he also heard about the legends here. The ancient gold family was once here, in other words, buried here. A strong race, the blood of the golden birds of the gods.

Regarding the secrets of the golden family, Jiang Chen is not interested in exploring. After all, it has been too long. The countless powers of the fairyland want to explore what they can do, not to mention themselves, but the Oriental Royals speak to themselves, the golden family. The Supreme Emperor's golden lupin fan was left on this battlefield, and no one has found it until now.

It can be said that every time the gold killing field is opened, all the geniuses who come in have a biggest dream, that is to find the golden lupin fan. Unfortunately, this is not a simple matter, which requires too much opportunity.

In addition to the golden lupin fan, there are countless masters on this ancient battlefield. These masters are likely to leave their own ancestry and leave their own inheritance. If you can get it, it will also be soaring, and then it will advance by leaps and bounds. .


Several people are concentrating on refining the blood dragon fruit, but only Dong Fei has signs of promotion. An hour has passed quickly. Dong Fei’s body suddenly burst into a powerful air wave, rolling in the tide, relying on the blood dragon fruit. With the help, Dong Fei finally hit the half-step of the Emperor. This is a great improvement. It is completely out of the rank of Xian Wang, which is equivalent to taking a big step.

Dong Fei was in tears, and he waited for too long for this day. He was glad that he had entered the golden murder field this time. If he continued to practice in the genius, even if he gave him another year, I would rather not think about it. To reach the half-step Xianhuang level, it has just arrived on the first day of the Golden Killing Field. If you are not happy, it is a deception.

Just in the moment when Dong Fei was promoted to the half-step Emperor, there was also a movement in the Zulong Tower. Of course, the movement inside the Zulong Tower can only be felt by Jiang Chen, and the movement is not one, it is two.

In the space of the thirty-third floor of the Zulong Tower, the rhubarb dog and the dancing bamboo were promoted at the same time. The cultivation of the rhubarb dog also hit the half-step Emperor, and his momentum is still on the upward impact, to be shocked. The early Emperor of the Emperor, but the rhubarb dog as a beast, the foundation is too strong, and like Jiang Chen, the consumption required for each promotion is very large, the energy of the two blood dragon fruit can indeed support him to the early stage of the Emperor, but The rhubarb dog can't be promoted blindly. If you directly impact the early emperor, it will have a certain impact on his foundation. This is not worth the candle.

Therefore, the repair of the rhubarb dog is a temporary stop in the half step of the Emperor Peak. As for the early promotion of the Emperor, waiting for the opportunity in the future, this is the same as the large yellow dog from the sword of the immortal sword. In the case, if it was not Jiang Chen’s reminder, the rhubarb dog would have a brainstorming realm. This time, I would not have to remind Jiang Dian again, the rhubarb dog knows how to do it.

On the other hand, the cultivation of Wu Ningzhu has also hit the middle of the Xianwang, and has reached the peak of the mid-level of the Xianwang. As Jiang Chen expected, the dancing bamboo relies on the blood dragon fruit and directly impacts the fairy king. There is no problem at the end of the day.

The rhubarb dog and the dancing bamboo can advance so quickly. It is because of the time rule that after an hour of outside, it is already thirty hours in the thirty-three space.

After another hour, everyone opened their eyes and collected the dragon fruit in their hands. The two-hour practice was itself the meaning of the king. After all, it was a dangerous place, practicing two. You can taste the sweetness in the hour. As for the remaining dragon fruit, you can refine it at any time.

Although it was only two hours, everyone has also received a lot of improvement. The repairs of Wang Ye and Liang Qiao have reached half a step, and it seems that they are not far from the beginning of the Emperor. Always refining the blood dragon fruit, in a few days, you can directly promote the early Emperor.

Of course, the biggest improvement is Dong Fei. Dong Fei’s cultivation has been completely stabilized in the half-step Emperor. Compared with the previous Xian Wang, they don’t know how much.

At this time, the rhubarb dog came out from the ancestral tower and saw the progress of the rhubarb dog. Although everyone was surprised, it also said that they understood very well. After all, the big yellow dog ate two blood dragons.

At this moment, the rhubarb dog has been repaired to reach the half-step of the Emperor's Peak. It is only a step away from the beginning of the Emperor. With his current combat power, it is easy to kill the ordinary Emperor, even if it is not like Yang Yang. The master of the early Emperor of the Emperor was also not afraid, and it was inevitable that the war would be dark.

"Rhubarb, it's beautiful."

Jiang Chen patted the dog's head of the big yellow dog.

As for the dance bamboo, at the request of Jiang Chen, the retreat in the ancestral tower is still being practiced. Wujingzhu is grasping the impact of the late Xian Wang. This realm is not a thing for Jiang Chen, but it is not the same for Wujingzhu. She has a weak foundation. From the early stage of Xianwang to the late Xianwang, she has been promoted to two levels in a row. It is not a joke, and must be treated with care.

"Seeing that everyone has got a certain improvement, we are worthwhile this time. For us, the first day to get such a big benefit is a good start, it is time to leave."

Yang Bufan said that this jungle has been delayed for a long time, and should be left. Although the time of one month is long, it is very difficult to give away the large areas of these millions of miles. The jungle is more than this one, baby is not just this one.

"Where Wang, Jiang Chen, do you say that we are going forward, or are we going back?"

Wang Ye asked.

"Nature is going forward. The way back is to the place where we walk out of the space channel. There is nothing there, let's move forward."

Jiang Dust Road.

"Let's go, everyone is careful. I heard that there are a lot of hidden micro-spaces here. Don't accidentally fall into it. If you get into the turbulent space, it's not fun."

Yang Bufan reminded.

When everyone nods, Yang’s words are definitely not alarmist. In the mysterious ancient battlefield, anything can happen. It is necessary to prepare for any crisis at any time, especially in the turbulence of space, even for a fairy. It’s not a joke to get into the turbulent space. Even if you don’t die, you may not be able to walk out for a lifetime.

The speed of the people was very fast. It didn't take long for them to appear in a wilderness. Yang Feifan and Jiang Chen, who were flying, suddenly stopped. The two brows were slightly stunned and obviously sensed something.

"Where is the king, why don't you leave?"

Wang Ye asked.

"I'm afraid we can't go away, and the space around here has been blocked."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Who is here, show up?"

Yang Bufan shouted at the void.

As Yang Bufan’s voice just fell, he saw the surrounding voids begin to shake, and then a tyrannical figure emerged from the void. These people were divided into three different directions, four people in each orientation, a total of twelve people. .

The cultivation of these twelve people is very powerful. The leaders are the masters of the early Emperor, and like Yang Bufan, the rest are also half-step emperors, together with the first three emperors, nine and a half Stepping the Emperor, such a strong camp is really rare.

"The people of Huangquanmen, the people of the corpse, and the people of God."

Wang Ye's face changed slightly, and the other party blocked the void here, obviously it was to wait for them, and the other person wanted to do something, the fool could think of it.

"Huang Quanmen Lingdu, the corpse Yinzong black sunflower, the gods gate Wang Hao, the genius of the three forces gathered together, it seems that there is something to find us."

Yang’s eyes fell on the leaders of the three camps and saw the identity of the three people. As for why the three people appeared here, Yang Bufan’s heart is very clear, certainly for killing Jiang Chen, and even himself, Jiang. The people who have killed them once, the big forces of Dong Xuanyu, the most to face, the people who killed them are equal to hit their faces, they must be found back.

"Haha, Van Wang, I haven't seen you for ten years. You are growing up. Which of you is Jiang Chen?"

The corpse Yinzong black sunflower said loudly.

"I am."

Jiang Chen took a step forward. It is not so easy for these guys to deal with themselves. If at first, such a camp may cause Jiang Chen to exert some pressure, but now, Jiang Chen can only smile.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, you are so courageous, even dare to kill my corpse Yinzong, today will definitely let you die without a place of burial."

The black sunflower snorted and did not hide his murderousness.

"Mom, how do they know our position? The gold killing field comes in hundreds of forces, tens of thousands, and here is a range of millions of miles. It is impossible to find a person precisely here. Moreover, they have joined together and it seems that they are waiting for us here."

Wang Ye couldn't help but snarl, and the fool could see that the scene was not normal, unless it was a situation where someone deliberately exposed their position.

"It's you."

The rhubarb dog's gaze brush looked at Liangqiao, Liangqiao couldn't help but shudder, and his look began to be unnatural.

"Liangqiao, wouldn't it be that you betray us?"

Dong Fei’s sinister look at Liangqiao, the only explanation for the current situation is that some people have exposed their position. The eyes of all people have fallen on Liangqiao for the first time. No one will have a good impression on the traitors.

"No, why do you doubt me? Maybe they mistakenly hit us and found us."

Liang Qiao quickly argued that this time he admitted that it was a death, but his slightly flustered look still betrayed him.

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