Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1563: Storage Kit [six more]

No one is not afraid of death. For anyone, death is the most fearful thing. Especially when people really face death, they will know how terrible death is. Because they are dead, I can't live anymore.

Wang Hao is no exception. He is a genius and a wonderful future. As long as he does not die, he will become a true master in the morning and evening and become a strong person between heaven and earth.

Unfortunately, from the moment when Wang Hao prepares to shoot Jiang Chen, he has already destined his destiny. People tend to be like this. With an easy decision, they can push it into the abyss, never turn over, and a decision will be destroyed. In his own life, Wang Hao is like this. The decision he made directly caused him to lose his life.


The rhubarb dog laughed and laughed. In the face of Wang Hao’s attack, he did not have a bit of fear. His current cultivation is a half-step emperor. The real combat power is comparable to that of Wang Hao, even if he is one-on-one with Wang Hao. The battle will not be defeated, let alone block it now.


The dog's head is golden, and Wang's sharp blade is on his head, making an iron-like sound, a horrible blade, a powerful royal squad, and not even leaving a trace on the head of the rhubarb dog. Not to mention smashing the dog's head. In this world, I am afraid it is difficult to find something that can open the dog's head.


Wang Hao exclaimed, the hardness of the dog's head is unimaginable. What makes him even more unexpected is that a dog beside Jiang Chen is so strong, so it seems that they are wrong about the prediction of Jiang Chen's camp. They came today, not killing, but coming to death.


The Dahuang dog was so delayed, Jiang Chen and the two blood demon kings were also besieged. The five masters trapped Wang Hao from five different directions. The top five masters were all in full swing, with a ray of light on the top of the head. The void was completely blocked, and the place where Wang Hao was located was a heaven and earth cage, and the dead and the dead were closed.

"Wang Hao, do you still want to resist?"

Jiang Chen crosses the sword and stands in front of Wang Hao with the majestic dragon's body. The breath that comes out of his body carries the king's domineering. It is a kind of pressure, and people's minds are shaking.

Looking around, Wang Hao was completely stunned, like a dog at home, where there was a madness at the beginning, thinking that when he first started, he threatened to let Jiang Chenyu squat in front of himself, and then cooperate with the scene in front of him. It’s a big fool, and all the previous performances in front of others are just jumping clowns.

"Jiang Chen, Fan Wang, don't kill me, as long as you don't kill me, my Wang Hao promises that I will never look for your troubles in the future. After God's death, I will definitely have friendly relations with the Dagan Empire."

Wang Shuo asked for mercy. A genius like him is so arrogant. It is not easy to beg for mercy. But in the face of death, everyone is vulnerable. If he does not want to die, he can only compromise. He knows that even if he is pleading for mercy, he may not have a good end, but even if he has a chance, he will try.

Unfortunately, in front of Jiang Chen, there is no chance for one in ten thousand. For those who want to kill themselves, Jiang Chen will never be polite, because he is very clear, if it is now easy to go, he falls into the hands of Wang Hao. If the other party is absolutely not letting go of their own, and guarantee that they will die very badly, very miserable.

"Wang Hao, from the moment you decide to shoot us, you should think about the end of the present. This pleading for mercy will only make me look down on you more. Today you will die, even if you are the palm of your hand." The door is coming, and you can't save your life. Van, kill him."

Jiang Chen’s incomparably coldness does not give Wang Hao hope for survival. However, he gave Yang Bufan the opportunity to kill Wang Hao, because his own air transportation is too strong, like Wang Hao’s air transport, he I can't see it at all, and I won't put it in my heart. If his air transport is absorbed by Yang Bufan, it will be of great use.

"Wang Hao, let's die."

Yang Bufan decisively shot, and a sharp sword in his hand attacked with lightning, and pierced Wang Hao’s chest.

Obviously, at this time, Wang Hao has completely abandoned the resistance, because he is very clear, the resistance is useless, and the situation in front of him is already a must.


Wang Hao's body and mind shocked, and the great injury caused him to spurt a blood arrow. His eyes were full of desolateness and unwillingness. He felt that his vitality was continually lost and the speed of his loss was extremely fast.

"I didn't expect that my Wang Hao died today... I am here."

Wang Hao remorse, not reconciled, but it is useless. What he is facing now is the most serious consequence. The final color of life is blood red.

In the end, Wang Hao was still dead. His identity kit fell into the hands of Yang Bufan. Yang’s body suddenly felt a shock and his eyes brightened.

"The identity of the kit is really wonderful, this Wang Hao's air transport is also very good, according to his heritage, it should not have died, but unfortunately he met you, met you this air far more than his super It’s enchanting, so it’s terrible.”

Yang Bufan said that he was somewhat sorry for Wang Hao’s death. After all, this is a powerful genius like himself. However, in his spare time, Yang Bufan’s heart is still very excited, thinking that he has captured Wang Hao’s air and blessing. Got to yourself.

At this point, the three major forces who came to kill them, in addition to the escape of Lingdu as a dog, the other people are all tragic, can be said to be tragic.

For Jiang Chen, the battle was a complete victory and there was no loss.

Jiang Chen and Yang Bufan both opened up the tips and found that they were empty and nothing, but the two did not disappoint. The situation itself was in their expectation. After all, this is the first to enter the gold field. Many people have not got any benefit.

And after the black sunflowers came in, they were deliberately trying to get rid of Jiang Chen, and there was no effort to find the baby.

"Little dust, these identity kits are kept, after waiting for a month to go out here, the more kits in the hands, the more they will be valued, maybe it may be valued by Xianting, then it will be great. ”

Yang Bufan reminded.

"Well, I know that."

Jiang Chen nodded. In this case, Dongfang Yu said to him that he entered the golden killing field. Everything is killing. Some of them must be judged by killing. The winner is the king, the survival of the fittest, the loser will only become The cornerstone of success.

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