Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1565: Mid-term of the fairy king [fill yesterday]

Yang Bufan also drifted away. For Yang Bufan, Jiang Chen is not worried at all. Yang Bufan’s own strength is tyrannical. Now he has the dragon fruit in his hand. It will take a long time to be promoted to the early stage of Emperor Xian. Almost a single level with Yang Lang, in this piece of gold killing, almost no big crisis, of course, Jiang Chen said the crisis is relative to tens of thousands of days, the Emperor The cultivation is absolutely top-notch among tens of thousands of geniuses. Even if a strong master is not an opponent, life-saving is basically no problem.

However, from another point of view, anything can happen on this ancient battlefield. Even the geniuses of the late emperors in Xianting cannot guarantee that they are safe, many masters. There are great crises in the inheritance of the land, and there are many strange places. Once caught in it, even the masters like Dong Yu and Yang Zanqing can't get out.

Therefore, in this golden killing field, there are crises everywhere, from the threat of the genius masters of the major forces, more is the crisis of the gold killing itself, many of them are death Jedi, and they fall into it and then want to come out again.

"Little dust, where are we going now?"

The rhubarb dog asked, and now they are only two of them. As for the two blood demon kings, it is only a slave of Jiang Chen. They only need to follow Jiang Chen’s instructions and do not need to express their opinions.

"First enter the ancestral tower, I have to spend some time to do a good job, I need to settle now, and then hit the middle of the immortal king, the gold killing domain has just been opened, and will certainly be more chaotic in the future, we must upgrade and repair."

Jiang Chen said that he directly opened the door of the Zulongta, and entered the room with the big yellow dog and two blood demon kings. He came to the space of thirty-three layers. Jiang Chen has already seen it, and the gold killings are everywhere. This came to the first day, first the blood demon king, then the masters of the three major forces, and the crisis alone met twice.

And this is only the edge of the gold killing field. If it is in the golden killing field, the crisis will definitely be bigger, the evil spirits will become more and more horrible, and more importantly, the geniuses of the major forces that entered the gold killing field this time. Many of them are masters of the Mid-Emperor, and even the existence of the Emperor's late period. With Jiang Chen's current strength, most of them are not opponents. The blood demon king can be used as a card, but the most important thing is to upgrade oneself. It is the most reliable thing to cultivate.

If you go into the forbidden area left by a master of Xianzun, you will definitely encounter all kinds of terrible things. Opportunities and crises have always coexisted. To get real benefits, you must first have control. The strength of these benefits, this is why Jiang Chen must quickly improve the repair.

In the thirty-three-story space, Wu Ningzhu is still in a state of retreat. Her current cultivation has already hit the peak of the immortal king, and soon she can step into the late stage of the fairy king. This is undoubtedly very important for Wu Ningzhu. Great progress, Jiang Chen did not disturb the dancing bamboo, just chose a place to sit on the knees, thirty-three layers of space is very large, there are hundreds of kilometers in a square, squatting in the wild, the air is floating in the smog.

After the two blood demon kings came in, they immediately felt the change of the time rule here, and the face was full of horror.

"Don't look around, refining the blood dragon fruit and improving your strength."

Jiang Chen sighed coldly at the boss of the blood demon king. As for the second child, Jiang Chen did not take care of him at all. The blood demon king in the early days of Xianhuang was not too big for Jiang Chen, but the key moment was still good. The strength of the battle, if you are not good, you can directly refine and become your own nutrients.

However, Jiang Chen is not a ruthless person. If he did not use the grading of the blood to demonize the blood demon king, Jiang Chen may refine his ruthlessness, but since it has been refined, the other party is equivalent to I used my life to kill myself. After I used it, I killed it. Some of them were extinct. This is not Jiang Chen’s acting style, and the light of the body is the secret of Buddhism, and the meaning of itself is also the Pudu sentient beings. It is completely different from before.

"Yes, master."

The blood demon king promised to take a blood dragon fruit and found a place to start refining. The second **** demon king stood there quietly. Without the instructions of Jiang Chen, he did not say a word. Jiang Chen gave the dragon fruit to him. The boss did not give him, but there is no sorrow and resentment in his eyes. This is the effect of the light of grading, which can directly purify a person's soul.

"Little dust, how long are you going to retreat this time?"

Asked the rhubarb dog.

"I am going to retreat for six months. I have to completely solidify the contents and make a good deposit. After six months, I will kill the four parties in this golden murder, and let countless geniuses tremble."

Jiang Chen’s momentum is shocking. He needs to settle now. His body also contains a lot of medicinal power of Xueyu Wangshen and Shengyan Huangdan. These drugs should be completely precipitated, completely absorbed, and then dried dragon fruit. Baby all together, six months, enough to repair the river dust to the peak of the immortal king.

"The dog is also in need of precipitation. It’s quite good to sleep here for six months."

The rhubarb dog almost didn’t vomit blood from Jiang Chen’s gas. Compared with this dead dog, it’s really a blow to people. Especially when he is practicing in the same place as this dog, it’s not a fight. Others are painstaking. Retreat, this dog is sleeping, and it is even more speechless that the effect of sleeping is better than the effect of your retreat. You are not irritating.

After that, the big yellow dog squatted on the ground and began to wake up. This guy didn’t waste a lot of good things for a while. He ate a lot of elixir in the genius, except for Jiang Chen’s In addition to the elixir, the elixir in Danfu was not stolen by him, but it was not too much. The Oriental Yudu had one eye closed and did not take it seriously.

"It’s a heartless guy."

Jiang Chen looked at the big yellow dog and shook his head. Then he quickly adjusted his state to the best and began to retreat.

The time for this retreat will not be short. In the past six months, the outside world has only been six days. When Jiang Chen came out of the ancestral tower, I am afraid that the golden murder will start to be lively, and it may happen. What big event.

As for the six days, everything that happened in the Golden Killing Field has nothing to do with Jiang Chen. He is now trying to concentrate on his own cultivation and then relying on the Dragon Fruit to promote the Mid-June.

The entire thirty-three layers of space are quiet, the space inside the space is obviously turning faster, the time rule here has been completely changed, and the thirty-fold time rule must be the treasure of retreat.

The Zulong Tower turned into a dust, suspended in the void, and completely merged with the void. Outsiders passed through here, and they could not find traces of Jiang Chen.

On the third day in the thirty-three-layer space, the blood demon king changed, and an extremely powerful blood gas rushed from the top of his head. The entire space of the powerful momentum was shaking violently. After all, the blood demon king survived by relying on the blood dragon fruit tree, so it is very fast for absorbing the blood gas inside the dragon fruit, and it is very useful.

A blood dragon fruit, the blood demon king only used three days to completely refine, and repaired into a leaps and bounds, directly impacted the middle of the Emperor.

Jiang Chen opened his eyes and looked at the changes of the blood demon king. The corner of his mouth couldn’t help but overflow with a smile. The more powerful the blood demon king, the bigger the effect on himself. The evil spirit of the blood demon king itself Incomparably horrible, Jiang Dust saw this in the valley before this time. He was promoted to the blood demon king in the middle of the Emperor, and the fighting power could be almost as good as Yang Lang.

It’s almost imaginable to follow such a powerful master.

After the blood demon king was promoted to the emperor's mid-term, he quickly put away his momentum, fearing that his momentum would affect the retreat of Jiang Chen, and then the two blood demon kings would guard the left and right of Jiang Chen, even if it was extremely safe, but they It is still necessary to give Jiang Chen a strict protection.

The rhubarb dog screamed and snorted, and Jiang Chen closed his eyes. He closed his eyes and meditated on his knees. The black hair was windless and automatic.

On the tenth day, Wu Ningzhu successfully promoted the late stage of Xianwang, but she did not stop there, but continued to practice retreat. She did not expect to be able to impact higher realms, but she must completely stabilize her cultivation. After all, Suddenly, the two levels have a bad influence on her, and I need to feel the realm of the late Xian Wang.

Two months later, Jiang Chen completely precipitated the residual drug in the body, and the body's dragon pattern increased by 9000. His current number of dragons in the body has reached 1,1,940,000, only one thousand dragons. The pattern can be promoted to the middle of the fairy king.

However, this thousand dragon pattern is not a problem for Jiang Chen. His current posture is calm, like a mountain. The foundation is strong enough to be promoted to the mid-term.

Jiang Chen broke his eyes and took out the dragon fruit. According to his estimation, this dragon fruit can help him to gather up to 30,000 dragon patterns. At that time, he will be directly stabilized at the peak of the mid-season. The power is increased ten times.

Jiang Chen has a big mouth, and an extremely powerful suction force acts on the dragon fruit. The blood dragon fruit is turned into a blood light, which is directly swallowed by the river dust. So the barbaric refining method is probably his And the rhubarb dog can do it.


Almost at the moment when the blood dragon fruit enters the body of the river dust, the energy of the dragonfly makes a roaring sound. It is like the energy of the ocean and the sea rambling in the body of the river dust. One thousand dragon lines are also completely condensed between the eyes.

"In the middle of the fairy king, break through."

Jiang Chen lightly sighed.

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