Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1592: Choose ancient road

At first, the black wolf did not expect that it was a relic of the sacred remains of the Buddha. If it was not because of the existence of the earth fairy, he estimated that he would turn away. After all, he did not feel anything about Buddhism, even If you get it, it will have no effect on yourself, but will restrain yourself.

But the temptation of the earth fairy is too big, so that the black wolf has to stay, even if he is not comfortable, he will not leave. The only purpose he left is the earth fairy, as long as he got the earth fairy, His cultivation can be greatly advanced, and it is not a problem to hit the late Emperor in a short time.

"Hey! Lan Lingji, believe it or not, in this space of the fairy, my black wolf will give you."

The black wolf snorted.

"Black wolf, you are a sacred woman, dying sooner or later."

The spirit of Lan Lingji has become extremely cold, and the sacred woman of the exquisite blessed land, the dust is refined, the high is on the top, no one dares to look at it, look at the appearance of Lan Lingji, if it is not in the Xianzang now, but also directly to the black wolf I shot it.

"Look, the ancient road."

At this moment, some people exclaimed, only after the ancient stone monument, there appeared a strip of ancient roads, these ancient roads are dense, like a void road, suddenly illusory, suddenly and solid, giving a feeling of emptiness, Every ancient road seems to be a passage. There is an ancient sound of the sacred singer, and the soul of the people is silenced and unspeakable.

"The ancient roads are intertwined and dense, just eighty-one. Let's choose that one?"

Some people look dazzled, they can't make up their minds. The ancient roads are exactly the same. The breath is the same. There is no difference in appearance. But people are clear, these look like the same ancient road. I am afraid that every one is different, and there are unimaginable crises. Different crises are equivalent to different opportunities.

"These ancient roads look the same. In fact, the gap is very big. If I guess it is correct, the ancient road is not as simple as the Buddha's last words. In these ancient roads, some ancient roads will have big opportunities and big ones. The benefits, and some ancient roads, that is the land of death, killing the machine everywhere, if the choice is not good, not only can not get the baby, but also may fall into a land of eternal ruin."

People's looks began to become extremely dignified, Xianzang opened, and 81 ancient roads appeared. Now the biggest problem is the choice. Any choice they make may determine their next step. The destiny, some people may get the treasure, from then on, and some people may be ruined, died, and buried in this ancient tomb.

"There is not much to control, there must be a choice, I will choose this one, it is life or death, then listen to the fate."

Someone can't wait, jumped up and jumped, just choose an ancient road and fly directly to the past. After entering the ancient road, the person disappeared without a trace, as if it was swallowed by the ancient road, it looks very scary.

"It’s all by my own air transport. I believe that my air transport is not so bad and will not enter a dead place."

Some people’s eyes show a hint of ochre, and it’s hard to unearth them. It’s a rare opportunity for any of them. It’s dangerous and can’t stop them. The golden killings are full of crises, if you’re afraid of danger. It was good to choose directly without having to come in. It was a bit guts and courage to decide to come in.


The figure is like a pop, flying toward different ancient roads. On the surface, the number of geniuses entering each ancient road is almost the same. Those who are in the middle of the immortal have not entered the ancient road so fast, just wait. People entered the game almost, and they made a choice.

Ye Peng’s nephew shines on the 81 ancient roads and wants to find out, but the final result is probably to disappoint him, because even if he exerts his full strength, he can’t sense the inside of the ancient road. The situation, ultimately helpless, can only choose an ancient road and walked in.

After Ye Peng disappeared, other people also made choices. They were waiting for Ye Peng to make a choice, because no one wants to go to the same place with this guy. This time, the master who came in, Ye Peng’s strength is the strongest. And the only one of the late Emperor of the Emperor, but also the character of the fairyland Xianting, very difficult to provoke, if you meet him at the same time, there is basically no way to compete with Ye Peng.

Jiang Chen’s body moved and just wanted to take a step, but he was stopped by the dragon thirteen in the strange stone: “I was anxious, waiting for them to go in and say, I have a good eye for the monkey, you can find out.”

Wen Yan said that Jiang Chen’s face suddenly showed a hint of joy. At such a crucial moment, the monkey was forgotten. The ancient road is mysterious, but it is left by the ancient Buddha. But if the North and South are here, His eyes of the heavens can be explored, not to mention the more powerful eyes than the eyes of the heavens.

Nowadays, there are so many people in it. It is not good for Dragon 13 to directly display the eyes of the fire. Only when everyone enters the ancient road, Dragon 13 can be shot.

Lan Lingji also moved. She chose the most ancient road. After Lan Lingji entered the ancient road, the black wolf followed. He seemed to be waiting for Lan Lingji to choose. This guy has a blue spirit. Enough interest, it seems necessary to follow the footsteps of Lan Lingji. If there is a chance, the black wolf will definitely start with Lan Lingji.

Soon, the two or three thousand people disappeared and disappeared. They all chose their own ancient roads. Seeing that the ancient roads were dim and there were signs of disappearing, Long XIII finally shot, and two golden lights were excited from the Zulong Tower. Shooting out, no one can imagine, this is actually two dawns, just the dawn has such a powerful power, look at the world, in addition to the eyes of the fire, I am afraid I can no longer find a second.

Soon, the eyes of the fire swept the 81 ancient roads, and the last two eyes were fixed on the most central road, and then recovered by the Dragon 13 brush.


Jiang Chen asked.

"With Lan Ling Ji and the black wolf, most of the ancient roads have a certain treasure. This one is the heaviest, and the crisis is also the biggest. Let us choose this one. In my perception of the fire, the evil inside. The spirit is more powerful. Once killed, it is not a problem to repair the ancestral tower."

Long XIII said.

"Monkey, shouldn't you deliberately choose such a dangerous place to repair the ancestral tower?"

Jiang Dust Road.

"Dry, you want to be a monkey, and you have to go in. The ancient road is about to disappear. This ancient road has the deepest Buddhist edge. After you enter it, you will definitely get great benefits."

Dragon thirteen said depressed.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen nodded and no longer hesitated. The whole person turned into a phantom, disappearing in the interior of the ancient road in the blink of an eye, which was the ancient road that Lan Lingji and the black wolf entered before.

At the moment when Jiang Chen disappeared, another figure appeared here. If Jiang Chen has not yet entered the ancient road, he will be able to see that the person who came in is not someone else, but the monk monk.

The monk sneaked in at the last moment when the void portal disappeared. Just as the ancient road disappeared, the monk casually took a look at the text on the stone tablet, and then missed too much consideration. He chose an ancient road and sneaked in.

After the disappearance of the monk, the stone tablet and the ancient road disappeared. It is obvious that the luck of the monk is still very good. It is equivalent to catching the last bus. If it comes later, Xianzang will be closed. It is difficult to come in.

After Jiang Chen stepped into the ancient road, the scene changed greatly, because here is not a road at all, but a new space, smog, like entering a small world, Jiang Chen had to marvel, the powerful means of immortal means Horror, space can also be arranged in a small space, overlapping, so large, the general fairy can not do.

Unreal space, the road under the feet is illusory, the whole space is dead, giving people a dull feeling, very uncomfortable.

"At the end of this space, there must be a connection to the innermost part of Xianzang. If you find the passage, you can enter the interior of Xianzang and see the earth fairy."

Jiang Chen’s dark road, these spaces are all connected, but they are only cut off by the 81 ancient roads. In fact, the 81 ancient roads are equivalent to eighty-one new spaces, each new space. Inside, they are all in one, all have channels to connect to the deepest part of Xianzang. This is also what the stone monument says. After walking through the ancient road of your choice, you can enter the center and get the earth fairy milk.

Suddenly, the dull sound of screaming sounded from the depths of nothingness. Jiang Chen’s expression instantly became dignified. He knew that this was the voice of evil spirits. The existence of the golden killing field was too long, and countless evil spirits were born. There are different places. It is conceivable that the evil spirits born in the remains of a fairy statue will certainly not be weak. It is undoubted that there is a terrible existence.

At this moment, I only heard the roar of evil spirits, but I could not see the figure of evil spirits. Jiang Chen stood there motionless. For him, he didn’t care what kind of evil spirits. He was the nemesis of evil spirits. The refining of the soul is carried out, and the power of the tyrannical soul is spread like a tide. Under the perception of the great refining, the evil spirits have nothing to lose.

The evil spirits of a claw and a claw suddenly burst out from the depths of nothingness, and swooped toward Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen grabbed the big hand and the five fingers were like a sharp blade. When he rubbed it, he grabbed the evil spirit's head.

"The little half-step Emperor, I want to attack me."

Jiang Chen sneered, the ancestral tower was released, and a huge evil spirit was rectified into a corpse by the ancestral tower in the blink of an eye. This sneak attack on his evil spirit is only a half-step cultivation of the emperor, with Jiang Chen The evil spirits of the evil spirits, even if they do not display the dragons, such evil spirits are far from the opponents of Jiang Chen, how many are not enough to kill Jiang Chen.

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