Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1595: Golden box

The battlefield quickly recovered its calmness. The ancestral tower had great benefits this time. It not only completely repaired the original injury, but also succeeded in condensing two layers. The thirty-ninth layer has already condensed more than half. The two did not end, so that Jiang Chen at this moment, from the ancestral tower has received great benefits, the number of dragons in the body just reached 10,000.

Counting the previous 1.19 million, at this moment, the number of dragons in Jiang Chen’s body is not much, just one hundred and twenty thousand, and the number of one hundred and twenty thousand is just the realm of the late Xian Wang. That is to say, at this moment, Jiang Chen will have to attack the late stage of Xianwang. Once he is promoted to the late stage of Xianwang, Jiang Chen’s combat power will inevitably be greatly improved again. At this time, in this golden killing, anyone wants to kill himself. It will become even more difficult. Even if he is now confronted with the North and South, he may still not be an opponent, but he will never be as embarrassed as he was last time. He was almost killed.


Outside the body surface of Jiang Chen, there is a golden momentum that is rolling, like a storm, a wave of waves.

"This guy is going to advance again."

The dragon thirteen in Kistler couldn’t help but say, but for Jiang Chen’s re-advancement, the dragon thirteen tone is also extremely happy and excited. After all, he himself understands the horror of gold killing, knowing that there is no strength here. Importantly, Jiang Chen’s enemies are too many. The gold killing field is only just open for a long time. At the last moment, the geniuses here will definitely have a terrible battle, and with so many cases of Jiang Chen’s enemies, Jiang Chen Definitely will be a focus.

In other words, Jiang Chen’s current progress is to prepare for the final battle of the Golden Killing Field, but Jiang Chen himself will never be complacent, because he and Long XIII are very clear, he is making progress, others are also making progress. In particular, those geniuses of the late Emperor who came out of Xianting, once they got the chance to progress again, it was the existence of no confrontation.


The sound of the river dust creaked, and the powerful air waves rolled like a tide. A large number of emperor Xianyuan stone seemed to be absorbed by Jiang Chen without money. Soon, the 1.2 million dragon pattern was completely stabilized. The repair of the dust finally reached the late stage of the Xianwang, and the combat power was not as strong as before.

"Yes, you have now been promoted to the late King of the Kings, and the fighting power is even more terrifying."

Dragon Thirteen appreciates.

"It's a pity that the number of dragons is still not enough. Just one hundred and twenty thousand. I am now repairing, but it is just the threshold of the late King of the King. The power is not as terrible as I imagined, but against those emperors. The mid-term genius is enough. Let's go, let's go deeper and see if there is any benefit."

Jiang Chen’s body was shocked, and the momentum was much stronger than before. Then he disappeared in the blink of an eye and went to the interior of the space.

"Isn't the ancient Buddha statue joking with us, saying that every ancient road is full of danger, I thought that there are powerful evil spirits everywhere, I did not expect such calm."

"It seems that we are lucky, and we have chosen a relatively safe road. Since it is not so dangerous, it will definitely have great benefits."

In the void of space, the two geniuses said to each other, they were a little surprised at the calm here, because it was not as dangerous as they thought, and it has been so long, and it has been around for so long, a evil spirit has not seen it. This made them suddenly feel that they were lucky and chose a relatively safe road.

However, in fact, this ancient road is the most dangerous, but more than a hundred powerful evil spirits have gathered together. They have not had time to spread to the space to meet Jiang Chen, and then unfortunately all by Jiang Chen. Killing, otherwise, more than one hundred powerful evil spirits spread to different places of space, for those who come in, it is simply a disaster.

You must know that this time the Xianzang was opened, it was only less than 3,000 people. The 81 ancient roads were distributed and each ancient road was only a few dozen people. It is too weak for the evil spirits camp. It is.

I have to say that the people who came here this time are also lucky. They should thank Jiang Chen, thank Jiang Chen for lifting the crisis for them, remove the obstacles, and let them have the opportunity to concentrate on finding a baby.

"Monkey, show your eyes and see where there are treasures."

Jiang Chen said that there is a big advantage of Dragon Thirteen, but there is no need to use it. He does not choose the same position as other people, and there are fewer people coming in, so it is difficult to meet each other, and Jiang Chen is now powerful, even if he meets anyone, he is not afraid of it. It is a big battle. Now, in this space, except for the sacred Lan Lingji, there is no one who is Jiang’s opponent. As for the black. The wolf, Jiang Chen was not in the eyes, even if he did not promote the late stage of the king, not afraid of the black wolf.

The means of the corpse yin is indeed horrible, but Jiang Chen specifically restrains them. If they encounter it, the black wolf must cry directly.

"Okay, let me see."

Long XIII said, directly showing the eyes of the fire, the eyes of the fire are really powerful, and the ancestors of the battle sacred, even if the dragon 13 has not really been born, but even in the strange stone, still can not stop the light of the eyes .

After a round of gaze around the eyes, he was taken back by the Dragon. He is still in the Kistler after all, even if he uses his eyes and eyes, he will not be able to display it for a long time, otherwise it will affect his time of birth.

"Going in this direction, there seems to be an ancient temple in front."

Long XIII said that God’s thoughts rushed out from the strange stone and directed a direction for Jiang Chen. Now this space is too illusory. It is not clear whether the things are north and south. Dragon 13 can only rely on God to guide.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen did not hesitate, and flew away in the direction of the dragon thirteen. The dragon thirteen is the eye of the fire and can see through everything. Since there is an ancient temple left here, it proves that it is definitely beneficial. The things left by the ancient Buddha are inevitable. It is not a product, and this is almost certain for Jiang Chen.

According to the direction of the Dragon 13 guide, an ancient temple soon appeared in front of Jiang Chen. It was a small ancient temple. Without a foundation, it was suspended in midair, but there was a mess of air around the ancient temple. variegated.

"There is a law outside the ancient temple."

Jiang Chendao, he can see at a glance that the airflow hovering around the ancient temple is an ancient array.

"This ancient temple is covered with a method of arranging. There must be a baby inside, a small dust. Although this method is powerful, but because of the long time of experience, the power has weakened a lot. For you, it is easy to break this law. Not at all difficult."

Long XIII said openly.

"You are right, if this method is built at the beginning, even if a master of the early Xianzun is not necessarily able to break open, but because the experience has been too long, most of the formation Power has disappeared, and there have been many flaws. For me, there is no difficulty."

Jiang Chen nodded, then strode toward the ancient temple and saw the formation. He couldn’t help but think of the big yellow dog. If the big yellow dog is there, he is proficient in the source of the book, and everything is big for him. Invalid, without any hindrance.

"I don't know where Rhubarb and Ningjie are now."

Jiang Chen secretly said, but he did not worry about dancing the bamboo with the rhubarb dog. Although the fighting power of the rhubarb dog is not too strong, but with his strength, he can go anywhere in this gold killing field. Nothing can stop it. He, and want to kill the big yellow dog, is even more difficult.

Soon, Jiang Chen came to the ancient temple, and the big refining spirits were scattered like tides. Soon Jiang Chen found the weakness of the formation, and then Jiang Chen’s hands were printed and a complicated ban was made. The ban was quickly merged into a micro-array method, and the weakness of the array outside the ancient temple hit the past.


Just listening to the slamming sound, the array of methods that had been circling, there was a crack in the moment. Jiang Chen made a sigh of relief and once again banned a ban. The old tactics could not be supported because of the long time, and they shattered on the spot.

Breaking through the array, before Jiang Chen came directly to the ancient temple, the old wooden door looked very worn. The above is full of traces of the years. Jiang Chen’s hand is pushed, the decaying wooden door is broken, and the face is rushing. The decaying atmosphere of the stock made Jiang Chen could not help but raised his brow.

Jiang Chen did not hurry to walk in, but used the power of the soul to sweep a circle first. He had to make sure that there was no danger and then go in. In this full of golden murder, it is certainly not wrong to be careful.

The power of the soul did not detect the dangerous atmosphere. Jiang Chen strode in. The interior space in the ancient hall was very small, and it looked very empty. There was nothing inside. It was like a haunted house. There is a feeling of extreme discomfort.

However, soon, Jiang Chen saw a box and a golden box at the forefront of the ancient temple. This is probably the only thing in the ancient temple.

"Come on, there is a baby in the box."

Dragon 13 quickly reminded.

Jiang Chen strode forward and came to the front of the golden box. After so many years, the box still did not leave any scars on it. It can be seen that the material of this box is also extraordinary. Jiang Chen took the box in his hand and did not imagine it. It's so heavy, it's a normal weight.

There is no lock on the box, it can be opened directly. Jiang Chen casually creates a stream of air, and the box is immediately opened. Suddenly, the light shines, the golden Buddha light rushes out of the box, and instantly fills the entire ancient temple. From those Buddha lights, one can be seen. The golden Sanskrit is flying, like a butterfly, and it is beautiful.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for their rewards, there is also a plus in the evening. In addition, the WeChat public number is concerned about nine thousand five, and the distance from the 10,000 is still five hundred. When it reaches 10,000, the tenth outbreak is over, and it is said that there is no The concerned brothers pay attention as soon as possible, and WeChat searches for my pseudonym. 】

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