Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1603: Tens of thousands of years of echoes

This is the great opportunity of the monk, all the inheritance and Taoism left by a great Buddha in the late Xianzun. No one can estimate the value of this relic. Even the monk himself cannot estimate that this relic can bring to himself. How much benefit, his current mood is extremely exciting.

"I don't know if Xiaochenzi and Rhubarb and Ningjie have entered this fairy, I will try to improve and repair, and then look for them."

The monk secretly said that he had seen his brother-in-law master before, knowing that Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog have entered the golden murder field, and the monk also said that Jiang Chen was followed by a beautiful woman dressed in black. Knowing that it is a dance of bamboo, this makes the monk very happy, the brothers reunite, and can fight side by side.

However, the monk does not know whether Jiang Chen has entered the space of the celestial possession left by the ancient Buddha. If it is, then it may be encountered. After all, the gold killing field is too big, and it is really happening. A very difficult thing.

After getting the relics, the monk has lost interest in the other treasures in this fairy tale. Even the nine drops of earth fairy can not attract him. After all, for him, the value of the relic is beyond everything. It is not at all comparable to the earth's fairy milk.

However, the monk must also upgrade as soon as possible, and then enter the Xianzang Center to go to the place where the nine drops of the earth's milk exist, because the monk knows that he is not interested in the earth fairy, but Jiang Chen is definitely interested, if Jiang Chen comes in If you want to go to Jiang Chen, you must go to the center of Xianzang.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen three people have already reached the end of this ancient road, together to the end, there are other talented masters, they look around, want to find the entrance to the entrance to the Xianzang Center, but find the end of the ancient road Nothing is nothing, nothing.

"What happened? We have already reached the end of the ancient road. Why is there no entrance to the Xianzang Center? It is impossible for us to be beaten by the old monk."

"80% is being played, the old monk stone said above the ancient road, there are treasures on every ancient road, there are sinister, but we calmly came here, not to mention the baby, even the danger is not, a avatar The evil spirits did not appear, this is not what the flicker is."

"Don't talk, the ancient road may not be as simple as we think, let's find it again."


Everyone was a little angry, and they were not so respectful of the ancient Buddha’s words that left this piece of fairy. They began to call the old monk. In fact, they have been depressed for a long time on this ancient road because they saw the stone monument before. The words left behind, they think that there must be a rare baby on this ancient road. Even if it is not a big baby, at least there should be some senior Xianyuanshi or Xianbing. I didn’t expect it to come to an end. Don't say the fairy stone, even the root hair is not found.

This is not the most depressing, the most depressing is that even a evil spirit does not appear, say good baby? Say good luck? This is not what his mother is playing.

Hearing these people's complaints, Jiang Chen and Dragon 13 couldn't help but smile. The two guys laughed most happily, because all the dangers and treasures in this space were given by both of them.

The evil spirits of the evil spirits allowed Jiang Chen to repair the Zulong Tower, and also raised the Zulong Tower to 38 and a half. The thirty-ninth floor was about to be completely condensed. His cultivation was also in the late stage of the Xianwang. Let Long XIII directly get rid of the shackles of Kistler and be born in advance.

However, if this is said, the eyes of these guys are estimated to be able to eat them. Of course, such a thing can never be said. The so-called muffled wealth is the real freedom.

In fact, compared to these guys, Lan Ling Ji is the most depressing, not only did not get anything, but also almost the road of the black wolf, if it is not the key moment of the dragon thirteen to save, Blue Ling Ji does not know What will happen to you now?

"How can there be no entrance? Do we have to return to the original road?"

Lan Ling Ji also screamed.

"Let's wait, the return of the original road is definitely impossible. The ancient road has been closed, and I am afraid I will never go back."

Jiang Chen said.

Just as Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, the void in front suddenly shook, and then an illusory passage made a roaring sound that appeared in people’s eyes.

"It's the passage, this is the entrance to the center of Xianzang. I didn't expect it to open automatically."

"Haha, I thought I was being played, walking, and entering this channel, we can enter the Xianzang Center, and we can see the earth fairy."

"What still delays, let's go, if you are first arrived by other people on the ancient road, I am afraid there will be no share for us."


The sudden appearance of the passage made the people who were already irritated excited, and flew one by one to the passage. After all, they did not get anything on this ancient road. The mood was very bad. They all longed for Go to the Xianzang Center to see, the baby there is definitely extraordinary, if you can get some, it is not a trip.

In the blink of an eye, everyone entered the virtual channel. Jiang Chen and Dragon 13 looked at each other without delay. The three bodies disappeared and disappeared into the passage. After Ling Miao Ji’s previous dressing, the injury was already Completely restored, casual movements are the temperament and grace of the saint.

The virtual channel is very short, and it is almost ended in the blink of an eye. When Jiang Chen came out of the virtual channel, they saw a figure from different directions, and different ancient roads rushed out. For a time, There are at least a thousand people in this space of the Xianzang Center, and there are still people coming out.

Suddenly I saw so many people, all of them had a trace of horror on their faces. It is obvious that this situation is beyond their imagination. Many people hold the same idea, that is, they are the first to come in. Get some benefits and baby, now it seems that the wish is shattered.

However, the people present were not fools. I suddenly thought of the key. It is obvious that the passages at the end of the ancient road are open at the same time. Before they are opened, they are the same as Jiang Chen. There are already a lot of people waiting there, so the moment the channel opens, there are so many people directly appearing. This is the only explanation.

"It seems that many people have died on the ancient road."

Lan Lingji said.

Everyone saw this. When I first came in, there were nearly 3,000 people, and there were only a thousand people in front of me. Even if they came out in succession, they still didn’t go on the ancient road. At best, it is two thousand people. That is to say, at least one thousand people have lost their lives in the 81 ancient roads.

This is very cruel, but this is the golden killing field. The existence itself is sinister and cruel. The first step to stepping in here should be ready to die at any time. There is always a dead person, between people and evil spirits. The battle, the battle between humans and human beings, and the existence of various sinister dangers, is itself an ancient battlefield and a place of war.

Eighty-one. It is too normal to die thousands of people on the ancient road. There are more than a dozen deaths on the ancient road of Jiang Chen. Of course, they did not die in the hands of evil spirits. All died in the hands of Jiang Chen. The other ancient roads are also like this. Even if they do not encounter the embarrassing role of Jiang Chen, they will certainly encounter powerful evil spirits. After all, the powerful evil spirits on Jiang Chen’s ancient roads have been killed by Jiang Chen. If the dust does not kill, it is almost certain that hundreds of evil spirits will be scattered and not knowing how many people will die.

"Mother's, the old monk played a veteran, dead and died to play with us, all the channels opened at the same time, even if there is a land fairy, it is a battle."

"Yes, you see, Ye Peng has also come out, who can earn him, and the peerless geniuses of the great forces, the sacred women of the exquisite blessings, and the masters of the mid-season, there are We can't even get the root hair."

"That's not necessarily true. Even if we don't get the earth's milk, we can get some other treasures. We can't go back empty-handed."


Many people who are not strong enough are starting to feel disheartened. This is not the result they want. It is the situation they least want to see. Now there are so many people and there are many masters. They think it is difficult to get baby. It’s hard to add, but many people have a hot color in their eyes. Since they have already arrived here, they can’t go back empty-handed. Even if the competition is very stressful, they can’t easily give up.


Suddenly, there was a bell in front, an extremely old bell. As the bell rang, the whole world seemed to be quiet, and everything was silent. As the bell rang, a large movie appeared in front. Guanghua, golden brilliance, dazzling glory.

"This is an old bell, not a knock on now. It is the aftermath of the sound waves left over tens of thousands of years ago. It is an echo."

Long XIII said.

"I don't think I can imagine the tens of thousands of years of echoes."

Blue Ling Ji is endless.

"There is an old temple in front, and the earth's fairy milk is there."

I don't know who was screaming, everyone was excited, and they shouted excitedly and rushed to the ancient temple and fled for a half-step.

"The ancient temples that have been left in eternal years should be left by the ancient Buddhas. They should be the true inheritance. Nine drops of earthly milk should also be inside, let us pass."

Jiang Chen said that the three people flew in the direction of the ancient temple, where it was the center of Xianzang.

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