Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1608: Get your relic, help you super life [plus more]

At this moment, the monk has undergone great changes. The biggest change is of course his cultivation. This guy was only half a step before the emperor, although it is only a step away from the real emperor, but the half step is the emperor. Half-step Xianhuang, and the real Xianhuang still have a certain gap.

However, after refining the monk after the relic, the cultivation has already impacted the middle of the Emperor, and more importantly, the essence of the energy contained in the relic, he only refining less than one percent, and the rest are all him. Stored in the body, it can be absorbed at any time and anywhere.

The relics were originally the legacy of Buddhism and the inheritance. If such inheritance falls into the hands of ordinary people, it will definitely not be able to play its greatest role. At best, it is only a short-term improvement with relics, but relics. Falling into the hands of the monk is completely different. The Buddhist monk is deeply rooted and knows how to use the relics. It is unceremonious to say that only this one relic is enough for the monk to cultivate to the immortal.

This is simply an unimaginable benefit. It is unceremonious to say that this time, the genius of tens of thousands of geniuses, the best benefit, is now a monk, and it’s nothing to describe this guy. Over.

At this moment, the monk only saw that a powerful ancient Buddha was screaming at numerous geniuses, and the vain air was filled with pungent **** anger. Numerous geniuses were crying and yelling around, and it was obvious that they were fighting for survival. It is.

The monk was directly ignorant, and he did not know what happened, but he immediately saw Jiang Chen, and no matter what happened here, no matter how dangerous it was here, he could meet Jiang Chen here, which is a happy time. Things.

"Little dust."

The monk’s body swayed and came to Jiang Chen in the blink of an eye.


Seeing the monk, Jiang Chen is also unable to conceal his own joy. Before he played with the masters of the cumin, he knew that the monk came to the Golden Killing Field, so Jiang Chen was always looking for a monk, but he did not expect to encounter in this place. When Jiang Chen saw the monk’s current cultivation, his face was also instantly shocked. He remembered very clearly that the master said that the monk’s cultivation was only a half-step fairy, but this guy in front of him. It has already been promoted to the middle of the Emperor, and his mother’s progress is too fast. I don’t have to think about it and I know that the monk has benefited a lot.

"You and his mother's promotion to the emperor in the middle of the year, shameless."

Jiang Chen beat a fist on the chest of the monk. In such a hellish place, there is still a mood to make jokes. No one is there, but now Jiang Chen is not worried, because the monkey has a big heart, at least the ancient Buddha. Will not come to kill them now.

"Get some chances."

The monk smiled.


At this moment, a slap on the shoulder of the monk, the sound of the shot is called a ring, the monk mouth can not help but smashed, and then turned to glare at the dragon thirteen: "Who are you fucking, there is such a Say hello to the grandfather?"

The monk is not a good lord. There are really few people who can shoot his shoulders in this world. If you don’t see Jiang Chen and the other side standing together, the monk may be slap in the face.

After listening to the monk's words, Lan Lingji on the side almost didn't squirt a slobber. She thought that she would come to the stilts of a white dragon temple, but she didn't think that there was a sorghum in the monk, and it was really eye-catching.

"Monk, you don't even know the thirteen brothers."

The dragon thirteen was self-cooked, and a slap in the face of the monk’s shoulders was about to be photographed again, and was taken away by the monk.

"Go to your sister's thirteenth brother, who are you?"

The monk said impatiently, this does not blame him. When Jiang Chen got the strange stone from the first line of the ancient tomb, the strange stone was placed in the Zulong Tower, and later the monk fought side by side in the abyss of sin. The brothers were profound and profound. Kistler is watching it, so it is no stranger to the monk.

But the monk was the first to see the dragon thirteen. It is said that it is a monk. Even the rhubarb dog has not seen the dragon thirteen. The dragon thirteen has just been born one day.

"The monk, forgot to introduce to you, he is called Dragon Thirteen, remember the piece of stone I got in the tomb? He is the ancient war spirit from the strange stone, fighting the dragon."

Jiang Chen quickly introduced to him, for fear that the two guys would fight when they first met. This kind of occasion is not suitable for fighting.


Wen Yan, the monk’s eyes couldn’t help but blink, not only him, Blue Ling Ji was surprised again, looking at the dragon thirteen, fighting the dragon, this legendary Taikoo war spirit, actually appeared, Lan Lingji finally understands why the other party is so tyrannical. If it is not tyrannical, then it will not be called a war dragon.

"I used to see the name of the battle dragon in the ancient classics. It is the two bloods of the battle between the holy and the true dragon. It is one of the most powerful war spirits between heaven and earth. I didn't expect it." Really met."

The monk was shocked.

"Haha, so, call a thirteen brother, you still have no loss."

Dragon thirteen laughed.

Unexpectedly, the monk said after thinking about it carefully: "Well, I still call you a monkey."


The dragon thirteen smiles abruptly stopped, and then changed into Jiang Chen laughter, these two live treasures, if you add a big yellow dog in the future, it is really lively.

Ah, ah...

The screams of savage are still going on, the killing continues to spread, countless geniuses are dying, the ancient Buddha is completely stunned, and the murderousness of the body is becoming more and more intense. There is already a trace of black awns in the eyes. The original ancient buddha has one. Kind of signs to be demonized.

"Little dust, what is going on here?"

The monk asked.

"Is such that……"

Jiang Chen said everything that happened here to the monk. After the monk listened to it, his face became extremely condensed instantly. His eyes looked at the Buddha who was constantly shooting and smashing the geniuses, and the depths of his eyes appeared. A trace of sadness is very sad.

"I have to stop him."

The monk's tone is extremely firm.

"No, this ancient Buddha has lost his reason. Now he only knows how to kill. His anger has been completely stimulated. He can't stop it. You go up and die."

Long Thirteen quickly said.

"No, although the ancient Buddha is only a body, it has changed. Now the body is getting bigger and bigger. The more people kill, the more violent the atmosphere is. This breath is gradually being demonized. If it can't be stopped as soon as possible, the ancient Buddha will be completely demonized. In that case, the final outcome of the ancient Buddha will be completely destroyed, and tens of thousands of years of physical legacy will be lost."

The monk said.

"You can't save him, he is dead."

Blue Ling Jidao.

"Only I can stop him, because I got his relic, I have his inheritance. I am now a disciple of the ancient Buddha. I can't watch him go to extremes. This ancient temple remains. It’s been too long, but the pure Buddha source is still very deep. I got his relic. Now I want to help him to live. The ancient Buddha can work for many years and can be born again.”

The monk said, flying directly to the ancient Buddha.

This time, Jiang Chen and Long XIII did not stop. Jiang Chen knew the monk very well. The decision was difficult to change easily, and the monk got the relic of the ancient Buddha. He is a person who is serious and serious. Will not be willing to watch the ancient Buddha sinking.

"It is no wonder that his cultivation is so fast. It turned out to be the relic of the ancient Buddha."

Dragon thirteen could not help but praise.

"Yes, he is the most profound person I have ever seen."

Jiang Chen nodded, the monk is indeed the person who has seen the deepest Buddha's edge, can get the relics of the ancient Buddha, what a great creation, just by virtue of this, the future of the monk, there is no limit, he will become a Buddhist temple sooner or later The most dazzling star.

"Can he really block the ancient Buddha?"

Lan Lingji still can't believe it.

"If he can't stop it, no one in the world can stop it, then everyone here must be completely finished."

Jiang Chendao, he has great confidence in the monk.

The screams are still endless, the ancient Buddha is killing, the devil is getting stronger and stronger, and he is now a machine that only knows how to kill.


At this moment, a sound that came from the depths of nothingness suddenly remembered, and a figure appeared in front of the ancient Buddha. The ancient Buddha, which was completely silent in the killing, seemed to stop as if he had heard a call. His own body, his eyes looked at the little monk who suddenly appeared in front of himself.

At this moment, the monk is full of light, the light of the ancient Buddha's relics is released, and the light of the light of the light, he wants to help the ancient Buddha to the magic of the body, the current magic of the ancient Buddha is not yet Very strong, it can be completely eliminated by using the light of the degree.

"The ancient Buddha is on, the disciple is polite."

The monk gave a deep ritual to the ancient Buddha, and his rare solemnity, the Buddha's breath was released to the extreme.

The ancient Buddha suddenly stopped, his eyes showed a different brilliance, his eyes stared at the little monk in front of him, an unprecedented sense of intimacy, and then, the strong kill in the ancient Buddha body The meaning and violent atmosphere gradually subsided.

"Look, who is the monk, he seems to be able to stop the ancient Buddha."

"It seems to be the sorghum of the White Dragon Temple. God, the savior has finally appeared. He will not appear again. We will all be finished. The White Dragon Temple sorghum must have the means to restrain the ancient Buddha."

"It should be ok, you see no, the ancient Buddha did not take the initiative to kill him, and stopped there, it seems to have played a role, heaven bless, bless the sorghum of the White Dragon Temple can stop this killing."


The scene was quiet at once, and everyone’s eyes were on the ancient Buddha and the monk. This situation is a good sign for them, so that they can see hope again.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for their rewards, plus more. 】

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