Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1612: Unbearable [one more]

The iron rod is the symbol of the dragon thirteen. When the iron rod is out, it is destined to be unlucky. Even Jiang Chen can't see the material of the iron rod in the hand of the dragon thirteen. What kind of material is used to make it? The dragon thirteen is born together in the Kistler, and it is innate. Jiang Chen can be sure that this iron bar is extremely rare, and it is even more incomparable. It exudes the spirit of the ancient gods, and the power is endless. I don't know how much energy and weight it carries.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes fell on the sky and landed on the dragon thirteen. At the moment, the dragon thirteen, carrying iron bars, stood in the wind, the black hair danced with the wind, the domineering power of the sky, the endless hegemony. The yellow robe on the body screams, even if they are far apart, the horror energy that can be released from the body of the dragon thirteen.

"Well, this person is who, watching the momentum is not even weaker than Ye Peng, I don't know which is the enchanting genius of the big forces."

"I don't think this person is like a reckless generation. He dares to fight Ye Peng alone. It must have a certain ability. Maybe there is a real ability to counter Ye Peng."

"It's hard to say, Ye Peng is not an ordinary person. He is the supreme master of the late Emperor. It is beyond the level of the man, and he is the genius of Xianting. He is talented and more talented than the average genius. There is a lot of tyranny, not to mention the means of the body. It is difficult to find an opponent at the same level, not to mention that it is lower than him."

"Grandma's, Lao Tzu sees Ye Peng is not pleasing to the eye. This kind of ungrateful thing is simply shameless. People save his life. He has to go back and kill others and rob others."

"Yes, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have died so many people before. My companions died in the space of Xianzang and were crushed by the ancient Buddha. I really hope that this dragon thirteen can kill the leaves. Peng."


Many people are talking about the powerful momentum released by Dragon XIII, which makes people think that he can still fight Ye Peng, but people also know that it is not a simple matter to kill Ye Peng. After all, there is a huge gap between the two sides, and this gap is irreversible.

For the powerful momentum released by Dragon XIII, Ye Peng also expressed some surprise, but it was only a surprise. He did not put Long XIII in his eyes at the beginning. Now it is the same. As an immortal genius of Xianting, he The identity gave him confidence beyond the ordinary people. He believes that as long as he is willing to kill the dragon thirteen, it is just a matter of fingering, and it is completely effortless.

"Boy, you didn't give me face in the old temple before, I swear I must kill you. Since you don't know how to stand up and live, then I will complete you, wait for you to kill, then kill the monk. When the earth's fairy milk is still mine, the air transport on your body will be owned by me."

Ye Peng was extremely arrogant. He didn't want to waste his time. He shot his hands. He printed his hands and infinite energy was released. He formed a substantial mountain and smashed toward the Dragon. This is a powerful fairy skill. It is an extremely terrifying means of attack. It seems that Ye Peng is going to kill the Dragon 13 with one blow.

"go to hell."

Ye Peng screamed, the huge energy mountain completely locked the dragon thirteen, and smashed toward the dragon thirteen. This lock almost locked all the air of the opponent's body. In this case, the opponent could not escape. Only able to confront each other.

Ye Peng's attack power is too strong. After all, it is the peerless genius of the late Emperor. At the moment of his shot, everyone's eyes are wide, and Lan Lingji's face is full of worry. Dragon XIII saved her. On several occasions, she naturally did not want the Dragon 13 to suffer the slightest damage.

In the field, the dragon thirteen face relaxed, the powerful force oppressed, can not affect him, but can not let him have a little bit of movement.

Just as Ye Peng’s energy mountain was about to come to the Dragon 13, the Dragon 13 moved. He lifted his iron bar in a hurry and smashed the energy hand.


The violent energy attack directly spread hundreds of miles, and the surrounding barren hills were shattered. Ye Peng’s energy hand that was enough to crush everything seemed to be vulnerable in the face of Dragon 13 and was crushed by a stick.


The violent energy aftermath, Long XIII received an extremely strong anti-shock force, his face immediately changed, he could not control his body, has been back a dozen steps to force to stabilize.


Ye Peng exclaimed, and couldn't believe the reality in front of him. He lost his own ability to a child who was not as good as himself. This is absolutely unbearable.

"Hey! Eat your monkey."

Long XIII began a counterattack. He stepped forward and the void was trampled out of a big hole. He came to Ye Peng’s sky in the blink of an eye. The iron bar in his hand was like a giant Tianzhu, sprinkling hundreds of millions of golden brilliance and forming a big one. Net, directly to the dragon thirteen to cover.


The iron rod is invincible, with the sound of breaking the wind, with an unparalleled momentum against Ye Peng's head.

This blow carries all the power of the Dragon Thirteen. It is the horror of the Taikoo war spirit. It is too powerful. Everyone’s face has changed. No one can imagine how powerful this attack is. How powerful energy.

Ye Peng's face changed dramatically. He himself has not reacted from the shock. The second strong attack of Dragon Thirteen has arrived, and he feels a strong sense of crisis from this hit.

However, Ye Peng's reaction was also extremely fast. A sword appeared in the hands of lightning, and the iron rod against the dragon thirteen hit the past.


Unfortunately, Ye Peng’s sword could not stop the strength of the iron rod, and was directly bombed by the dragon’s iron rod. It was like Wang Yang’s power pressing on Ye Peng’s body, and Ye Peng’s whole person flew. Go out.


Ye Peng was squatting on the ground, his body trembled, his mouth vomiting blood, and the blood was mixed with visceral debris. It was obvious how much he had been hit by the blow, that is, he Ye Peng, repaired to reach the late Emperor If you change to the average person, just a good one, it is directly into a meat sauce.


The dragon thirteen is like a shadow, condescending, standing in front of Ye Peng, the iron bar is against Ye Peng's head, and the light is shining.

"Oh my God."

Lan Lingji’s beautiful face was shocked, and the beauty was constantly flashing. She had never been so shocked. When Dragon 13 killed the black wolf, he knew that Dragon 13 was very powerful, but there was no such thing. I thought that it was so powerful that the powerful Ye Peng, the genius of Xian Ting, was not his enemy.

[Ten more outbreaks, starting in the early morning, each more than two thousand words, everyone forgive me, because the old Su did not save the manuscript, ten can not afford to eat, thank you for your support, and replaced the three thousand words with seven chapters. 】

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