Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1615: Overall improvement [four more]

The silent valley constantly evokes the blasting of energy. Jiang Chen and Lan Ling Ji are all refining and refining the earth's fairy milk. It seems that it will take a long time to completely refine the earth's fairy milk. The movement here is not small. But there are dragon thirteen and the guardian of the monk, that is the absolute safety. The dragon thirteen is the ancient inheritance of the ancient warriors, fighting the dragons and dragons. Although it is the middle of the emperor, the real combat power is almost half Step fairy respect.ん

Two hours later, Jiang Chen took the lead in completing the refining of the earth's fairy milk and stood up from the ground. His entire popularity was much stronger than before. As he had expected, this drop of earth's milk, The number of dragons has reached 1.24 million, which has helped him to gather 40,000 dragons, and Jiang Chen’s benefits from the earth's fairy are definitely not just the 40,000 dragons. In addition to the rich energy, the earth fairy milk is also beneficial to the enhancement of the foundation. In other words, Jiang Chen refines a drop of earth fairy milk, and under the circumstances of rapid development, it will not affect his foundation. It is the most important thing. Jiang Chen cultivates and refines the dragon. The progress is too fast. The most feared and worried is the influence of the foundation.

"The metamorphosis is metamorphosis, and a drop of the earth's fairy milk is completely refining so quickly."

The dragon is thirteen, and can't help but marvel at Jiang Chen. Lan Ling Ji is the master of the immortal mid-president. Nowadays, the earth's fairy milk has only been refining half. Jiang Chen is only in the late stage of Xianwang, so completely refining it so soon. This is the gap between genius and enchantment.

On the other hand, Lan Lingji, who is working hard to refine the earth's fairy milk, also noticed what was born outside. My heart was shocked to the extreme. As Long XIII said, this degree of refining is too abnormal, and I am very exquisite. The sacred woman of Fudi, the teacher gave him to the secretary, and the repair was still based on the middle of the Emperor. Under such circumstances, Jiang Chen still doubled himself.

If this is not what I saw, Lan Lingji will never believe it, but now the facts are in front of me, and she can't let her not believe it.

"Little dust, how do you feel?"

The monk asked.


Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders. He is now steadily at the peak of the late King of the Kings, and his combat power has improved a lot, enough to deal with everything in this golden murder.

Not long after, Lan Lingji also successfully refining the earth's fairy milk, an extremely sturdy breath from her body, spread for dozens of miles, Lan Lingji successfully broke through the late Emperor, this situation Jiang Chen they are I don't think there is any accident. The cultivation of Lan Lingji itself has reached the peak of the Emperor's mid-term, and the talents are different. Together with the magical effect of the earth's fairy milk, it is normal to go directly to the late Emperor. If the blue Ling Ji can't be promoted to the late Emperor, but it is not normal.

Soon, Lan Lingji put away a strong momentum, slowly standing up from the ground, her blue clothes, holy and light, like a fairy, glamorous can not be square.

“Congratulations to Ling Ji’s sister for promotion to the late Emperor.”

Dragon thirteen smiled.

Lan Lingji smiled and just wanted to talk, and suddenly his face changed.

"what happened?"

Long XIII appeared the anomaly of Lan Lingji and asked.

"The people who are exquisite and blessed seem to be in danger. I will rush to save them immediately."

There is a magical character in the hand of Lan Lingji. This is a rare kind of message, even if it is used in this golden slaying field. It is used to convey information. The disciples of the exquisite blessing can let the blue spirit pass this letter. Ji feels their danger.

"If it is not very dangerous, they will not use the charm to send me a letter."

Blue Ling Jidao.

"Monkey, you go to the blue girl to save people."

Jiang Chen said that the golden killings are all crises everywhere. Under the circumstances of the crisis of the disciples who are not sure about the exquisite and blessed land, Lan Lingji may go to danger. If Long XIII follows, Then it is foolproof, and Jiang Chen is also creating opportunities for Dragon XIII. The saints who want to soak in others will sooner or later contact the people of Linglong Fudi. Now Lan Lingji has owed the thirteen people, if exquisite Other people in the blessed land also owe the love of the dragon thirteen. After the dragon thirteenth, even if they reach the exquisite land, they can walk confidently.

"What about you?"

The monkey looked at Jiang Chen and the monk.

"Let's go to Dahuang and Ningjie. Let's take a break. If it doesn't take long, I will meet again. I have an instinct. This time, the gold squad is opened, and the secret of the golden family is likely to be opened. By then, the whole gold will be opened. Killing everyone will be drawn to the past."

Jiang Chen said that he is proficient in large-scale mechanics, and he can perceive something in the midst of it. As a base for the gold family, the gold killing field has existed for a long time. It has been opened many times here, and no one is now a gold family. Secret, but this time, Jiang Chen has a sense through the big heavenly machine, and the secret of the golden family is likely to surface.

"Okay, then let's decide this first."

Dragon thirteen.

There are dragons and thirteen following themselves, and Lan Lingji is more practical. I don’t know that she has a sense of dependence on the dragon thirteen.

The dragon thirteen disappeared with the blue Ling Ji, and went to the place where the disciples of Linglong Fudi had a crisis.

"Little dust, where are we going now?"

The monk asked.

"To go to the center of the Golden Killing Field, Rhubarb is good at treasure hunt, and will definitely be interested in the holy land of the Golden family. If I guess it is correct, Rhubarb and Ningjie are likely to go to the center, and with the opening of the Golden Killing Field The longer you go, the more people will go to the Golden Killing Center, which will soon become a real lively place."

Jiang Chen said that his big heavenly technique has not been able to ascend to the third floor, but in the midst of it, it is possible to speculate and sense something. The holy land of the golden family is likely to really appear. By then, the entire gold killing field will be Will fall into turmoil and chaos.

Jiang Chen and the tyrants also left here and flew toward the center of the Golden Killing Area. Although Jiang Chen has now improved a lot, he still can't care about it in this ancient battlefield. All the geniuses are coming in. Especially the strong figures in Xianting are all people with air transport. Jiang Chen is in the realm of improvement. Those people may not be idle. As the remains of Xianzang are constantly being opened, the baby is also appearing more and more. Jiang Chen even suspected that there is already a half-step genius talent in this ancient battlefield. Such a master is truly terrifying. If Jiang Chen encounters it, it is definitely not an opponent, and Jiang Chen believes that no Less talent will be promoted, just like a monk, like Lan Lingji, the gold killing field is too big, as they have such great benefits to improve, I am afraid it is definitely not in a minority, in other words, this time coming in the gold killing field Genius, a lot of death, but the overall quality is constantly improving, can not be measured by the previous realm.

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