Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1618: Strong strike [seven]

Whether it is the Great Cloud Empire, or the corpse Yinzong or the Shenxing Gate, the main goal is Jiang Chen. They are bent on removing the genius of Jiang Chen, and for exempting a big problem in the future, but they can’t find Jiang Chen at all. What place, so it was used by people, came to besiege Yang Bufan, want to use Yang Bufan to attract Jiang Chen, and then kill Jiang Chen.

It is no secret that Yang Bufan is closely related to Jiang Chen. In their view, Yang Bufan must have a means to communicate with Jiang Chen. Today, Yang Bufan has been seriously injured if they do not want to use Yang Bufan to attract Jiang Chen. I am afraid I will kill Yang Bufan just now, and I will not leave Yang Bufan to the present.

Wen Yan said that Yang Bufan’s mouth overflowed with a sneer. He looked around in a cold circle and looked at the people who surrounded him. Then he said, "You idiots, Jiang Chen is not lucky, if he comes, then Is your last day, do you think you can really kill Jiang Chen? With Jiang Chen as an enemy, you are really stupid to the extreme."

Yang Bufan’s self-confidence against Jiang Chen has surpassed himself. This group of people wants to kill Jiang Chen. The final outcome is destined to die in Jiang Chen’s hands. This is beyond doubt. These people still want to use themselves. The attraction will come out, but unfortunately he did not leave a spiritual connection when he was separated from Jiang Chen. Otherwise, he did not need to be coerced by these people. Yang Bufan had already sent a letter to Jiang Chen.

"Hey! Yang Bufan, you are too much to take Jiang Chen seriously. He is only relying on the help of the evil spirits in the middle of the emperor. Otherwise, I killed him the last time, and the seven emperors did not." Will die, I swear I will never let Jiang Chen live away from the gold killing field."

The cloud wing snorted, and in his heart he simply looked down on Jiang Chen. In his opinion, Jiang Chen was only relying on a evil spirit to help him. When he thought that the seven princes were killed, Yunyi couldn’t help but bite his teeth if he was early. Knowing the existence of evil spirits, you can completely leave with the seven emperors. It is because Jiang Chen is too sinister and deceitful to hide the evil spirits, which makes the seven emperors die in the hands of Jiang Chen, which makes Yunyi always succumb to Huai, I can’t wait to shred Jiang Chen.

"Haha, Yun Changyu is dead, only blame him for being incompetent. You have to kill and kill, Jiang Chen will not appear."

Yang Bufan laughed, and Yun Chang’s and Prince’s death had already been heard. It was caused by Jiang Chen’s hand, and Jiang Chen’s Yun Chang’s murder was the flag of the prince’s revenge. Established a great achievement, such a perfect means, I am afraid that only Jiang Chen can make it.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him directly, kill him after killing Jiang Chen, and those who killed my gods before, you also have a share."

Ling Duo said coldly, Yang Bufan was in the siege incident. Since Jiang Chen could not be brought out, it is not necessary to delay the time and directly kill Yang Bufan. As for Jiang Chen, some are opportunities.

"Yang Bufan, who is the king of the Dagan Empire, don't know what other words you have now?"

The corpse Yinzong Cao Yu asked.

"If you want to kill, you will kill so many nonsense."

Yang Bufan’s cold face is faint, and today he is only here to explain that he is not good at gas, blaming others, being the Lord of sin, when he is afraid of death, since the moment when he alone entered the abyss of sin, He has already set aside life and death.

"Good, hard, but unfortunately you still can't escape."

Cao Yu said, the body exudes a cold and cold intention, ready to shoot Yang Bufan.


At this moment, a loud drink rang from the far air, and countless eyes looked at the past, and they saw two figures coming out of the void. These two people were unparalleled and murderous, and they came to the battlefield in the blink of an eye. .

These two people are naturally the monks and Jiang Chen who heard the news. As for Dong Fei, they are now recuperating in the Zulong Tower. There will definitely be a big fight in a while, Dong Fei is not suitable.

Seeing people coming, Yang Bufan’s already desperate face instantly showed a sense of excitement. He knew that Jiang Chen appeared and he saved himself. It was a potential trust. In this world, there is no Jiang Chen. He has created a lot of miracles, and he is no stranger to him. He was fighting side by side in the abyss of sin. What surprised him was the cultivation of the monk, the first day of the line, the monk’s cultivation, It has grown to such a terrible degree that it is a enchanting Buddha.

"Jiang Chen."

Yunyi and Lingdu saw that Jiang Chen appeared at this time, and immediately became gnashing his teeth. In his eyes, he was about to spurt out the flames. He looked at them and couldn’t wait to rush to shred Jiang Chen.

"The original is the Jiang Chen they have been looking for."

"It is only the cultivation of the late Xian Wang. This is too frivolous. Such people have let them pay attention to this level. Is this Jiang Chen a peerless enchanting?"

"I thought that the dust of Jiang Chen was so horrible that even the realm of the Emperor was not there. The monk was quite powerful. It seems to be the mid-term cultivation of the Emperor, but what is the difference between them and the death? ""


Numerous eyes have fallen on Jiang Chen's body. When I noticed that Jiang Chen's cultivation was only a fairy king, it was a disappointing look. I heard the importance of Jiang Chen from their tone. Originally thought that this Jiang Chen is a magical and powerful figure, I did not expect it to be a little fairy king.

Cao Yu saw Jiang Chen for the first time, and the cold scorpion fell on Jiang Chen. It seems that Jiang Chen should be seen directly.

Jiang Chen ignored many eyes and stepped into the center of the battlefield and came to Yang Bufan.

"It's okay."

Jiang Chen asked, seeing that Yang Bufan was still intact, and he felt a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not too late for him. If he rushed here to see only Yang Bufan’s body, Jiang Chen might not be directly Go crazy.

"Nothing serious, Jiang Chen, monk, you are careful, that Cao Yu is very powerful, and there is probably a body of the same level."

Yang Bufan reminded that he knew that the next battle had nothing to do with himself.

"No problem, I am the nemesis of the corpse Yinzong."

Jiang Chen mouth overflows with sneer, if it is the late master of other emperors, Jiang Chen may not be an opponent, but Jiang Chen’s person, Jiang Chen does not care at all, his means can restrain the corpse Yinzong people. The deadly genius, like Cao Yu’s genius, in front of Jiang Chen, at most, he can only play the fighting power of the late emperor’s late monk. Jiang Chen is now at the peak of the emperor’s late stage. It is not difficult to kill Cao Yu. .

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