Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1625: Yan Yulong

Ten miles away from the ancient city, the dragon thirteen slammed the two on the ground. The two were only half-steps of the emperor's cultivation, and the gap with the dragon thirteen was too great. The man was scared, and the two looked at each other and then stood up and trembled.

The eyes of the two first saw Lan Lingji. Even at the moment of this crisis, the two were still shocked by the experience of Lan Lingji. For a time, their eyes could not be moved on the body of Lan Lingji.

"Look again, dig your eyes out."

Lan Ling Ji said coldly, that kind of eyes made her extremely annoying. If she didn't want to know the situation in the ancient city from the two populations, just the one eye, Lan Lingji directly killed them.

The two men shuddered and quickly regained their gaze and turned to look at the dragon thirteen. They did not dare to look at the dragon thirteen. The two were very clear. They were just the young people in the yellow robe who were caught by them. Under the control of them, they have no chance to move together, and there is a gap between them that cannot be crossed.

"She is the sacred blue spirit of your mouth."

Long XIII said with a smile, the conversation between the two before, he heard all the words, even if the two did not say, he guessed the situation in the ancient city.

"What? She is Lan Lingji."

At the same time, the two people exclaimed, and their eyes couldn’t help but look at Lan Lingji again. This time they were all shocked, but they couldn’t help but marvel at it. The blue Ling Ji in front of him was even more beautiful than the legendary. The name of the blessed Virgin is not blown out.

"I am asking you questions now. If you dare to say a few words in the answer, I will kill you."

Lan Lingji cold and cold: "Who are you?"

"The sacred sacred woman, we are the people of the sacred field of the North Xuan domain."

One person replied.

"He Huan Zong? Is that the disgusting force that specializes in the work of the male thief?"

When I heard the words of He Huan Zong, the face of Lan Lingji immediately showed a strong disgust. The Huanhuan was notorious. Even in the East Xuan domain, Lan Lingji still heard that everyone in this power is kinky. Thieves, they practice the technique of acacia, and they must cooperate with women to improve their cultivation. If this is the case, it will not be annoying. After all, those things between men and women are normal, but the people of this school are specialized. Some male thieves and nieces, many disciples looking for women in the virgin body to force each other, mentioning the joy of the sect, most of them are disdain and disgusting, this sect is more annoying than the corpse Yinzong.

Since the other party is a person of Hehuan Zong, then the people who are exquisite and blessed are arrested here. Lan Lingji does not feel strange. The eleventh forces of Dong Xuan Yu, the disciples of Linglong Fudi and Huaxian Valley are all women, and each It is a beautiful thing to be beautiful, and it is a normal thing to be remembered by the Acacia.

"Tell all the conditions in the ancient city, the more detailed the better, whoever says no detail, immediately die."

Lan Lingji’s momentum was shocked, and the pressure of the Emperor’s late stage spread out. The faces of the two were furious. Under such oppression, there was still a little bit of scorn and concealment.

"The virgins are angry, we all say that this time the gold squadron opened, and we have a lot of people in the Hehuan ancestors. The disciples of Hehuan ancestors have long been coveted by the disciples of Linglongfu and Huaxian, but they have no chance to contact. Therefore, this time the gold killing field is a great opportunity for us."

"So Yan Shixiong decided to take a shot for you. After we came in, we didn't hurry to find any treasure. Yan Shixiong found this hidden ancient city, and then arrested your disciples who were exquisitely blessed and Huaxian Valley. Now, the city has already caught More than 20 people have been arrested, including the saints of Huaxian Valley, and the saints..."

The man looked at the expression of Lan Lingji, and he stopped talking.

"go on."

Blue Ling Ji is cold and cold.

"The saint you are a must-have for Yan Shi, so if you want to save people in the city, there must be no return. Although the power of the saint is strong, it is definitely not the opponent of Yan."

The disciple trembled and said that he was afraid that Lan Lingji would directly kill them. The people of Hehuan Zong left in this world to enjoy the happiness of the family, so they were most afraid of death.

"What is the name of your brother Yan? What is it? How many people have you in the ancient city? What are you doing?"

Lan Lingji continued to ask, the heart has already sentenced the so-called Yan Shixiong to death, and even sentenced all the people in the ancient city to the death penalty.

"Yan Shixiong's name is Yan Yulong, and the emperor's later period is repaired. In the city, there are about 50 people in our family, two in the late emperor, two in the middle of the emperor, and the rest are the first and the half. Emperor."

The man honestly said that he did not dare to hide.

After that, the man quietly glanced at the expressions of Dragon Thirteen and Lan Lingji. The two men looked indifferent. It seemed that they did not take the power like He Huan Zong seriously. The disciple was somewhat surprised. It seems that when you hear such a squad, the other party should be extremely shocked and even fearful.

In fact, if it is a blue Ling Ji, it will definitely be extremely worried, but Long XIII is by his side, so that Lan Lingji has enough security. He has seen the strength of Long XIII. Not his opponent, Ye Peng of Xianting was killed.

"So many people, it seems that most of your Acacias are here, very good, just a pot."

Dragon Thirteen said very easily, directly destroying a force, it is a very enjoyable thing.

"As far as I know, although He Huan Zong is a big force in the North Xuan domain, but the strength will not be so tyrannical, how can you have so many talented masters?"

Lan Lingji asked some curious questions. Although Hehuan Zong is a big force in the North Xuan domain, the overall combat power should be similar to the eleven major forces in the East Xuan domain. For example, the big forces like the Dagan Empire came in the golden killing field. At that time, there was no master in the late Emperor of the Emperor. Only Yang Lang and Shan Chong were in the middle of the two emperors. Hehuan had two masters in the middle of the Emperor, and there were two masters of the late Emperor. This is somewhat outrageous.

"Because we got some benefits in this ancient city, the overall strength has been improved. Originally, only Yan Xiong, a master of the late Emperor, is now a master of the Emperor's late peaks. The means are very powerful. The master of the level is not his opponent. If you go in, it will die."

Another person said.

"It's a pity that a treasure."

I heard that the other party was actually because the treasures were found in the ancient city. The tone of the dragon thirteen could not help but be depressed. These treasures are really a pity, and the treasures have been absorbed by the Huanhuan. Now, even if you rush in, I am afraid that even the root hairs will not be able to grab.

"Thirteen brothers, what do we do now?"

Lan Lingji looks at the dragon thirteen. Now everything is clear. The next thing to do is to save people. People must be saved. This is the main purpose of their coming. Several people were detained here, and there were people in Huaxian Valley. Huaxian Valley and Lingling Fudi had always been handed over, and naturally they could not see death.

"It’s easy, today’s Hehuan Zong has come across me, and that’s their last days. Let’s take a pot of the Huan’s ancestors, kill them all, and leave one.”

Dragon Thirteen has a relaxed tone and does not put He Huan Zong in his eyes. This is not a doubt for Lan Lingji, because Long XIII has such a skill, but she is now worried about her own safety.

"I am worried that if we take the shot directly, the other party will take our people as a threat."

Blue Ling Ji Emei.

Dragon Thirteen also nodded. This is indeed a question worth considering. After all, the other side has two mid-elementary emperors. In the late period of the two emperors, the key moments are broken, and it is possible to kill all the people in Linglongfu and Huaxian Valley. In that case, the loss will be great.

Long XIII looked at the two people and asked: "Where is the place where the people of Linglong Futian and Huaxian Valley are being held?"

"I was detained in the dungeon at the very center of the ancient city."

The acacia disciple said, I dare not hide.

"Two high-ranking people, we all said that we can, can we leave?"

A disciple said with a low eyebrow.


Dragon Thirteen looks at each other with a look of ignorance. What is this **** thinking? This time is still going.


The dragon thirteen suddenly reached out and took them on the forehead of the two. The heads of the two men shattered and died on the spot.

"When are you still wanting to go, one day, one day, the monkeys will commit suicide to the North Xuan domain and uproot the Acacia."

The thirteen corners of the dragon overflowed with a sneer, and he was a powerful fighting dragon. Like the big yellow dog, he was also a character who was also evil. He was insulted and killed in his eyes. Ordinary things.

"Thirteen brothers, let's take the shot first, so as not to delay the time and change."

Lan Lingji looked at Long XIII. She now has a sense of dependence on Long XIII. The actress who has acted decisively and decisively has followed the Dragon 13 and everything is based on the dragon and thirteen horses.

"Sister Ling Ji, we are now acting separately. After a while, I directly broke into the ancient city and opened the killing ring. I attracted the Yan Yulong and another master of the late Emperor, and you sneaked into the dungeon to save people."

Long XIII said that this is the best way to locate the position. After all, the ancient city is now heavily guarded. The Dragon 13 is positively attracted to the enemy. Lan Lingji can find a way to sneak into the dungeon, as long as the dungeon is guarded. Master, with the ability of Lan Lingji, is enough to solve everything, saving people is not a problem.

"Okay, that's it, you are careful."

Lan Lingji nodded and felt that the scheme of Dragon Thirteen was feasible.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for their rewards, there will be one more for a while. 】

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