Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1632: Strong north and south dynasty [three more]

The Southern and Northern Dynasties almost did not discourage everyone's nose. The first thing the Dahuang dog did not do. When he was so humiliated, he immediately turned his back on it: "The Northern and Southern Dynasties, can your mother's mother take up your high? Hanging up, watching the dog's heart is irritating, come up to kill, do not look at whether you have the ability."

"Hey! A dog dares to speak in front of this son and look for death."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties snorted and said nothing. Immediately, a big hand was found and the big yellow dog was photographed. This is the consistent style of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It is strong to the extreme. In his eyes, he is the emperor and the heaven and earth. It is a noble and noble existence. Except for oneself, all others are ants. Anyone who dares to disrespect himself, he must kill.

"The fairy board, the dog is still afraid that you can't."

The rhubarb dog is also a temper tantrum. It was killed by the Southern and Northern Dynasties as a cockroach. The big yellow dog was able to withstand it. His body swayed, and the already extremely majestic body once again grew a circle, and the top of the head was golden, outside the body. There are dragon scales floating.

Subsequently, the rhubarb dog turned into a golden light, and the palm of the hand that evolved toward the north and south dynasty collided with the past.


The void was directly knocked out of a large hole. The attack from the North and South Dynasties was smashed by the big yellow dog, but the big yellow dog was not much better. The huge body was shocked back and only felt dizzy for a while.

"The immortal slate, this **** is really amazing."

The rhubarb dog is awkward. I don’t know that his performance has brought great shock. Many people have grown up with amazement. Even the Southern and Northern Dynasties themselves can’t help but be surprised.

"It seems that there is still something to do, the dog's head is very hard, then I will break your dog's head."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties said that once again, the palm of the hand attacked the big yellow dog, and the destructive power was twice as great as it was just now. It is really horrible.

"This bastard, unfortunately, I can't play all the power of the dog, otherwise it is not a problem to defeat you."

The rhubarb dog's gnashing teeth, thinking of his current situation, the heart suddenly incomprehensible.


At this moment, an iron rod rushed out from the side, hitting the palm of the hand that had evolved from the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The huge hand slammed directly and broke. The person who shot was the Dragon 13 and they were Jiang Chen. The current camp, which can compete with the North and South, is probably only the Dragon XIII.

"Look, it’s playing there, it looks so good."

"That was the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It was very horrible. When I was at the Broken Blade, I killed a lot of geniuses. Even the ruthlessness almost died in his hands. I didn't expect him to be promoted to the midst of the Emperor, and the fighting power was even more terrifying, and Who is he fighting against? The same period of cultivation of the Emperor of the Emperor, can actually confront the North and South, and not fall."

"There must be some grievances, otherwise the Northern and Southern Dynasties will not be able to shoot at the critical moments of the Great Relics."

The powerful battle volatility suddenly attracted a lot of people, and all the eyes were looking at it. Anyway, it still takes a certain amount of time to open the ruins of the Great Emperor. It is good to watch some lively at this time, just to see the true genius. means.

Murderous, the North and South Dynasty shots are not welcome.

"Jiang Chen, the dead monkey, you two immediately squat in front of the son, this son will consider giving you a happy."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties said that the degree of arrogance is really unprecedented. Afterwards, Yang Bufan and Lan Lingji are all mad at the blood, and it is the first time that they have seen such a arrogant person.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties, you don't have to be arrogant. I will kill you sooner or later. I can kill your avatar and kill your deity."

Jiang Chen looked at the Northern and Southern Dynasties and said with enthusiasm. The powerful power of the North and South Dynasties did not have any impact on Jiang Chen. In the face of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Jiang Chen’s momentum was never weak.

"There is nothing to be arrogant. Do you think that you can come to the midst of the Emperor to ask for our life? It’s funny."

The dragon thirteen laughed and screamed.

"It’s a monkey, and the bills of the tricks are just a good calculation."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties are arrogant, and they don’t say anything. It’s a punch against the Dragon XIII. Whether it’s Jiang Chen or Long XIII, it’s a must for the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Jiang Chen is his old enemy. Needless to say, Long XIII Once he destroyed his eyes of the gods, he also caused great harm to him, and he lost a chance to kill Jiang Chen. This made the North and South dynasty’s heart gnash at the thirteenth, and wished to go up immediately. The monkey gave it away.


The moment of the void was smashed, and the wisdom of the Southern and Northern Dynasties was really terrifying, and it blocked everything. In the blink of an eye, it came to the thirteenth.

"It’s good."

The dragon thirteen scorpion flashed glory, and the iron rod in his hand became a dozen tens of feet. The wisdom of the Southern and Northern Dynasties was rounded up.

The horrible waves are rolling up. If it is not for the two to open up a new battlefield, just this blow, I don’t know how many people will suffer.

The Wisdom King Boxing was destroyed by the iron rod, but the Dragon 13 was also shaken by the hind legs for two steps. The iron rod in the hand made a humming sound, and it trembled fiercely. It was visible that this collision with the Southern and Northern Dynasties was against the Dragon Thirteen. The earthquake is not small.

"Monkey, you are not my opponent at all. The powerful means of this son has not been fully displayed. You are going back and forth to be an iron rod. I want to kill you, it is easy."

The unusual strength of the North and South Dynasties, after a stroke to gain the upper hand, added a strong confidence to themselves.

"is it?"

The face of Long XIII suddenly became extremely serious. His arm swayed and he received the iron rod straight. His hands were printed, and a strong tyrannical atmosphere suddenly emerged. The face of the Northern and Southern Dynasties suddenly became dignified. He knows that this monkey is definitely not just as simple as an iron rod.

"This monkey is really amazing. It seems that it is necessary to cast a powerful ancient warfare. It must be extremely horrible. Maybe it can really compete with the North and South."

The rhubarb dog said that before he did not shoot, he did not expect that Dragon Thirteen would have slammed to this extent.

"Really, I was the first time I saw him showing his tactics."

Jiang Chen is also full of curiosity. Before the dragon thirteen battles, it was just an iron rod. Now it seems that the real horror of the dragon thirteen has not been displayed. Even Jiang Chen is the first time to see the dragon. Thirteen shows a powerful secret technique, which makes Jiang Chen full of curiosity.


Suddenly, the sky shook again, and a crack in the space appeared. The Great Relics were undergoing tremendous changes. The Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Dragons and Thirteen, who were prepared to fight fiercely, could not help but look at the past.

"The relics of the Great Emperor are to be opened. The dead monkey, this son will spare you a life. When I get the relics of this great emperor, I will kill you. You and Jiang Chen, one can't escape, all of you will die. One does not stay."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties retracted their offensives and said that in his view, Jiang Chen and Long XIII’s life was their own in the morning and evening. Now that the remains of the Great Emperor have changed, he has to preserve his strength to cope with the ruins of the Great. The reason for this change is that he wants to get all the treasures in the remains of the great emperor, so he decided not to entangle with the dragon thirteen. When he got the relics of the great emperor, it would be easy to kill them.

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