Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1648: Abusing the North and South

"The disappearance, the ancient temple and the Xiaoyao piano disappeared, and the dance bamboo was gone. What happened?"

"I don't understand yet? Xiaoyao Qindi has found the inheritor. Wujingzhu now wants to enter the ancient temple to inherit the Taoist Emperor's Tao. The horror can't come out in a short time, but I can imagine that when she comes out again, the fairy world There is another wonderful and fascinating enchanting world."

"Yes, Wu Ningzhu has soared from the sky, not only has the inheritance of Xiaoyao Qindi, but also the Jinwu body, such a character, destined to be ordinary."


The ancient temple and the Xiaoyao and the dancing bamboo disappeared at the same time, and it undoubtedly set off a wave of ripples. After all, this situation was not thought of by everyone. People thought that after dancing the bamboo to get the Xiaoyao, they would immediately show their power. The golden line of killing the land, but did not expect to disappear with the ancient temple.

Jiang Chen’s eyes stared at the place where the dancing bamboo disappeared. Although he knew that there would be no danger in dancing bamboo, he would go to get a big fortune, but he just watched the dancing bamboo and left himself. In the heart of the dust, there is still some loss, because he does not know how long the dance will disappear, perhaps for a year and a half, perhaps like the morning rain, I don’t know when it will appear next to me.

"Little dust, don't worry, condensed sister is fine."

Han Yan took a picture of Jiang Chen’s shoulder and comforted him. He can understand Jiang Chen’s current mood, which is definitely very complicated.

"The inheritance of Xiaoyao Qindi is not so easy to digest. Others don't say that one hand is free to divine music, it is enough for the sister to digest. We should be happy for the sister. After all, she has obtained her own creation, and her future achievements cannot be achieved. Limited, even if it becomes a great emperor in the future, it is not impossible to reach the height of the Qindi Emperor."

The rhubarb dog said that although there is a component of comforting Jiang Chen, the rhubarb dog itself is telling the fact that the dance bamboo is reborn today. The road ahead is the road to higher. What kind of height can be reached in the future? Unthinkable, this is beyond doubt.

"I know, you don't have to comfort me, my Jiang Chen is not so vulnerable."

Jiang Chen smiled and saw that the dance bamboo disappeared. He was only a little sad and lost, but he did not need to be comforted. After all, he was very well aware of the situation of dancing bamboo.

At this moment, the number of dragons in Jiang Chen has condensed out 50,000, reaching 1.29 million. The repair is also a half-step of the Emperor's Peak, even if it is only a step away from the real Emperor, promoted to Half a step of the Emperor's peak level of Jiang Chen, before the combat power, do not know how much tyrannical, if he is now in the state of the dragon and the five masters of the late Emperor, I am afraid you do not have to rely on speed Dodging, because Jiang Chen's cultivation at this moment is a half-step of Emperor Fenghuang, not just entering the half-step Emperor, unceremoniously, he now has the strength to kill the genius of the late Emperor.

"Little dust, your current strength is even more terrible than before."

The monk said with a smile.

"Yes, I refine the sun fire, not only to improve, but the four flames in the body have merged together, which has brought great strength to my strength. I intend to create a skill and use it. Four extreme flames to create."

Jiang Chen said that his past life is a generation of masters. It is very difficult to create such a skill. However, Jiang Chen has enough confidence. He has the foundation of the dragon, and the four powerful flames in his hands can create one. The power of the earth-shattering fire, the power must be terrible, can burn everything in the world.

If you talk about the flames and look at the whole world, if Jiang Chen is called the second, absolutely no one dares to call the first. Even if it is the world’s worldly fire, it is impossible to have the fire of the real dragon at the same time. Thunder is really hot, Kirin. The fire of the flame and the fire of the sun, each of these four kinds of flames is the existence of the anti-sky, and the four kinds of fusions together can be unimaginable.

However, the creation of Xianji is not an overnight time. It requires a certain chance and coincidence. Jiang Chen is not in a hurry. Anyway, he now has a strong flame. He will slowly realize his feelings and will be able to successfully create under the guidance of Hualong. Come out with a shocking fairy technique.

"The relics of the Great Emperor disappeared, everyone is scattered."

"Yes, there are still ten days away from the end of the trip to the Golden Killing Field. I will go to other places to look for some opportunities, otherwise this will come."

"The remains of the Emperor Qindi have appeared. I don't know if there will be a secret of the golden family in the end. I heard that this family is extremely horrible. If it does, the benefits will be many."


After the disappearance of the ancient temple, people began to scatter. It doesn't make much sense to stay. Many people haven't gotten a decent benefit for coming in for so long, so they are worried. They don't want to stay here and continue to waste time.

As for the hostile forces of Jiang Chen, although they have the heart to kill Jiang Chen, they have to give up after watching the current camp around Jiang Chen. They still have self-knowledge. If they rushed up, I am afraid not only can’t kill. Jiang Chen will also ignite and burn his life here.

Before they used the strength of hundreds of people, there is still a glimmer of hope. Now many people have left, relying on their own words, it is not Jiang Chen’s opponent.

"Hey! Let him live a few more days, wait for me to find the inheritance of the ancient sages, promote half-step fairy, and then kill Jiang Chen, when the time will inevitably smash his corpse, leaving no trouble."

Huang Quanmen, a master of the late Emperor of the Emperor, snorted and then flew away from the distance, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

In a short time, most people left, and there was still more than half of the time for the gold killing. They could not be affected by the relics of a great emperor, and this time the relics of the Qindi Emperor came out and gathered a large number of talented masters, especially seeing Going to Jiang Chen, Long XIII, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Zhang Yulang and other peerless geniuses, many people have exerted great pressure on their hearts, which has greatly opened their eyes and clearly seen the huge gap between themselves and these wonderful wizards. They must find their own chances as soon as possible. Otherwise, in this era of genius, they will not come out at all, and eventually they will be drowned in the long river of history and become a nameless generation.

"Jiang Chen, today, this son will spare you a life, the next time you meet again, you will kill you, not only you, all of you will die."

The North and South dynasty was condescending, arrogant to the extreme, leaving a swear word, then turned and left.

"Why wait until the next time, today, don't leave."

Jiang Chen’s momentum suddenly changed into a dragon-changing state, and then shouted at the people around him: “Brothers, let’s not kill him and kill him.”

Everything that happened today is caused by the Northern and Southern Dynasties. If you let the North and South dynasty run away, it is not too cheap. Now Jiang Chen is promoted to a half-step of Emperor Huangfeng. Although he can’t beat the Northern and Southern Dynasties, he also has the power to fight. There are so many brothers present, and they will be shot together. He will also give him some lessons to kill him. He will score the high head in the North and South.

"beat him."

Big yellow dog laugh, to beat Northern and Southern Dynasties, his first shot.


Jiang Chen, Dahuang Dog, Long XIII, Monk, Han Yan, Yang Lang, Lan Ling Ji, Devil, all rushed out, they are extremely fast, directly encircling the North and South Dynasties, the ruthless nature needless to say, no one wanted to hit more Northern and Southern Dynasties, the day in Duanren cliff, if not their own to run fast, almost going to die at the hands of the Northern and Southern, Northern and Southern let him battle alone, he is not a natural than his opponent, but now we are together, it You're welcome, you can have a good time, think about it.


The shots are all masters of the high hands, each of them will release their own momentum, murderous, the rhubarb dog directly blocked the void, it seems that the North and South Korea will be directly trapped inside.

Seeing such a camp, the face of the Northern and Southern Dynasties has finally undergone some changes. If these people are alone, he will not be afraid, but they should not be underestimated. One dragon is enough for him, let alone There are Jiang Chen them.

"Dragon XIII, Jiang Chen, you guys are fighting against me, don't you think you have no face?"

The North and South dynasty said coldly.

"Face? Your shameless guy talks to us about what face, if you kneel down and scream, call a monkey grandfather, let you live a life, how?"

The dragon thirteen shoulders licked the iron bar, and the yin and yang said strangely.


An extremely intense anger instantly rushed out from the North and South dynasties. The North and South dynasties never had the anger. How many characters, the Emperor’s life, and the highness of the Emperor’s life, have always been squatted in front of him. No one dares to let him Kneeling, even if you say this, Long XIII is the first one. With this sentence alone, the Northern and Southern Dynasties must kill each other.

"Hey! A group of ants, because you can join hands, can I help the Northern and Southern Dynasties? It is ridiculous."

The north and south dynasties snorted, and the strong emperor's atmosphere filled the air.

"Without further ado, I hit him."

Jiang Chen is like a rainbow. He came up with Qilin's arm, and Qilin's arm and Zhenlong's big handprints joined together. In the blink of an eye, they rushed to the front of the North and South, and they smashed toward the North and South.


At the same time, the rhubarb dog screamed in an earth-shattering manner, and his body became extremely majestic. His eyebrows and gods were constantly flashing, forming an ancient pattern directly, rushing toward the north and south.

Han Yan and the monk also shot at the same time, a body of warfare, a Taoist Buddha body, against the Northern and Southern Dynasties, no one dares to neglect, up is the strongest attack.

[Today's physical discomfort, it will be even more, tomorrow will be more, sorry. 】

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