Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1672: The secret of rhubarb [four more]

Tens of thousands of years of projections have appeared, and everyone has held their breath. Many people have guessed that the image left by Daqianjing is the battle of tens of thousands of years ago. What happened here? Why is an ancient big family destroyed, and the secrets involved in it will not be revealed to the people.

Jiang Chen looks dignified and his eyes look at the picture inside the big mirror. The picture is sometimes clear and sometimes chaotic, but it can be kept for tens of thousands of years. It is already very good.

Above the high mountains, a burly middle-aged man, holding a large gold fan, slamming against the front, the whole world seems to be fanned, and a large number of masters directly killed by this fan. Fans, at least killed tens of thousands of strong enemies.

Regrettably, the enemy can only see some illusions, and can't see the shape at all. I don't know why this war started.

"Golden feather fan, that is the golden emperor, God, good domineering, the legendary gold lupin can fan the river, can not imagine."

"That is the projection of the Golden Emperor, the leader of the Golden family, the ancient Emperor, can be compared with the Emperor Xian, the emperor of the Immortal."

"The fierce battle, the Golden Emperor personally shot, the golden feather fan has been displayed, why can't you see the enemy's face, is there a way to reveal the enemy's face clearly?"


The shadow of the Golden Emperor, the majestic appearance of tens of thousands of years ago, even if you see it now, it is still convincing, it is a kind of arrogance.

As soon as the picture turns, a woman in red is holding a guqin in her arms. The guqin is full of flames, the woman is peerless, and the beauty is suffocating. She stands there and looks up at the dark tunnel in the sky. That is A hollow cave, I don’t know where it extends.

"It is the Emperor Xiaoyao, look, she is holding the piano in her hand."

Some people shouted, they have not seen Xiaoyao Qindi, but they have seen the Guqin in the arms of Xiaoyao Qindi. Not long ago, Xiaoyao Qin was born and was obtained by Wujingzhu. The Guqin is exactly the same as the one in front of him. The shadow of tens of thousands of years ago, holding the piano, in addition to the happy Qindi himself, who else.

"Sure enough, it is the glory of the times. It is worthy of being the female emperor of the past, leading the thousands of styles."

"What happened in the past, the powerful female emperor, is it really dead?"

"This kind of person, living in the same life as the world, is hard to believe that it will really die. Daqianjing left a residual image, but there is no voice, and I don’t know what happened in the past."


No one was shocked, shocked by the fascinating style of Xiaoyao Qindi, shocked by the incomplete picture.

In the end, Xiaoyao Qindi jumped into the dark tunnel with the guqin, and did not know where to go.

The picture turned again, a veteran road holding a whip, shouting at the empty voice, shouting heartbreaking, but his voice could not be heard through the big mirror, but that tragic, even after tens of thousands of years It still makes people feel clearly.

"What happened? What happened? Those ancient emperors, the omnipotent emperor, why are so tragic."

Jiang Chen couldn't keep calm. The projections of Daqianjing were full of tragic scenes. The mountains and rivers were all beaten down, blood was floating, flesh and blood flew, many shadows could be seen, and there was a war in the ancient times. The downside is that you can't see the true face of the enemy.

Jiang Chen’s gaze looked at the rhubarb dog. He saw the rhubarb dog at the moment. The whole person was sluggish. His eyes looked at the picture inside the big mirror, as if he had fallen into ancient memories. Jiang Chen clearly saw that The eyes of the rhubarb dog are moist, and the dog is really touched by the heartstrings.

"Rhubar, you tell me, what happened? You know."

Jiang Chen came to the side of the big yellow dog and used the **** to read the sound. If the rhubarb dog never told himself, he would be mad.

However, the rhubarb dog still shook his head and did not say a word.

After a long time, the rhubarb dog said: "Little dust, you see, the emperor has to fall, you still don't know."

Suddenly, the picture changed again. A cloak boy stood in the void. The boy seemed to be only fifteen or six years old, but the cultivation was to the extent of the sky. This turned out to be a powerful ancient emperor. The teenager was besieged by countless enemies. In the circle of death, there was a golden horn on his head. He was arrogant and his body shape began to change. Unfortunately, the picture inside the big mirror disappeared, and people could not see what happened behind.

"That is the young emperor, not right, it is a demon emperor, he seems to be caught in the siege, but the picture behind can not be seen."

"Tragic, the emperor will die, what a terrible battle."

"No one knows what happened in the past, and the things left by the big mirror are also incomplete."


Many people are embarrassed that such a war of the past and the present is not what they can imagine and accept.

However, at the last moment when the young emperor disappeared, the rhubarb dog suddenly became violent, and he screamed in the sky, and he saw something that others could not see from the big mirror.

Jiang Chen and Han Yan and others were shocked. They looked at the rhubarb dog at the moment. Suddenly there was some distress. I saw the rhubarb dog burst into tears. The sound of screaming was full of endless sadness. They had never seen the rhubarb dog, but they But the guess is that the image inside the big mirror has stimulated the heart of the big yellow dog.

Soon, Daqianjing constantly transformed the picture. After a few minutes, Daqianjing began to emit a humming sound, and it violently swayed. People found that the big mirror disappeared. At this time, the big yellow dog suddenly flew up. He crossed everything and flew toward the big mirror.


Jiang Chen and Han Yan shouted loudly, but the rhubarb dog could not hear it. He seemed to find his own goal, desperate.

"What is rhubarb doing? It is a mirror."

"It's not good. In the world of big space, the rhubarb is going to enter the big mirror."

Both the monk and the Han Yan were shocked, and their faces were full of worries.

In the blink of an eye, the rhubarb dog rushed directly into the big mirror, completely disappeared. Then, a ray of light shone from the big mirror, the target was unbiased, it was Jiang Chen.

At the same time, the sound of the rhubarb dog appeared in Jiang Chen’s ear at the last moment: “Little dust, control the sun **** feathers, guard the blood of the golden family, and my one life magic charm, until you are really strong, come Save me in the wild."

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