Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1683: The world is chaos [three more]

"What? Are you dead?"

Yang Zanqing's look changed greatly. Prince and Peace King are the peerless geniuses of the Dagan Empire. Their status is lofty. They are dead. The loss of the Dagan Empire can be said to be very great. Yang Zanqing naturally cannot accept it.

"What about Jiang Chen?"

Dongfang Yu quickly asked, as the head of Danfu, the death of Prince Peace King, he did not care at all. He is only concerned about Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen is the most genius he has ever seen. He once saved the dignity of Danfu. He also helped him to be promoted to a half-step Xianzun. If Jiang Chen died, Dongfang Yu would not accept it.

"Jiang Chen is not dead. I am going to tell you what happened in the gold killing field."

Yang is not good.

"Say it."

Yang Zanqing and Dongfang Yu said that when they heard that Jiang Chen was not dead, they were somewhat pleased, but since Jiang Chen did not die, why did they not come out together, which made them very confused.

"You must be mentally prepared for the two heads."

Yang Bufang gave them a greeting in advance, lest they fainted in shock after a while.

Subsequently, Yang Bufan and Yang Lang also had a single charge, and said everything that happened in the Golden Killing Field quickly. The focus is naturally on the appearance of the last gold family relics, the appearance of the Great Thousand Mirror and the Sun God.


Even though they have already prepared themselves, the two heads of government still have a high-level cadre of the genius. After hearing the passing of the incident, they also feel that the head of the bang is almost blasted. Many people have a feeling of dizziness.

Killing thousands of people, they can't imagine what kind of scene it is.

"Go and inform the emperor, the genius is immediately guarded."

Yang Zanqing immediately issued instructions. He is no longer in the mood to be surprised by the opening of the relics of the golden family. He is not surprised by the appearance of the big mirror. What he has to do now is to call the emperor and call the masters of the Dagan Empire. To be a big event, Yang Zanqing is almost certain that it will take less than an hour for those big forces to come to the door.

According to Yang Bufan, the losses of the big forces of the North and South family and the corpse Yinzong were too heavy. One force returned to less than 30 people, and even the Northern and Southern Dynasties were killed. It can be imagined how much these great forces will reach anger, and three. The people in Daxianting are also dead. Thinking of this, Yang Zanqing really wants to faint.

"Mother's, this guy really brought us a miracle, but this miracle can not be eaten."

Yang Zanqing almost didn't jump up. He and Dong Yu had been expecting Jiang Chen to bring them miracles before, and Jiang Chen did not let them down. It really brought them miracles, but this miracle is too big. Some, I don't know where to accept it.

"Haha, this seat really didn't look at the wrong person. This kid is really a generation of the air. Even the inheritance of the Sun God and the Nether Emperor can be obtained, but one thing I don't understand, why should he fight to stop others from entering the Golden Family? Inside the territory?"

Dongfang Yuha laughed, and his performance was different from Yang Zanqing. The more Jiang Chen made the big things that made earth-shattering, the more he appreciated Jiang Chen, but let him not understand the death, why did Jiang Chen guard the golden family, but he I know that Jiang Chen must have his own reasons to do so.

"I didn't expect this gold smashing trip to happen. Jiang Chen has awkwardly blasphemy. The three fairy tales probably don't have his hiding place, oh! Impulsive."

"I really appreciate him. This guy can do earth-shattering events. Even the people of Xianting dare to kill. Under the heavens, there is nothing to stop him, and Jiang Chen is heavy and heavy, in order not to tiring our empire. Direct choice does not come back."

"Yes, we can return to the 150-year-old empire this time, and the progress is so great that it can’t be separated from Jiang Chen. It’s a pity that Jiang Chen’s sorrow is too great, and he is offended. There are too many forces, and it is powerless for us to have the empire to protect him. If this person does not die, Jiang Chen will certainly become a generation of emperor."


People in the genius house are talking about it. For the character of Jiang Chen, they are all admired people, a person who can do great things, and they have no way to admire them.

After Yang Zhanqing’s brief shock, he also recovered. He is a powerful figure of half-step Xianzun, and his psychological endurance is still there.

After that, Yang Zanqing’s gaze noticed Han Yan and others, and couldn’t help but ask: “What are these?”

Yang Zanqing's vision can naturally see the strength of these people, especially the Han Yan and the hegemonic monk, the gas is strong and shocking.

"This is the son of the Xuan Yin religion in the North Xuan domain. The name is Han Yan. This is the ruthlessness of the gods. They are the geniuses of Xuan Yin. These two masters are the geniuses of the Bailong Temple, the masters of the tyrants and the masters of the sacred masters. They are all friends of Jiang Chen."

Yang Bufan quickly introduced to Yang Zanqing.

After listening to the identity of several people, Yang Zanqing and Dongfang Yu couldn’t help but be amazed. They were no strangers to Xuanyin and Bailongsi. A North Xuanyu University, a holy land of Buddhism, is not a small place. Hey, especially the Han Yan, Xuan Yin teaches the Son, the status is sublime, and it can almost represent the Xuan Yin teaching master.

"I have seen the Yang House Lord."

Han Yan and the ruthless ruthless Yang Zhanqing hugged the fist, the monk and the master of the sacred are also hands together.

"Since it is a friend of Jiang Chen and Fan Wang, it is a VIP of our great empire."

Yang Zanqing said that for Han Yan and others, they dare not have a slight stagnation. The reason for this is not only the identity of the other party, but also the strength of the other party, especially the Han Yan and the tyrant. Although it is the late Emperor, it is issued by An. The momentum is too strong, Yang Zanqing feels that even if he personally shot, can not afford to live with two people, it is hard to say, can be said that there is no grasp.

On the black altar of the corpse yin sect, the high-spirited corpse of the corpse, the high-level corpse of the corpse, now looks at the more than 20 disciples who are stunned to the extreme, and the anger is difficult to contain.

"Jiang Chen, Long XIII, even dared to kill my corpse Yinzong so many geniuses, since my establishment, my corpse Yinzong has never suffered such a large loss, this account can never be stopped."

The main face of the corpse yin ancestor, screaming in the sky, directly spurting out the flames in his eyes, his mortal old man slanted the fairyland, no one dared to provoke, today the genius of the corpse yin is almost destroyed by the murder of the gold, undoubtedly thoroughly stimulated Out of the anger and killing of the old man.

"Lord, what do we do now?"

A cadre Yinzong senior elder asked.

"Go to the Dagan Empire to be a man."

The corpse of the old man with a few masters of the corpse Yinzong disappeared in the blink of an eye and flew in the direction of the Dagan Empire.

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