Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1689: Rolling

This sudden sound immediately disrupted the **** and tense atmosphere in the hall.


The old devil's face was cold, and he screamed at the void. Someone could appear silently in this hall, and he didn't even have a sense of it. Such a character made him have to care.

The faces of the Yufengdao people and others couldn’t help but be happy because they felt the sound very familiar.

Nether, a figure appeared, standing in front of the old devil, a white, handsome, not Jiang Chen or who?



Seeing the sudden appearance of Jiang Chen, Tianjizi and everyone immediately exclaimed. In their hearts, this young man is the boss of the real Tianyun Pavilion. As long as he is there, the Yufengdao people have to stand by.

Several elders immediately shed tears and recovered from the desperation. In their hearts, Jiang Chen was an omnipotent existence. He created too many miracles. Now Jiang Chen appears, then Tianyun Pavilion It is also completely saved, even if they are strong opponents, they do not care, they believe that Jiang Chen can certainly deal with.

The name Jiang Chen, everyone is a **** in the heart, omnipotent, this is the soul of a martial art, it is a deified self-confidence.

This is a kind of surprise. Who would have thought that Jiang Chen, who had already gone, would run back suddenly in the middle of the night. It seems that the hardships of Tianyun Pavilion were expected. It turned out that Jiang Chen did not really abandon Tianyun Pavilion.

Tianjizi came to Jiang Chen's side and watched Jiang Chen's continuous growth. His face was full of gratification.

"Master, I am shocked."

Jiang Chen gave a deep ritual to the celestial machine. He said that he would be a respectable person. The celestial plane was definitely one. When the celestial plane was abolished for its own sake, the meridians were broken. When Jiang Chen left, he vowed to do it within a year. Finding a way to heal the heavenly machine, this time from the gold killing field, his first thing is to return to Tianyun Pavilion to help the heavenly machine recover the injury. This is the most basic respect for the teacher. This is Jiang Chen’s promise.

Jiang Chen was very glad that he came back in time. It turned out that Tianyun Pavilion was suffering from the catastrophe. It seems that if he came back half a step late, everything would be too late.

"The master is fine, you can come back all the time, it is very gratifying for the teacher."

Tianjizi laughed. The most proud of his life is the young man in front of him.

"Kid, who are you?"

The old enchanting cold eyes fell on Jiang Chen's body, and found that the other party was only a half-step emperor's cultivation, and immediately did not put it on the mind.

Jiang Chen did not answer the old devil's words, but his eyes fell on the elder's body lying on the ground by the old devil who had just smashed the heart, and the killing of his body suddenly shot.

"I don't care who you are, where you come from, today, you have come to the wrong place."

Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Haha, a arrogant boy, a little half-step emperor, dare to speak in front of this seat. I really don't know how to live and die."

The old devil laughed, and did not put Jiang Chen in his heart. He was only a little surprised. Such a small place and a small martial art could have a young half-step fairy. You must know such a character, even if you went to Dong Xuan. The big place is also a rare genius.

"Old guy, you really shouldn't be killing here."

Jiang Chen shook his head. This old man is just a small mid-president. For Tianyun Pavilion, it is indeed an incomprehensible master. But in front of Jiang Chen, the immortal mid-term is an ant, raising his hand. Can be killed.

"Kid, it’s very arrogant to look at you. This is the place to kill all the people here, and start with you."

The old devil is angry. Regardless of his cultivation or status, there has never been a hairy boy who dares to talk to himself like this, which makes him suffer.

The old magic moved, and the horrible claws grabbed the past toward Jiang Chen. His sullen smile on his face and his tongue licked the blood of his mouth. In his opinion, the heart of genius is the most delicious. The appearance of Jiang Chen is just to send food to himself.

"Be careful."

The Yufengdao people quickly said that the horror of the old demon had been taught, reminding Jiang Chen that he could not care.


The claws of the old devil have not touched the body of Jiang Chen, only listening to the tremor in the void, Jiang Chen's palm, firmly grasping the claws of the old devil.


The old man was shocked. He immediately displayed a powerful force, but he was even more shocked to discover that no matter how much strength he used, he couldn’t move under the control of the opponent’s palm. This old devil is not a fool, knowing that he has met the enchanting genius. I am afraid I will kick the iron plate today.


The fierce flame rushed out like a snake in the palm of Jiang Chen. In the blink of an eye, the arm of the old demon was filled with fire.


The old devil screams screamingly, and his practice of cultivation is evil. This kind of flame is like a natural enemy, which makes him unhappy.

Jiang Chen's display of the sun's fire, combined with the energy of Jiang Chen, is not the old devil can deal with, his entire arm was immediately burned clean and turned into ashes.


The eyes of the Yufeng Dao and the Heavenly Machine and others are immediately blooming. The growth of Jiang Chen is always beyond their imagination. The Yufeng Dao people know that their reminder is completely redundant. For them, the old devil, in front of Jiang Chen, is as weak as a baby.

"Kid, this seat is fighting with you."

The old devil screamed, and suddenly three figures appeared against the attack of Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen’s eyes trembled and were displayed by the old devil. It’s the corpse. This kind of thing is familiar with Jiang Chen.

"It turned out to be the scum of the corpse yin."

Jiang Chen sneered, and there is no burden in his heart to kill the corpse.

These three corpses are also in the middle of the Emperor. Under the control of the old demon, the three corpses rushed toward Jiang Chen, but these corpses did not have any threat to Jiang Chen. The bombs, the three suns of the fire, came out, only listening to the bang, the three corpses immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire, burned to ashes.

"Damn, my corpse."

The old magical vomiting blood is almost vomiting blood. The corpse yin sect is most concerned with the corpse. It is almost regarded as a baby on weekdays. These three corpses are made by the old devils, and now they are so The understatement burns all of them, which makes him feel good.

But what can't be done, the young man who doesn't know where it came from is too powerful. He is not an opponent at all.

"Boy, you are waiting for me. Today's things are not finished. You, this sect, will be razed to the ground sooner or later."

The old devil left a swearword, and then tore the void to prepare to escape. In his opinion, even if it is not an opponent, it is always easy to escape.

[The idea is a bit messy, I have to take a look, today is five, and the rest is coming back tomorrow morning, thank you. 】

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