Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1714: Shenwu old liar [two more]

Jiang Chen is really terrible. They really saw it and they have tasted it. The corpse yin is completely destroyed. It is a living example. Although Jiang Chen’s arrival in Xianting is ultimately a dead end, for them, Only when you see that Jiang Chen has been abolished will you feel at ease and what other moths will appear in the province.

"It's not good. These ancestors seem to have ironed their hearts to set the river dust to death. They want Wang Xuanfeng to abolish Jiang Chen now. Without an accident, Wang Xuanfeng will definitely agree."

Yang Yu’s dark road is not good, Jiang Chen’s crisis is coming soon.

Wang Xuanfeng looked at the ancestors and nodded. "Well, the deity is as you wish, and I personally abolished Jiang Chen."

For Wang Xuanfeng, it does not matter whether it is abolished to abolish Jiang Chen. It is enough to leave a life of Jiang Chen. But these ancestors are the pinnacles of the major forces of the Immortal World. They are Xianting. It is necessary to appease them. After all, the peace and tranquility of Xianxian domain needs them to maintain.

"Thank you for the whirlwind."

Many ancestors spoke at the same time, and then all the cold eyes fell on Jiang Chen's body. For them, destroying Jiang Chen is more important than anything else.

"Jiang Chen, you heard, these ancestors want the deity to abolish you, and you, accepting such punishment, is taken for granted."

Wang Xuanfeng came to Jiang Chen’s front and said, his eyes are high, and Jiang Chen is like watching an ant.

"Abolish me? Do you have that skill?"

Jiang Chenlong is like a blood, looking directly at Wang Xuanfeng.

This moment instantly provoked the anger of Wang Xuanfeng. No one ever dared to swear by himself. A fairy emperor is an absolute ant in his own eyes. In his view, Jiang Chen should kneel on the ground and cry for help. Normal, but now, Jiang Chen’s performance makes him very comfortable. From the eyes of Jiang Chen, he can’t see the slightest tension and fear at all. This attitude makes Wang Xuanfeng extremely uncomfortable, as if his own respect has been received. Like a serious provocation, he must personally abolish Jiang Chen, let this arrogant boy know how to break the majesty of his whirlwind.

A cold murderous flutter from the body of the whirlwind, seeing him, if it is not because Xianting wants to bring Jiang Chen back, Wang Xuanfeng directly killed Jiang Chen on the spot.

Jiang Chen is ready to go, as long as Wang Xuanfeng hands-on, he will instantly hide in the ancestral tower, regardless of whether the ancestral tower can escape the perigator of Wang Xuanfeng, but this is the last move of Jiang Chen. If you don't walk, you have to take this step. He can't stand here and wait to die.

"Jiang Chen, if you kneel down and ask the deity to ask for mercy, the deity may not abolish you and give you a chance."

Wang Xuanfeng suddenly opened his mouth.

What he wants now is a face, a dignity. As long as Jiang Chen gives himself a gimmick, he will take Jiang Chen away directly. Anyway, Jiang Chen will die sooner or later.

"Haha, old man, what do you want?"

Jiang Chen laughed happily, but said that it was a whirlwind of the king. Even if the Emperor of Xianting personally shot it, he would not want Jiang Chen to kneel down.


The intense anger instantly sprang from the body of Wang Xuanfeng. He originally wanted to find his face. He did not expect Jiang Chen to say a word, let his face lose face, what kind of character he is, a famous peerless person, not to mention it. The domain, even if it is the entire fairyland, must be respected wherever he goes. Now a kid can dare to call his old man, which makes him suffer.

"Kid, since you are looking for death, don't blame the deity."

Wang Xuanfeng said, the big hand grabbed the past toward Jiang Chen.


At this moment, a golden light suddenly came out from the void, unbiased, just hitting the palm of Wang Xuanfeng.


The void was bursting in an instant, and the body of Wang Xuanfeng was shaken by the shock. His face changed slightly and looked up into the distance. He shouted: "Who?"

"Wang Xuanfeng, you are too arrogant."

A voice rang from the void, and then a figure came out. It was an old man with a pickle, not trimming his face, but his eyes were unusually bright, and the momentum that was easily radiated from his body was frightening.

"Old liar."

Seeing the coming, Jiang Chen’s face was a happy moment, and his mood was instantly relaxed. This guy is extremely tyrannical.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao forgets to come to Jiang Chen, and after taking a look up and down, he took a shot of Jiang Chen’s shoulder: “Yes, yes, it’s much more powerful than the old man I imagined.”

The old liar is rarely praised, but now it is full of praise for Jiang Chen.

"It seems that I am giving you trouble again."

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders and looked helpless. He immediately took up the body of the dragon and restored his original appearance. There is Xiao forgetting here, he does not need to do anything.

"who are you?"

The whirlwind sage looked at the old liar, only to feel that the other party's momentum was familiar, but the famous world's famous peerless man, he almost knew, but he did not know the old man.

"Wang Xuanfeng, the deity has disappeared for so long, have you completely forgotten the deity?"

The old liar turned his head and looked at Wang Xuanfeng. The corner of his mouth brought a smile, and the momentum of his body could not help but be released.

"Forget the sorrowful person and forget it."

Wang Xuanfeng and Lei Batian and Lan Tingyan almost simultaneously exclaimed, because they all saw the true identity of the old liar, one's appearance can be changed, but the breath will not change, forgetting the prestige of the person, Who doesn't know, if there is a presence under the semi-empire that makes them fear, then it is undoubted that this is a shame.

"What? I forgot the sorrowful sorrow, I didn't expect this old man to be the legendary sorrower. My God, the sorrowful sorcerer disappeared for so long. Many people thought that he was dead. I didn't expect to see people again today. People like Dust Company are attracted."

"The great name of the forgotten sage, look at him is to protect Jiang Chen, this time Jiang Chen and the sorrowful person to pay good, too much."

"The rumored obsessed and handsome man is handsome and handsome. It is a beautiful man who is famous in the fairy world. Now how it has become a bad old man, this gap is too big, it is a bit disappointing."

"There are even people who have forgotten their feelings, but there are too many people who want to kill Jiang Chen. The three emperors are all wanting the life of Jiang Chen. Even if they forget the shots, I am afraid I can't keep Jiang Chen's life."


The appearance of the old liar immediately caused an uproar, no one was shocked. This is a long-awaited peerless person who has disappeared for so long. Now it is re-emerged in the world, just to protect Jiang Chen, it is already mortal. In the situation of the bureau, the situation seems to have changed again. The name of Xiao forgets, let Wang Xuanfeng not dare not pay attention.

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