Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1727: Jun Tianqiu [plus more]

"With the development of the holy dynasty, it is impossible to find a big force to counter it. But now the Shengyuan continent is indeed in turmoil. The calculation of the big heavenly technique will not be wrong. At this moment, the Shengyuan continent is definitely not Calm, the holy dynasty is dangerous, what should I do?"

Jiang Chen’s heart and soul couldn’t settle down. His hometown had an accident, and Jiang Chen could still keep calm. He had never been surprised, but at the moment he could not calm down. After all, it’s two worlds away from the Shengyuan continent, even if he’s even worse. It is also impossible to save the disaster of the Sacred Continent.

"If I can go back to the Sacred Continent, I will be fine."

Jiang Chen's eyebrows.

"Go back? Right, if you can go back, I have a big celestial technique. I can figure out some stellar trajectories and find the way back. The fairy marks can blind the sky. The big emptiness can freely walk in the space, maybe it’s true. You can go back, no matter what, even if you pay the price, you have to try it. The holy Wu Dynasty is difficult. I don't want to find a way to go back."

Jiang Chen bit his teeth, and there was a hint of twilight in his eyes.

To return to the low-level plane like the Continent of the Continent, it is impossible for the Emperor to do it. Looking at the entire fairyland, I am afraid that only Jiang Chen can try it.

The powerful Emperor Xian did not dare to make such a move, because there is no difference between it and the search for death. The Emperor is powerful, but within the law of the immortal world, it is impossible to jump out of the law. Even if the Emperor finds the coordinates of the stars, I found the way to go, but the law of heaven and earth is there, I can’t escape. Anyone who tries to provoke the heavens is destined to be the end of the demise.

However, Jiang Chen has the most important part, that is, the fairy mark, this fairy mark can block the secret, so that Tiandao can not find himself, as long as he goes back for a short time, immediately rush back, it will not cause heavenly Note that you can be safe.

Void coordinates, space cracks, blinding the heavens, this is the most basic three conditions to return from the high plane to the low plane, one is indispensable, no one has these three conditions throughout the ages, even the high emperor does not work, but The current Jiang Chen, but perfectly equipped with these three conditions.

The big heaven machine can help him find the void coordinates of the return. The big void technique can help him to walk in the space without being lost. The fairy marks can blind the heavens and escape the punishment of the heavens.

Therefore, Jiang Chen made a very bold decision, that is to go home.

The situation may be more urgent. Jiang Chen did not think too much and delay the time. He must go back as soon as possible.

Under the control of Jiang Chen’s idea, the sky map suddenly changed a lot. Jiang Chen’s body swayed, and the whole person disappeared directly into the sky map. Even with the sky map, it disappeared together.

In the next moment, Jiang Chen appeared in the endless starry sky. The plane map was in front of his face. He accurately found the coordinates of the position of the Sacred Continent, and fought to display the great void. The speed was fast, and the fairy marks exude the darkness. , shrouded him all over the body.

In the stars, Jiang Chen is like a lost fish, constantly moving and flying towards the Shengyuan.

Shengyuan continent!

The wolf smoke is rolling, the whole continent, there are strong black smoke everywhere, there are wars everywhere, and the entire Shengyuan continent seems to have fallen into an unprecedented war.

The holy Wu Dynasty, after several hundred years of hardening, the holy Wu Dynasty is undoubtedly the most powerful force in the Shengyuan continent, but at this moment, the Shengwu Dynasty was gloomy and covered with dark clouds, and the entire dynasty was in extreme depression. .

In the palace palace, there are hundreds of masters sitting on the side. These masters, without exception, are all masters of the great sacredness. Once upon a time, the appearance of a great saint in the sacred continent is a very great existence, but now, in this hall alone, Sitting on the top of the hundred holy.

The top seat is the emperor Wu Jiu. At this moment, Wu Jiu is already a nine-level grand priest. Beside him, there are two middle-aged people sitting, one is the smoke war cloud and the other is the dance Tian Yang. The father of Yan Chen Yu and Wu Ningzhu, the two of them are also extremely tyrannical, and they don’t look weaker than Wu Jiu. They are all powerful nine-level grand priests.

Beside them, there are two powerful young people, Yu Zihan and Wu Lang. The geniuses of these two holy dynasties have even reached the horror of the 9th Grand Master.

Surprisingly, Jiang Zhenhai and Nangong were not seen here.

Nine-level Grand St., that is the peak of the world. Since Jiang Chen took away the fairy marks, the immortals have been unable to survive in this world. All those who become immortals must fly directly.

There are so many nine-level grand priests in the Shengwu dynasty. It can be said that they completely control the Shengyuan continent. Who dares not to obey, who dares to resist.

But at the moment, the entire palace hall was in a deep silence. Everyone turned their heads down and did not speak. Both Wu Lang and Yu Zihan had some injuries, and the injuries seemed to be quite heavy.

"The emperor, now is the most difficult time for our holy dynasty, and Jun Tianqiu will attack a lot after seven days. What should we do?"

Someone spoke up.

"The big deal is to fight with him."

Dance Tianyang fist clenched.

"You can't be reckless. This is a sacred revenge. It is a sacred stone falling from the sky. It is said to be a **** of heaven and earth. It has grown up in a short period of time. It also controls the Mozu, revives the Mozu, and builds its indestructible power. He has a rare **** of heaven and earth in his hands, and he has trained a large number of masters. The number of great masters under Jun Tianqiu is no less than ours. More importantly, this monarchy is too horrible. We are not his. opponent."

Wu Jiu shook his head, and this monarchy appeared. In just 20 years, it completely changed the entire pattern of the Shengyuan continent. Its horrible growth rate was even more terrifying than that of Jiang Chen.

"The strength of Jun Tianqiu is too strong. Before I joined forces with Wu Lang to fight against him, if it was not a critical moment, I would have died in his hands."

Yuzi Han said that he wanted to fight with Jun Tianqiu and still make him fearful. This kind of character is really terrible.

"Since Jiang Chen, there has never been such a person in the Sanyuan Continent, but it is a pity that Jiang Chen is no longer there."

Wu Lang also shook his head. Rao was his pride, and he had to admit the horror of Jun Tianqiu. If he really fought, there would be so many great saints in the field, no one could compete with Jun Tianqiu.

At this time, people had to ring the legendary figure in the Sacred Yuan dynasty, that is, the character, created the sacred dynasty, and completely unified the sacred continent. Now, there is a sacred revenge, the whole sacred continent, It seems to have to be changed.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for rewards, plus more. 】

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