Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1729: Despair of the holy dynasty

Yu Zihan’s words made Jun Tian’s face dim instantly, because he thought of a name that made him dream of gnashing his teeth.

"You said that Jiang Chen? Hey! Unfortunately, he did not live in the same era as me. Otherwise, I must have killed him, and my achievements are my own legend."

Jun Tian hates his teeth, although his tone is arrogant, but he has to admit the words of Yu Zihan. The legend of Jiang Chen is like a mountain pressing on his head, let him breathe, even if he is now the Shengyuan continent. The first person, but in the hearts of countless people, the true legend of the Shengyuan continent is still the white youth named Jiang Chen, not his vengeance.

Killing the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre and killing the immortals, such acts and actions are destined to be beyond anyone's ability. Jun Tianqiu is even more powerful. There is no immortal in the whole world. He can't kill the immortals, and he is destined to surpass Jiang. dust.

This is the most depressing thing of Jun Tianqiu, and the thing he least wants to mention, but this fact he can't help but admit, even if he destroyed the Shengwu Dynasty, even if he became the first person in the Shengyuan continent, it is doomed to Living in the shadow of that person, in the legendary history of the Shengyuan continent, his vengeance can only be ranked second, with a name, destined to be above his head.

"Whether you admit that you don't admit it, his name must be above you. You should be glad that you have not lived with him in an era. Otherwise, you will not even have the chance to grow up to today."

Wu Lang is also ridiculous. No one knows more about the horror of that person than they do. Today's Jun Tianqiu is at best a level and the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Even if it is stronger than the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the final outcome will not change.

If there is no Jiang Chen, then the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the year will surely grow to the state of today's Jun Tianqiu. Unfortunately, when he met Jiang Chen, he was doomed to the early tragedy. It turns out that Jiang Chen lived in the same era and became The enemy of Jiang Chen is really a terrible thing.

Therefore, it is a great blessing to be able to survive in the same era as Jiang Chen.

"Haha, Wu Lang, Yu Zihan, you are blowing God's gods, but what about it? Now that your holy dynasty dynasty is in a critical moment of life and death, can Jiang Chen come out to save you? Now, here is my vengeance. The world is not his Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen has already become a thing of the past."

Jun Tianqiu laughed happily. He is not willing to mention Jiang Chen now. He is here today. The purpose is to destroy the Shengwu Dynasty and reach his own wish.

"The big fish is dead, and we are not afraid of anyone."

The momentum of Wulang was shocked.

"You two are just the defeat of the king of the king, what qualifications are yelling in front of me."

Jun Tianqiu looked at Wu Lang and Yu Zihan with disdain. His eyes were full of contempt, and he did not put the two in his eyes. In his view, characters like Wu Lang and Yu Zihan were not qualified to be themselves. The enemy, even for their own shoes are not worthy.

Wu Lang and Yu Zihan looked at each other and then suddenly pulled out their own sacred soldiers and killed the past with a thunderous force toward Jun Tianqiu.

Today's Shengyuan Continent, Wu Lang and Yu Zihan can already represent the highest peak of the combat power. The level of the 9th level of the Holy Summit, together with their talents, the existence of the same level, basically can not find opponents, but when they When it was time to hate God, everything changed, and the posture of the peak was destroyed in an instant.

Two swords with horror to the extreme pierced the void, and appeared in front of Jun Tianqiu. In the face of the strong attack of the two men, Jun Tianqiu did not even move his body. He easily and casually explored his hands and extended two hands. Root finger.


The scene seemed to be still, and the two peerless sacred soldiers also stopped, and they were firmly clamped by the **** of Jun Tianqiu.


The whole audience was amazed, everyone could not keep calm, and countless gaze fell on the three people with horror. That is the two peaks of the Shengyuan continent, and the performance of the peerless sages is not only a blow, but not only Did not cause a little damage to Jun Tianqiu, but also was pinned by Jun Tianqiu so easily.


Yu Zihan exclaimed, his face full of horror.

"This **** is more reinforced than before, we are not opponents at all."

Wu Lang shook his head helplessly. He and Yu Zihan had already exerted their peak strength. They did not expect this ending. At this moment, the holy soldiers fell into the fingers of Jun Tianqiu. They tried their best to move the sword. Pulling out from the other hand, this also makes Wu Lang and Yu Zihan understand that the strength of both sides is not at the same level, and the gap is too great.

Such a terrible battle force, the history of the Shengyuan continent, only appeared in Jiang Chen's body, and now Jiang Chen is not there, no one is the opponent of Jun Tianqiu.


A vast force suddenly sprang from the fingers of Jun Tianqiu. Under this strong achievement, Wu Lang and Yu Zihan could not bear it. They were bombarded like a cannonball and were popped a few hundred feet. Only after the body was stabilized, the swords of the two fell into the hands of Jun Tianqiu. They were thrown away by the garbage of Jun Tianqiu. They even looked too lazy to look at them, and their eyes were full of disappointment.


On the other side, Wu Lang and Yu Zihan wow blood, the body was hit hard, they were pale, but compared with this injury, the shock in my heart is the most terrible, they can not imagine, Jun Tianqiu has already been strong To the point, the entire Shengyuan continent, no one is his opponent.

Wu Lang and Yu Zihan looked at each other and saw the despair in the other's eyes. Yes, it was despair. This is an opponent that cannot be dealt with. It is powerful enough to compete. It is said that they are two, they think Even if all the nine great saints of the holy dynasty were united, they would not be the opponents of Jun Tianqiu.

If this is the case, then there is really no point in this war.

The atmosphere of the holy Wu dynasty has become extremely incompressible. The existence of Jun Tianqiu is like a giant mountain pressed against their heads, making them feel extremely difficult to breathe.


Jun Tianqiu looked coldly at Wu Lang and Yu Zihan. He stretched his arms and looked up at the sky. He couldn’t help but sigh: "Master is lonely."

It is a high-ranking emperor who is standing at the highest place, supreme, high in the cold, and lonely in the master.

Jun Tianqiu does have lonely capital. When a person can't find an opponent, life seems to have lost its meaning.

Invincible, how lonely!

"Master, do you want to do it?"

An old man came to Jun Tianqiu and said to himself.

"Well, kill it, the holy dynasty, there is no need to exist."

Jun Tianqiu said faintly that to destroy a dynasty, he could not arouse the sway of his emotions. He said that he would underestimate the sacred dynasty. For him, it is really no challenge to kill the sacred dynasty.


The nine-level great saints shouted, and countless masters of the king suddenly released a powerful momentum and murderousness, and rushed to the past with the holy dynasty.


On the other hand, Wu Jiu took the sword of the emperor and waved forward. The master of the Shengwu dynasty also broke out with a powerful momentum. A battlefield was instantly opened. The masters of the two sides fought together, and the level of the ninety-year-old was heated up.

This is the most peak of the Shengyuan continent, the most tragic battle. All the participants are saints, the vast battlefield, and almost half of the territory of the Sacred Continent.

This is the battle of saints, representing the war of an era. Since the last time Jiang Chen destroyed the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre, the Sanyuan Continent suffered another great turmoil and the situation was completely changed again.

Of course, this was built under the circumstance that the holy dynasty was destroyed by the monarchy.


The world is shaken, the battle is fierce to the extreme, this is the battle of life and death. Both sides have exerted their full strength. The people of the Mozu are the most ferocious. They have a very good relationship with the Shengwu Dynasty, but Jun Tianqiu does not know what to use. Means, completely surrendered the Mozu, and even changed the beliefs of the Mozu, and they became their beliefs and became the belief of all people. Jun Tianqiu will become the faith of the entire Sacred Yuan.

Jun Tianqiu stood at the highest point of the battlefield. He stood up with his hands and stared at the extremely fierce battle below, with his eyes wide open, but he could not arouse his passion and excitement.

The war continued for an hour, but it was still hot, but the Shengwu dynasty was obviously unable to stand up. It began to lose ground. The strength of the two sides itself has some gaps, plus the pressure from Jun Tianqiu. The masters of the Shengwu dynasty were cast a shadow over them, and they were unable to exert their combat power to the lowest level.

On the other hand, the enemies are screaming and arrogant, and the vengeance is the **** in their hearts. As long as Jun Tianqiu stands there, it is enough.

Wu Lang and Yu Zihan, who were seriously injured, also joined the battlefield. They saw the battlefield clearly and clearly, and the despair in their hearts was even greater. According to this, the holy Wu Dynasty must be destroyed today, and Jun Tianqiu has not yet shot. If he is impatient, he will be the moment of the destruction of the holy dynasty.

"How to do?"

The hearts of all the holy dynasties are full of despair. They have not seen any hope. The holy dynasty has suffered an unprecedented crisis, and even the resistance has become extremely difficult.

At this moment, in the turbulent flow of the stars, a light spot approaches the planet of the Sacred Yuan at an extremely fast speed. The spot is Jiang Chen.

"I finally got back."

Feeling the familiar atmosphere in front, Jiang Chen suddenly had an impulse to tears, and he slammed the picture of the sky, and the big void disappeared. The whole person disappeared and entered the world barrier of the Shengyuan continent. He has a fairy. The trace is in the body, completely hiding his breath, and Heaven can not detect his existence.

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