Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1735: Defeat Wanzhang Mountain

They really want to refute, but they can't find a reason for rebuttal, especially those who have gone out of the gold field. They will never forget the fact that they were killed by Jiang Chen as if they were a family dog. In front of Jiang Chen, they are indeed arrogant. There is no capital.

"Haha, the people of the Tianyu Dynasty, haven't you been very arrogant? This is why you are not embarrassed. In front of Jiang Shixiong, you are not both."

"I can't forget the fact that you are killed by the Jiang Shi brothers as if you were a family dog. Do you want to describe it to you a little bit?"

"A group of timids who only know how to chew their ears behind them. In front of Jiang Chen, they are jumping clowns. You can hear it clearly. You can come to Jiang’s brother, that is to give you the face of the gods, the sky and the sky, not at all. With the opponent of Jiang Shixiong.


It would be the turn of the Dagan empire to sneer, and a bitter sigh of relief was released all at once. It was really comfortable.

Yang Yu and the face of Dongfang Yu’s face, secretly giving a thumbs up to Jiang Chen, how do young people like how to like it, arrogant and amazing, come up with a sentence to kill the Tianyu Dynasty, then look at people’s appearances. The temperament, that is all-day domineering, and not to mention the results of the battle with Tianyue, this momentum alone has completely overshadowed each other.

Above the Wanzhang Mountain, Tianyue’s face was extremely gloomy. When he first saw Jiang Chen, the other party gave him a direct Mawei. What made him extremely angry was that Jiang Chen actually said that he was not worthy of being in front of thousands of people. Challenge him, this is a great humiliation for him. As a genius of Xianting, nothing is more important than dignity and face. Now Jiang Chen’s appearance makes him faceless and loses his dignity. Affordable.

"You are Jiang Chen?"

The colder the day, the more cold.

Jiang Chen stood opposite Tianyue, with a smile on his lips.

"Half-step Xianzun Peak, you are indeed much stronger than Zhang Yulang, but unfortunately you should not challenge me."

Jiang Chen said in a pitiful tone that his tone of voice undoubtedly stimulated Tianyue's self-respect.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, you are so mad, you dare to fight against Xianting. Even if you have a hundred lives, you are not enough to die. Before you killed so many people in Tianyu Dynasty, today I am going to kill you. They avenged and killed you just to make my name more and more.

The colder the day, the murderous moments of the body filled the moment. The powerful momentum is like a stormy wave. Countless people are shocked. The genius of Xianting is really extraordinary. It can be witnessed to witness such a genius battle. Got insights.


Jiang Chen’s momentum is not shocking, and it has directly turned into a dragon-changing state. With his current strength, it is necessary to display a powerful killing trick against the war. After all, this day is not an ordinary person. The level is much stronger than Zhang Yulang. The repair has already reached the half-step Xianzun peak. It really played, and the master of Xianzun was not his opponent.

If it was before, Jiang Chen encountered such a character, only the share of fleeing, but now it is completely different. He has also reached the peak of the early Emperor, plus the killing dragon seal, and the big heavenly machine. To the extent of the artistic conception of heaven, Tianyue could not pose any threat to him.

"Don't be so much nonsense, let's take a shot, let me see, what is the power of Xianting's genius."

Jiang Chen is unparalleled. He is ready to let Tian Yue first shoot. He wants to test the degree of terror of the heavens. Is it really like the above, it can directly evolve the opponent's combat skills.


The colder the day, the louder and the big hand, and the Jiang Chen took the past. One shot was earth-shattering. The void above Wanzhang Mountain was torn apart. The big hand of horror was like the sky, and it was in the blink of an eye. Above the top of the head, this attack power is really shocking. If it is replaced by ordinary people, this move will be taken directly into powder.

Jiang Chen was indifferent, and came up to play the real handprint of the dragon, the horrible **** dragon claws, the fierce and the big palms of Tianyue.


The heavens and the earth are shaken, and the void is directly torn into pieces. If it is not for the two to open up a separate battlefield in advance, the aftermath of this move alone will be enough to destroy the Wanzhang Mountain.

This pair of confrontation, the two people's body are standing in the same place, there is no movement, just from this surface, the two are awesome.


But even if it is not a winner, it is enough to be shocked by the day. His face suddenly becomes difficult to look at. He looks at the opposite Jiang Chen with a horrifying look. His eyes are full of incredible. You must know that he and Jiang Chenzhi There are three levels of difference, regardless of the outcome, in fact, they lose.

"The good Jiang Chen is worthy of being the first enchanting in the fairyland. The horror is a bit too much. In the early days of the Emperor's reign, it was even a tie with the half-step fairy tales of Tianyue."

"If this is not what you see with your own eyes, you can't believe it when you kill it. It seems that the power of Jiang Chen is not only relying on the sun **** feathers, but also has the ability to go against the sky."

"That is of course, is this still used? If Jiang Chen is not the kind of person who has the air transport generation, how can he control the sun **** feathers, but this is only a tentative attack by two people, who wins and who loses, still Not necessarily, Tianyue is the supreme master of Xianting after all, and has extremely powerful means. I still think he is stronger than Jiang Chen."


No one was shocked. It was only the first time that he touched it. He was shocked. He asked the whole fairyland to fight against the half-step fairy in the early days of Emperor Xian, and it was the half-step fairy genius of Xianting. It is equivalent to the general Xianhuang early, there are several, I am afraid that only Jiang Chen can do it.

"This kid is really getting scarier."

Yang Yu is also a very incomparable surprise. After all, Jiang Chen lost the sun **** feathers. When he confronted Tianyue, he still had some concerns at the beginning. Now it seems that his own worry is completely redundant.

In the sky, Tianyue put away the heart of Jiang Chen’s shackles and began to prepare for the real killing. Through the previous confrontation, Tian Yue understood that if he did not do his best today, he wanted to kill Jiang Chen. Almost impossible.

"Jiang Chen, just a tentative attack, then I will use my killing tricks to let you die without a place to die."

The more the day, the more evil.

"There is too much nonsense, let's take it."

Jiang Chen is too lazy to talk nonsense with Tianyue.

[Tomorrow, I will go to Zhengzhou for a business trip on Monday, and come back on Monday. I will keep two more every day for these three days, and it will break out on Tuesday. 】

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