Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1738: First battle, victory

Jiang Chen is ready to display the killing dragon seal. Since he has realized the way to kill and get the practice of killing the dragon seal, this powerful dragon skill has never really been used. Today, against the sky, Jiang Chen is just showing up, by the way. Check out the power of killing dragon seals.

Jiang Chen’s body was shocked, and his back began to show countless blood-colored lights. With the appearance of these lights, Jiang Chen’s entire momentum began to become extremely fierce. It was cold and murderous, almost condensed. Substantial and substantial murderousness directly freezes a battlefield.

As these murderous tumbling and spurting, a **** dragon formed, suspended behind the head of Jiang Chen, it is a huge faucet, a **** faucet, a pair of scorpions without a little emotion, the whole dragon seems to be The murderous gas has condensed.


The sound of the earth-shattering dragon screams, it is the horrible dragon of killing, flying out of Jiang Chen’s body, suspended on the top of his head, a dragon foot has a hundred feet, all of them are bloody, the smell of killing is too It is rich, this is a real dragon of killing. What is even more terrifying is that the body of this killing dragon still carries a hint of Tianwei.

In the world, the world is respected, the emergence of this blood dragon is to kill, and the strong murders pervade the entire battlefield. A pair of dragons will kill all the creatures between heaven and earth.

"A good murderous, Jiang Chen finally has to show his own means."

"Terror, this breath is too horrible. I actually felt a strong Tianwei breath from that blood dragon. How is this possible?"

"I know, Jiang Chen had spent days before the robbery. It seems that it was a killing. The blood dragon in front of him was evolved by Jiang Chen using some powerful combat technique. If I guess it is correct, it must be at this door. The combat skills also passed through the catastrophe, so they absorbed the murderous and Tianwei in the killing of the nine robbers."


The scene once again vibrated, the victory and defeat almost no need to look at it, the momentum from the two sides can only see the results, the momentum of the dragon has already completely suppressed the Tianyue Jiuqiu momentum, plus On the gap between Shang Jiang Chen and Tian Yue at this moment, the fool can see who is strong and who is weak.

"The good means, Jiang Chen's progress is too fast. When he first entered the genius house, even the king of the king is not yet, how long has it been."

The oriental imperial concubine, the shock in his heart could not be calm. He still remembers the scene of Jiang Chen’s fight against Yun Chang’s for Danfu. At that time, Jiang Chen was still very weak. Now, after the gold kills, the whole person happens. The earth-shaking changes, Yun Changyu also died in his hands, and with Jiang Chen's current strength, Dongfang Yu feels that if he and Jiang Chen fight, I am afraid that Jiang Chen is not enough to kill.

Although the Oriental Royal is the owner of Danfu, its own strength is only a half-step fairy, and it is a half-step fairy who was promoted soon. Compared with the genius of Tianyue, there is not much comparability. Today's Jiang Chen has grown to the point where the Oriental Royals can only look up.


The dragon that killed the dragon was arrogant, and the whole dragon survived. The body of Baizhang was hit by the sky and the sky that was displayed on the battlefield.



The entire battlefield was shattered in an instant, and the horrible waves filled the air. The suffocating sculpt like a sharp knife continued to cut on the blood dragon, but it could not have any influence on the blood dragon. Instead, it was destroyed by the blood dragon. .

The effort between the blink of an eye, the horror of the horror of the sea, was completely destroyed by the dragon of the killing, and completely destroyed.


The more the sky was bombed, the scorpion was destroyed, and he himself was also subjected to a powerful anti-earthquake. His face was pale, and a blood arrow was sprayed in his mouth. The momentum also plummeted.


The momentum of the dragon is still tyrannical. After destroying the Tianzhu and Jiuyi, the eyes are close to the sky, and the blood is wide open.

Do not……

The more horrified the battle, the more horrifying the eyes came. He felt the breath of death from the blood dragon. Until then, he realized that he really looked down on Jiang Chen. It turned out that Jiang Chen was really not that. Good to kill.


Tianyue displayed all his efforts, exhausted the last trace of energy, and wanted to completely destroy the killing dragon. The killing dragon also exploded and turned into a sea-like murderous energy.

In an instant, the whole person was drowned in a **** sea, and there was no shadow. On the other side of the Tianyu Dynasty, many people’s hearts were smashed, and their faces were not good. They did not. Knowing that the more God can save his life under such an attack, but one thing is certain, that is, today's World War I, the more defeated the day.

"do you died?"

"Should it not be?? After all, Tianyue is a half-step sect of horror, not so good."

"It's hard to say that Jiang Chen's means are too strong. Even if he doesn't die, the outcome may not be better."


Countless gaze is on the battlefield of chaos, no matter how dead or dead, it has already been defeated, and it has been completely defeated.

Soon, the waves above the battlefield disappeared, and the shadow of Tianyue once again appeared in people’s sights. At this moment, the more and more, the fact that it can’t be described by wolves alone, all of them are blood, one arm Already missing, it was completely shattered.

The more the body is swaying, it is possible to fall from above the tall sky at any time.


Jiang Chen snorted and the Tiansheng sword appeared in his hand. The whole person appeared in front of Tianyue as a ghost, and the long sword smashed toward his head.


At this moment, a loud drink suddenly sounded, and a very powerful figure appeared. He directly explored the big hand. The goal was not Jiang Chen, but Tian Yue. This is a horrible mid-time master of the Xianzun. Wearing a robes, it turned out that the emperor of the Tianyu Dynasty personally shot.

Like Yang Yu, he has been paying attention to this battle in secret. Today, such an ending is something he never imagined. At this moment, he is extremely angry. Tianyue is the pride of their Tianyu dynasty, and it is the genius of Xianting. He naturally Can not watch the day and the more tragic death in Jiang Chen's hand.


It’s a pity that he shot faster and slowed down. Jiang Chen’s movements are too fast. He has a big emptiness in his body. To kill Tianyue, even the mid-level master can’t stop it, and he can’t Spend the life of the sky.

[Tomorrow six, no more in the morning, starting from three or four in the afternoon. 】

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