Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1741: Wake up, [three more]

At the highest point of the exquisite blessing, in the private territory of Linglong Xianzun, Jiang Chen entered the uninhabited territory and walked in directly.

Next to the exquisite jade stone, standing two people, it is Linglong Xianzun and Lan Lingji, their eyes are staring at the dragon thirteen on the stone, seeing Jiang Chen walk in, Linglong Xianzun directly Smiled and said hello.

"Jiang Chen, I heard that you killed Tianyue."

Linglong Xianzun said that looking at Jiang Chen’s eyes is obviously full of appreciation. Tian Yue is very clear in the people’s exquisiteness. Jiang Chen’s early cultivation of the Emperor’s Emperor killed the enchanting characters like Tianyue. This is enough to laugh at the younger generation of the fairyland.

"This is just the beginning. I haven't put it in my eyes."

Jiang Chen said in an understatement that arrogance makes people unable to hear pride. It seems to describe a very normal thing. In fact, it is also true. The district is more and more, and it is not seen by Jiang Chen.

Linglong Xianzhao smiled and nodded. Her eyes were still very accurate. Jiang Chen, such a peerless enchanting, is born with atmospheric transportation. As long as it can continue to develop, future achievements are not what she can imagine.

"But you still have to be careful. Heaven is only a beginning. Heaven is more than a lot of enchanting and genius in Xianting. It is not an eye-opener. If you kill Tianyue now, I am afraid it will lead to more horrible shots."

Linglong Xianzun reminded.

"The soldiers will stop, I have never been afraid of Jiang Chen, right, how is the monkey now?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"Look at it yourself."

Linglong Xianzun said.

Jiang Chen strode to the front of the exquisite jade stone, and found that the dragon thirteen at the moment was completely in the middle of a big scorpion. The exquisite jade liquid inside the **** stone constantly slammed into the body of the dragon thirteen, making Jiang Chen extremely surprised. Yes, the dragon thirteen is extremely powerful, and the breath has begun to become more and more profound. More importantly, the internal organs of the dragon thirteen have been completely repaired, and the pale face has also become rosy. The previous injuries have been completely It has recovered.

"Good guy, such a serious injury, can be fully recovered in such a short period of time."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but pick it up, a little can't believe it.

"This result is also beyond my expectation. Although the effect of Linglong Jade Liquid is amazing, it will not be so powerful. It seems that the blood of Dragon Thirteen is relatively strong, and he has accumulated a lot of earth's milk. Now, the speed of absorbing Linglong jade liquid is almost at its peak. To be honest, the exquisite jade liquid absorbed by him these days is comparable to the sum absorbed by all the people of the past ten years."

Linglong Xianzun’s face smiles, Linglong jade stone is the treasure of Zhenshan’s Zhenshan, and it’s impossible to absorb so many exquisite jade liquids by Long XIII. It’s impossible to say that it’s impossible. But Linglong jade sputum, how precious, but now it is absorbed by the dragon 13 not to spend the money, if it is replaced by others, Linglong Xianzhao may have thrown it away from the stone.

"Jiang Gongzi did not know, Linglong jade liquid is extremely precious. Since it appeared in the exquisite land, there has never been a situation in which anyone can absorb a lot. The thirteen brother is still the first one, but the master said, this shows The thirteen brothers and the exquisite jade **** stone have a fate, at least the fate is bigger than us, how much can be absorbed, and all are the creation of the thirteen brothers."

Lan Lingji’s face with a gratifying smile, seeing the vitality of Dragon Thirteen is getting stronger and stronger, and the happiest thing is her. Since the Dragon 13 was placed here, Lan Lingji has not left the stone. All the minds are placed on the dragon thirteen.

"This guy is a metamorphosis."

Jiang Chen laughed, how many characters of Dragon Thirteen, that is the powerful Taikoo war spirit, which was born from the heaven and earth spiritual stone, and the exquisite jade stone is also a kind of the spirit of heaven and earth. It seems that the dragon thirteen itself is for this kind of The spirit of heaven and earth is incomparably fateful, so it is possible to absorb so many exquisite jade liquids.

Now it seems that it was a very correct choice to put Long XIII in the exquisite blessings. Otherwise, it is impossible to put the damage of Long XIII at the time of the thirty-three floors of the Zulong Tower. Recovery is so fast.

"But the thirteen brothers still didn't wake up."

Lan Lingji suddenly said with a frown.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen also quickly found out a **** thought into the body of the dragon thirteen, to see the basic situation of the dragon thirteen, after reading a circle in the body of the dragon thirteen, Jiang Chen's brow can not help Knocked up.

"How could this happen? All the vitality of the monkey has been mobilized, and the injury has fully recovered, but the depths of the soul are still dead, there is no sign of awakening at all."

Jiang Chen said that he was the first time he encountered this situation. He clearly had his injuries recovered and his vitality was very strong, but he could not wake up.

"At the beginning of the corpse yin and Huang Quan ancestors jointly shot, the dragon thirteen body caused an extremely strong damage, especially the soul, almost annihilated, although the injury is completely restored now, but the soul wants to wake up is too difficult , so this will happen."

Linglong Xianzun shook his head and said that it can be seen that this situation is quite tricky before the eyes of Dragon XIII.

"Can you have a good way?"

Jiang Chen’s worried face, he was originally prepared to look at the Dragon Thirteen and then left to go to Fengchi Xianyu to find his father, but did not expect the situation of the Dragon Thirteen to have changed.


Linglong Xianzun said.

"How exciting?"

Jiang Chen and Lan Lingji looked at Linglong Xianzun at the same time.

"The situation of Dragon Thirteen is now completely restored. It only needs to wake up its soul. But it is not a simple matter to wake up the soul. There must be something to stimulate him. This must be his most important thing. Only then can he penetrate his soul directly and let him wake up."

Linglong Xianzun said.

"Master, but what can spur the thirteenth brother to wake up?"

Lan Lingji asked urgently.

Linglong Xianzun did not answer the words of Lan Lingji, but like Jiang Chen, and at the same time, his eyes fell on the body of Lan Lingji.

"Master, Jiang Gongzi, why are you looking at me like this?"

Lan Lingji was seen in the snacks.

"Blue girl, now can stimulate the heart of the monkey, I am afraid that only you."

Jiang Chen laughed.


Blue Ling Ji Yi Yi.

"Yes, Dragon 13 has a deep affection for you, so now only you can stimulate his soul and let him wake up. Otherwise, he really may wake up here for hundreds of years, even wake up later. But it is coming."

Linglong Xianzun said.

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