Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1763: The good show just started [fill yesterday]

"It’s Zhang Wei, he wants to shoot, it seems that it is necessary to kill the dragon thirteen."

Some people have recognized Zhang Wei, a person who has created a lot of famous names in Dong Xuan.

"I heard that this embarrassment is extremely horrible. A gun in the hand swept the world, no one can shoot the enemy, there is the ability to destroy the earth, and now the cultivation has reached the point of the early stage of the horror of the immortal, not at all. Tian Nengbi, I don’t know if Dragon XIII can handle it."

"Dragon thirteen is naturally very powerful, but he is able to kill Chutian and be able to kill against Zhang Wei. There are two different concepts. This battle seems to be very exciting. I have begun to look forward to it."

"At this time, Zhang Hao must be shot. Huang Quanmen’s coming to Linglong’s blessing is too wrong. Yesterday’s loss in Jiang Chen’s hands is not small. Now Dragon 13 is resurrected, and threatened to kill Huang Quan. The ancestors made Huang Quanmen not have a little face to say, if Zhang Wei did not take it, then Huang Quanmen would be greatly reduced in the East Xuan domain."


When I saw Zhang Wei’s shot, the crowd suddenly moved again. This is the real life-like figure of Xianting. The tyrannical point is not comparable to the Chutian generation. He personally shot and killed Dragon XIII. In the eyes of people, Dragon Thirteen is still extremely dangerous. After all, they are all genius masters, all of whom are peerless enchanting. It is equal to a difference between repairing a level.

"The people of Huangquanmen?"

Long XIII looked at Zhang Wei who was flying up, and his eyes suddenly showed cold killing. He hated the two forces now, one corpse Yinzong, one Huangquan Gate, and the corpse Yinzong was destroyed by Jiang Chen, forget it. The person of Huang Quanmen, Long XIII is definitely not a bit polite.

"Boy, you are too arrogant, and dare to speak out about Huang Quanmen and our door owners, I am afraid that you do not know how you die."

Zhang Wei said coldly, although Long XIII had just killed Chutian, but Zhang Wei still did not put him in his eyes. He was too confident about his strength. He knew more clearly that half-step fairy and true fairy The gap between the respects is big. He originally came for Jiang Chen today. Now Jiang Chen does not dare to show up. He naturally transfers his anger to the body of Long XIII.

"Death? Laozi is already a dead person. Since he came up, let me see the genius of Xianting, to what extent."

The thirteenth momentum of the dragon thundered, and the infinite waves of air spewed out of his body. He smacked his hands and swept over Zhang Wei. The people facing Huang Quanmen had little to say.


Zhang Hao snorted and released his powerful momentum. The violent energy of Xianzun’s early days sprang up. It was like a sea of ​​ocean, Zhang Yi’s shot, the scene suddenly moved, and countless eyes were attracted to the past. .

A character like Zhang Wei, the general mid-level master of Xianzun is not his opponent. The early master of Xianzun in the exquisite blessings, I am afraid that only Linglong Xianzun can kill him in person. The other Xianzun early, it is His opponent.

Zhang Hao waved a palm, and the huge palm print was a few dozen feet in size, and it reached the extreme, colliding with the French and Indians exhibited by Dragon XIII.


The void was torn on the spot, and a battlefield was beaten with chaotic colors. Both of them were fierce, and they showed a stable position.


Zhang Hao exclaimed and his face changed slightly. Obviously, he couldn't believe that the horror of Dragon Thirteen had reached this level. Although he did not make all the effort, he was definitely not a half-step. However, Dragon 13 not only resisted, but the momentum is still unparalleled. There is no change at all compared to the state of prosperity. That is to say, it is extremely easy for Dragon XIII to accept this attack. This makes Zhang Wei not shocked. .

In fact, Zhang Wei did not know that Dragon 13 still did not exert his full strength. He had just printed the French law, and even the fighting and the holy law did not display it. He only tried to test the gap between himself and the genius master of the early Xianzun. .

"Dragon XIII, just a temptation, then I will be welcome."

Zhang Wei made a swearing message, only to see that he suddenly turned his hands up and turned over the top of his head. The energy on his palms rolled, like the endless energy mountain, constantly pressing down, and soon, an energy mountain formed. Under the control of Zhang Wei, the energy mountain completely locked the atmosphere of the dragon thirteen, and went to the dragon thirteen.

Countless people are horrified. It is hard to imagine how much energy this sniper carries. If it is shackled, it will be seriously injured if it is not dead.

"The word fights."

In the face of such a powerful attack, the face is still indifferent, and the powerful master of Xianting has completely inspired his fighting spirit. After he was promoted to the half-step fairy, his understanding of the holy law of fighting It is more esoteric and more versatile.

The bucket word 诀 formed a huge French seal, carrying the power of fighting the sky, and rushing toward the energy network in front.


When the sky collapses, the sky must be directly torn. The horrible energy mountain that was not urged by the price is directly destroyed under the strong attack of the fighting word. Then, the power of the fighting word is not reduced. Continue to impact Zhang Hao.


Zhang Wei’s face changed slightly. Under the impact of the fierce fighting word, Zhang Hao’s whole person was shaken back by a dozen steps to stabilize his body and judged.

"Impossible, how could it be so strong."

Zhang Yan’s eyes are bleeding, and he can’t believe the result. He knows that Dragon XIII is a Taikoo warrior, but he is also not weak, and he is a level higher than the other’s. Under the circumstances, it was a shameful thing to be repulsed by the Dragon.

"My God, Dragon Thirteen is so powerful, it actually shocked Zhang Hao."

"The tyrannical, it is not too ancient warfare, the strength and means are all against the sky, Zhang Wei is a genius figure of Xianting, the real master of Xianzun, now is not the opponent of Dragon Thirteen. ”

"I said that the real good drama has just begun, but Zhang Wei is not very irritating. I heard that he has a terrible horror in his hand. He has not yet applied it. If it is displayed, the power and lethality will be exerted. It will also be upgraded. It is not necessarily the one who will eventually die in this battle."


The strength of the Dragon Thirteen makes the ending of this war more confusing. People think that it is Zhang Wei’s winning game. Now it seems that it is not the case at all. Next, Zhang Wei will show it. Full of strength, the really exciting battle has just begun.

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