Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1765: Threat of death

Zhang Wei’s combination of guns and guns is indeed strong, but his strength does not have any effect on Dragon XIII. A powerful annihilation can destroy everything.

With the killing of the word, the body of the dragon thirteen exudes endless devastating waves, and these devastating waves directly form a big character: destroy!

The huge word of "extinguish", suspended high above the sky, exudes the taste of death, which makes people feel scared. A big character is like living, representing an ancient way of doingy, representing a devastating road, rolling Quartet, destroy everything.

Countless people feel that breathing is a bit difficult. People who thought that Dragon 13 would be defeated under the gun of the Dragon King, now also began to shake their own thoughts. It turns out that the power of Dragon XIII is not what they can imagine. It is a kind of real horror, a powerful Taikoo war spirit, and a horrible ancient secret technique. It is the ultimate battle secret, and the horror is extremely extreme. Even Zhang Yi, who is a man and a gun, can’t suppress Long Shi. Three momentum.


In the thirteenth mouth of the dragon, the energy burst in the body, and it was like a big wave. The huge word of "extinguish" was doubled, and the void was completely destroyed by oppression. In countless times, I was expecting and shocked. Under the gaze, the tyrannosaurus and the tyrannosaurus tyrants collided again.


The sky is devastated, and the devastating atmosphere is terrible. The range is extremely wide. Although they are in the sky, even the whole square under the vibration of the battle is shaking.


The indestructible giant battle platform made a loud noise, and there was a striking crack.

"not good."

An elder of Linglong Fudi’s dark road was not good. No one expected that the strength of Long XIII and Zhang Wei would be such a horrible degree. You must know that the battle platform was once banned by Linglong Xianzun. Coupled with the sturdy material, even if the general mid-level masters fight on the top, they can't destroy the battle table.


Linglong Xianzun brushed up from the seat and flew to the sky in the blink of an eye. He shot a powerful French seal in his hands and stabilized the battlefield that was about to be destroyed.

The battle platform is incomparably sacred. It is a symbol of a big power. The battle platform can never be destroyed. It is a kind of damage to the war of a big force. Therefore, Linglong Xianzun does not hesitate to personally launch a stable platform.

"It's so powerful, is this the real means of exquisite fairy worship?"

"People like Linglong Xianzun have already reached the peak of Xianzun's mid-term, and Linglong Xianzun used to be a genius in genius, plus the horror means of being the head, enough to confront the general master of the late Xianzun. At the same time, it is not the general Xianzun in the middle of the period. Although Dragon 13 and Zhang Wei are very powerful, if they fight against Linglong Xianzun, they will not be opponents."

"That is of course, the prestige of Linglong Xianzun is not a joke, the battle platform is solid, and now it is better to see the Dragon 13 and Zhang Wei."

"Look, now it's really hard to say who wins and who loses. The means of Taikoo's warfare is beyond our imagination. Zhang Yi's combination of guns and guns is also a peak. It depends on who is better. In fact, no matter who. Who wins and loses, Dragon 13 is famous today."


No one is shocked, everyone has been shocked by such a HTC scene, the battle between Dragon XIII and Zhang Wei, let Linglong Xianzun personally shot, now look at the strength of Long XIII and Zhang Wei who is stronger It is.


The sky was completely smashed, and the sky above the exquisite blessed land has become a chaotic battlefield, as if everything was submerged, and the shadows of Dragon XIII and Zhang Wei were also covered up, and the situation inside could not be seen.

But very quickly, the two figures flew out from the inside, and they were moving in different directions, apparently being popped up by the horrible anti-shock force.


Zhang Wei spurted a spurt of blood, his face changed a little pale, and the gun in his hand was a little dim. He shook his hand with the gun, and the combination of guns and guns was indeed powerful and powerful, but once defeated, It will suffer strong damage itself.

Look at the Dragon Thirteen, although the breath is also somewhat confusing, but the eyes of the fire are shining, the momentum is still like the ocean, and he looks very normal, and has not suffered the slightest injury.

People are not fools. This scene is in the eyes. Who wins and who loses is directly at a glance.

"God, Zhang Hao has actually lost, this dragon thirteen even the Xianbing did not show."

"What do you know, it is a powerful ancient secret, the inheritance is very old, and it is much more terrifying than the fairy. If he plays the squadron, I am afraid that the ending is not like this."

"I really didn't think that this dragon thirteen actually went to this level. The enchanting fairyland is too much. First, it is a Jiang Chen, and now it is a dragon thirteen."


The scene exploded completely. No one thought of this ending. The people at Huangquanmen were completely dumbfounded. This time they came to participate in the election meeting. They could say that they had been wronged from the beginning and have been wronged to the present. Originally thought that Zhang Wei's exhibition of Shenwei can kill the Dragon Thirteen, making Huang Quanmen's voice dry, and finally disappointed.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. He is only half a step, how can he be forced to this point."

Zhang Wei can't accept this reality at all. His current mood is the same as that of Chutian before, but it is even worse than Chutian. After all, Chutian's cultivation is only half a step, but he is a real Xianzun. Master, the two can not be compared at the same time, and Dragon Thirteen can kill Chutian and be able to defeat himself, it is completely different.


The powerful air wave once again spewed out from the body of the dragon thirteen. He once again played the word annihilation. The huge word of "extinguish" came out again and soon formed a cohesive shape. The dragon thirteen was like a **** to kill the gods, with lightning. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Yan came to the front again. He was murderous and made it clear that Zhang Wei would be put to death.

However, many of his practices also understand that this is a battle platform for life and death, and the two sides are long-lasting hostile relations. If Zhang Hao wins, they will also kill Dragon XIII.

However, Zhang Wei is a master of Xianzun after all. Even if he loses, it is still possible to save his life. Therefore, many people think that it is very difficult for Dragon XIII to directly kill Zhang Wei.


Zhang Wei saw that Dragon 13 had been smashed and killed. His face suddenly became very difficult to look at. He could feel the horror of destroying the word, and he had already smelled the threat of death.

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