Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1768: Despair

The square is dead, there will be low crying from time to time. Many people here are still very young. They don't want to die. Their eyes are full of despair. It is a desperation from the heart. Here, they even have the chance to commit suicide. No, there are strong guards around. Although these guards are the only ones who are the highest in the half-step fairy king, even so, they are enough to control the fate of all of them, and they are almost exhausted because of long-term trials. Where is the ability to fight and resist.

At one corner of the square, a middle-aged man curled up. He looked like he was forty years old. He was ruined and ruined. He had many injuries and the whole person was bloodied. Only one pair of eyes was sharp, if Jiang Chen was here. I must be able to recognize it at a glance. This middle-aged man is the father he is looking for, Jiang Zhenhai.

"Dust, our father and son have no chance to meet each other."

Jiang Zhenhai sighed, his tone was full of unwillingness. He was not afraid of death, but he was not willing to die. He was in the lower bound for hundreds of years, and he was waiting for one day to fly up to the fairyland. He could reunite with his son. I hope, but I did not expect to fall into this step of the field today. Now, the last side with Jiang Chen has become a luxury reverie.

Jiang Zhenhai’s heart is painful. He knows that Jiang Chen is in the fairy world, but the fairy world is too big. With his strength, he wants to find Jiang Chen. It is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack. It is an unrealistic thing. Now it is in a desperate situation. Being able to see Jiang Chen is no longer the biggest fantasies.

I have been here for a while. Jiang Zhenhai has long seen that death is the ultimate destination here. Without exception, every day there is a dead person. Just two people died. He simply does not know when death will come. Go to your own body.

What you can do now is to wait for death.

Jiang Zhenhai’s cultivation at this moment is already a fairy level. This is not because he is so arrogant, but because of the results of the test, many of the medicinal herbs here have extremely powerful side effects, but they can forcibly improve people’s cultivation. In fact, this situation is very bad, just like Jiang Zhenhai at the moment, all his potential and blood are hollowed out by the medicinal herbs, and the cultivation of the celestial level is not enough, and even If you don't die, you won't be able to make any progress in the future. You will stay at this level for the rest of your life, unless there is a miracle.

Of course, Jiang Zhenhai did not fantasize about it. He stayed here for so long. No one still dreamed of being able to go out alive, because it was an unrealistic idea. It has been here for so long, and the only support for Jiang Zhenhai can still persist. If you go on, I am afraid that there will be only Jiang Chen.

Because Jiang Zhenhai knows that only when he is alive can he have the opportunity to see his son. One of the most basic conditions is to live.

Compared with other people, Jiang Zhenhai’s status is quite good. When Jiang Chen left, he left a lot of good things, which made his foundation stronger and more stable, so his eyes are still very Bright.


The heavy footsteps sounded from the outside. Then, a middle-aged man came in. The middle-aged man’s momentum was extremely powerful. He was already a real fairy king. This kind of cultivation has already had some status in Danfang. .

"Five things, how come you came in person?"

Seeing this middle-aged man, several guards immediately greeted him, nodded and bowed, and bowed his knees, showing that the status of this five-man affairs is still extraordinary.

"Yeah, there are five things. If you have us here, you can rest assured, and today's remedy has already been tried."

One person said openly.

"Now I have also developed a new kind of remedy to find out that a body is slightly stronger, and I have to try it myself."

Five management said.

Hearing the words, the expressions of several guards suddenly dignified. According to the previous habits, only one test will be conducted every day. Because the new Danfang of the modulation can only appear one day, I didn’t expect to finish the test just today. And it is the five things that come in person, it is obvious that the newly prepared remedy is very extraordinary.

"Go, find a better body."

The leader said to the next person, he only said that he is better, but he does not have to find a strong body, because he knows that there is almost no body in the test Danu here. Look for a relatively better one to experiment.

The guard looked around and all the Danu were scared and trembled. They didn't dare to look at his eyes. Finally, the guard's eyes fell on Jiang Zhenhai.

"You, come out."

The guard pointed at Jiang Zhenhai.

Jiang Zhenhai raised his head and his eyes flashed cold and hatred.

"Old guy, you dare to marry me."

The guard was furious and strode to Jiang Zhenhai. The face of Jiang Zhenhai was a loud slap in the face, and then he raised his foot against Jiang Zhenhai’s head.

"Okay, don't kill."

The leader quickly uttered remarks, and finally found a better one. If he was killed, it would not be wasted.

"Hey! Count you away."

The guard snorted and grabbed Jiang Zhenhai’s collar and grabbed Jiang Zhenhai and pulled it to the front of the five management.

"The level of the fairy, the blood is running out, is there any better?"

Five management things looked at Jiang Zhenhai, Emei said.

"Five things, if this is not the case, we will go out and grab it now."

Said the leader.

"Forget it, you can't act in the daytime. If you are seen by outsiders, it will damage the reputation of our wind Danfang. Just let him, don't delay the time."

The five things said, the palm of the hand took out a medicinal herb. The medicinal drug was red and scented with an unpleasant smell. Jiang Zhenhai’s pupils shrank and instinctively told him that if he had eaten the medicinal drug in front of him, he might I really can't insist on seeing my son.

"I don't eat."

Jiang Zhenhai was furious and angered.

"Don't eat? That one is not for you."

The leader, the result of the drug, grabbed Jiang Zhenhai's neck, and then directly inserted the drug into the mouth of Jiang Zhenhai. Jiang Zhenhai only felt a feeling of suffocation, and the drug entered the stomach in his throat.


The powerful drug instantly burst into the body of Jiang Zhenhai, turning into a madness of the snake to his limbs. Jiang Zhenhai's face was instantly distorted, and he was lying on the ground and screaming.

Five directors stared at Jiang Zhenhai with a straight eye. When he saw Jiang Zhenhai’s expression, he knew that the medicinal preparation of this time had failed. The guards were all expressionless. They knew that the Dannu was also finished. However, this scene, they have seen too much.

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