Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1773: All come over [six more]

Blood and splatters are everywhere, flesh and blood fluttering, splashing on the body and three things, people and other faces.

In the blink of an eye, the camp of 500 people was all tragically killed. The original Danfang, there were only a few things left behind. They looked at everything that happened in front of them. The face was like gray, and the breathing became extremely heavy.

Bloody, exposed, cruel.

Killing people is not blinking. At this moment, there are still a few pre-existing prestige in the past few things. They are completely scared. They are the tops of the rest of the family. They are all characters who have fought in battle. Which one has no life, which one? One is not full of blood, but like the dust of Jiang Chen, it is really the first time I saw it. Five hundred people said that killing the light would kill the light. Just because the other party did not kneel, they would never give a chance to kill. Clean, one does not stay, this is simply a massacre.

For Jiang Chen, without using the means of iron and blood, he can never really shock the other side. Moreover, he himself did not intend to let go of these people. The suffering of Jiang Zhenhai must be dealt with extremely severely. That is the destruction of the entire Danfang.

A few of the things were completely scared. They saw not only the power of this young man, but also the bloodthirsty and brutality. They killed so many people in a blink of an eye. They didn’t even look at the young man’s eyes. To a little bit, this can only explain that there are too many people killed by the other side. Killing in his eyes has already become a habit.

In fact, in this fairyland of the weak meat, it is such a thing. Throughout the ages, the feats of the peerless anger to kill millions are not infrequent. Jiang Chen now kills thousands of people for his father, and it is nothing.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me."

Five things have already scared the liver and gallbladder, he has not paid attention to his broken arm, and even rolled to the vicinity of Jiang Zhenhai, 噗通噗通连磕头.

Too embarrassed, too ferocious, has surpassed the scope of the five management things, he is now the shadow of Jiang Chen’s murder in the depths of the whole soul. He knows that this is the end of Danfang, and it is really offensive to offend. people.

Killing these people, Jiang Chen’s expression has not changed a bit. Some people have killed it. There is no need for a bit of compassion. The Danu who died in their hands these years are probably more than a thousand. Jiang Chen is not a hobby. The murderer, the person he killed, is **** to him. Jiang Chen has his own killing standard.

The enemy can kill, the enemy can kill, the sorrow can be killed, and the innocent does not kill.

In Jiang Chen’s heart, no one in Danfang is innocent, so they all **** it and kill them, not only to seek justice for Jiang Zhenhai, but also to avenge the death of the Dannus.

Now, the entire square is filled with pungent **** anger. The second thing is smashed into two halves by Jiang Chen, and there are still four things left to die. Among them, the big management and the five things have broken an arm, even if it is intact. The three-management and the four-management of the loss are also scared and scared. The top of the head is shrouded in the shadow of a layer of death. Where is the usual prestige.

"Knelt down."

Jiang Chen’s tone is still cold. If he doesn’t want to know something, he doesn’t have to leave these people. Of course, Jiang Chen must regain his dignity and humiliation to his father. No one dared to humiliate when they entered the land.


Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, and the three things and the four things were slammed on the ground. All the pride had disappeared. They finally understood why the previous five things were so direct. They had to listen to Jiang Chen. Nothing can be done unless they are dead, they don't want to die.

The big manager then fell to the ground. He knew that Danfang was finished. This time he really offended the person who should not be offended. The relatives of this year are strong. He has never seen him. He knows very well, even if he is the first. The master of the master is coming, and it is not the opponent of this young man at all. Even the two sides are not at all a level.


Jiang Chendao, the tone is unquestionable.

"It is our fault that adults are forgiving. It is because we don't know Taishan."

"We already know that we are wrong, we are willing to compensate adults at all costs, and we only ask adults to spare our lives."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

Three things and four things on the side of the side of the pleading for mercy, the five things in the mouth is just a strong fight not to kill me, the big management at this moment is also completely without a bit of temper, a strong enthusiasm for Jiang Zhenhai.

Jiang Zhenhai also had some circles. He looked at the four masters in front of him and kept swearing on his own ground. He was very uncomfortable sitting on the wicker chair. He was just a small person who couldn’t be small. He Dehe Can withstand the worship of the four masters.

Jiang Zhenhai did not imagine that he was the oldest son of Jiang Chen, and he was destined to be not a small person. It is doomed that many big people must be gracious to him, and let him three points.

Although he is very uncomfortable, Jiang Zhenhai still has no sympathy for these people. As a person who has risen from the lower bound, he has a lifelong experience. He has long been used to killing. He thinks of the underground square. These people are really unforgivable. It is not enough to die 10,000 times. During this period of time, too many people have died, and they are all dead in their hands.

"Big management, let me ask you, who is the Danfang containing the bloodthirsty grass, who gave it to you?"

Jiang Chen asked, and his eyesight can naturally be seen. This big manager is not even an alchemy teacher. He is only a leader in charge of Danfang. He also felt that Dan was a big manager. It seems now that the other party has no such ability at all.

"The enlightened adult, the Dan Fang of the modulation is given to me by the owner, but I know that this Dan is probably given by Shen Gongzi. Over the years, Danfang of our family has been testing for Shen Gongzi. Dan is basically given by him."

The big manager did not dare to hide it, and said.

"Which is the sinker? Why use the bloodthirsty grass to prepare the drug?"

Jiang Chen asked, there is still a big man behind the dark channel. It seems that the Shengongzi is the culprit. Jiang Zhenhai, all the people involved, will be punished, not to mention the culprit.

"Shen Gongzi is the genius disciple of Feng Luomen. He is powerful. The rest of the family controls the wind city. It is the support of Shen Gongzi. We have always worked for him. As for Shen Gongzi, in order to prepare such a drug, I don't know why, maybe the owner knows."

The big manager said.

Wen Yan said that Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on the three things, and said: “You are now returning to the rest of the family, so that the rest of your family will bring all the people above the king of the king to immediately come over, remember, don’t think about running away, The entire wind city is under my control. If you dare to escape, I will kill you directly, and then destroy your Yujia Manchu. Don't think that I am joking. I only make fun of my friends."

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