Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1777: Accept the trial [four more]

The big three people were lying on the ground. Although they were very excited to see the arrival of the family, they did not dare to have the slightest action. They didn’t even have the courage to stand up from the cold ground. They knew that their lives were completely controlled. In the hands of Jiang Chen, if the river dust is not so happy, they can have their lives in an instant. This is beyond doubt, they have no doubt.

The faces of the rest of the family are unusually ugly, and the void is filled with the smell of hell. They are all pale in color. They see that the early management of the Emperor of the Emperor is not on the ground, they are not worried. And beyond fear, there is no other thought.

Afterwards, the eyes of all the rest of the family fell on Jiang Chen’s body. The youngness of Jiang Chen made them really surprised, but at the same time their worries were even greater. So young, they reached such a terrible degree. There is no backstage behind the scenes. They are not believed to be killed. Even if Shen Gongzi arrives, I am afraid it is.

"damn it."

Yu Jia’s heart screamed in the heart, and he couldn’t wait to pull out a few of the things that were in charge of Danfang on the ground and directly went out. This is a guy who is not enough to make a mistake. The net is to trouble the family, and now angered a genius. Those who are slightly careless will let the rest of the family fall into a land of annihilation.

"Who is the owner?"

Jiang Chen said faintly.

"I am the owner of the family and I have seen Jiang Chengong."

Yu Jiajia took a step forward and gave a deep ritual to Jiang Chen. With his eyesight, he could not see the depth of Jiang Chen, and he did feel a huge pressure from Jiang Chen’s body. With this in mind, he was forced to conclude that if he had to fight with the other side in his mid-term cultivation, there was almost no chance of winning.

"Knelt down."

Jiang Chen is cold and cold.

The head of the Yujia family, his homeowner, the helm of the wind city, now has to give people a kneel, which makes him suffer.

"Jiang Chen, don't be too much, our family is honored and you can kneel down for you."

The four elders suddenly did not do it. The other party is indeed strong, but don't deceive too much. After all, the head of the family is the representative of Yujia. If you squat, there will be face to face in the future.


The four elders just fell, the sword in the hands of Jiang Chen smashed the past, a very incomparable Jianguang, the speed is almost at the extreme, the home of the blind is over the home of the family, and falls on the four elders.


A scream of screaming screams, the powerful four elders, the supreme master of the early Emperor of the Emperor, was directly split into two halves by a sword, and the blood spurted out, and the rest of the family was everywhere.


All the people in Yujia were panicked. Everyone looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes as if they were seeing ghosts. This person was too ferocious to kill people. What surprised them even more was the emperor of the four elders. Suddenly, this was actually killed by the other party’s understatement. How much has the other’s cultivation been horrified?

Late Emperor? Half step Xianzun, or Xianzun?

When I think of the two words of Xianzun, the rest of the family can breathe a sigh of coolness. If the other party is really a fairy, even a half-step fairy is terrible. So young half-step fairy, even the wind door None, as long as Xianting will have such a peerless genius, what kind of great power can cultivate such a genius.

To say that the other party is not a half step fairy, but how can it be an understatement to kill a fairy emperor.

The faces of Yu Jia’s face changed completely. They all glared at the three people on the ground, because they were in charge of Danfang’s disadvantages, and they brought such a terrible existence to Yu Jia.

"Everyone, kneel down."

Jiang Chen’s tone, without a little bit of emotion, the long sword in his hand is constantly blooming with cold murderousness, and may kill at any time. The big management is far from Jiang Chen. The scene of the four elders is scared. He suddenly feels that he can still live. Here is simply a kind of luck.


"shut up."

When someone else just wanted to speak, he was yelled back by the Yujia family. Isn’t the situation in front of him still not clear? The strength of Jiang Chen has exceeded their expectations. It is beyond the scope of confrontation between them. The four elders have already been killed. Whoever talks again is the rhythm of direct death.

"On behalf of the entire Yujia and Danfang, I came to plead guilty. I also asked Jiang Chengong to open the grace extravagantly and bypass the rest of us. It is our fault to make the honorable thing. No matter what compensation the son needs, we will try our best to do it. ”

The Yujia family bowed his knees to the ground and said.

A family owner has left, how helpless, but now there is no way, contrary to the will of Jiang Chen, it indicates the death, not even his own death, it is likely to be the rest of the family. Destroyed, and the rest of the family knows clearly that this is what the rest of the family has done. The rest of the family must pay the price. As long as Jiang Chen can spare the rest of his family, even if he is kneeling, he will be willing.

Seeing that the homeowners were kneeling down, the rest of the people did not dare to be a little slower, and they hurried to the ground.

This is a very spectacular scene. The largest family in Wind City, the top of all the kings above the King of the Kings, is here to accept the upcoming trial. Yujiafeng Wind Power City has always been high above, the real king here. I probably didn’t think it would be such a day.

At this moment, the deepest feeling should be Jiang Zhenhai. He sat on the wicker chair and watched so many big people squatting here to apologize for himself. The whole person seemed to have a dream, and he was already happy in his heart. A strong son, he has nothing to ask for in his life.

Jiang Chen is his greatest pride.

"Punish? You naturally have to be punished. Take my father to try Danu. I don't know who gave you such courage, insulting my father, better than insulting me. This price is not something that you can afford." of."

Jiang Chen said coldly, and he was carrying a cold murder.

It is said that the faces of the rest of the family have become even more ugly. It seems that this genius master has no intention of letting go of their rest.

"Jiang Chen Gongzi is angry, no matter how Jiang Chen Gongzi punishes us, it is our self-sufficiency. We only ask Jiang Gongzi to give us a living path."

Yu Jiajia’s lord is on the ground. In this world of the jungle, he deeply understands that offending a strong person indicates what is now. Now that he is a knife, he is a fish, and a little bit of resistance will cause the whole family to fall into a land of annihilation.

"I am coming to ask you, where is the Danfang that modulates the bloodthirsty grass?"

Jiang Chen asked.

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