Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1781: Big conspiracy

Shen Yifei, who had been completely beaten, barely opened his **** eyes, just to see Jiang Chen’s sharp eyes, and could not help but tremble.

What kind of person is this? In the early days of the reign of Emperor Xian, the horror reached this level. Shen Yifei knew that his failure was definitely not an accident. Under the strong attack of the other side, he really did not have the power to resist. He said that the other side is using the gods. The weapon will defeat himself. He may still feel better in his heart, but the other party is a slap and he will be the dog. The only explanation is that the other party is really too strong, and it is not that they can fight.

The gaze in front of me seems to come from hell. Just one eye can reproduce the life of the human being, and the soul will tremble with it. Shen Yifei never felt the fear, but now he is in the hands of Jiang Chen, really fear Now, he feels that his soul is covered with a shadow of death.


Shen Yifei nodded and said a service word. It was really served. He had never served anyone in Shen Feifei, but today’s scene makes it difficult for him to dissatisfaction.


Jiang Chen smiled and took Shen Yifei down from the sky. It seems that Shen Yifei is still a wise man, and he has saved a lot of flesh and blood. Jiang Chen has ruled all kinds of dissatisfaction.


Jiang Chen throws Shen Yifei like a dead dog on the ground, squatting in front of Jiang Zhenhai, and then looking at the rest of the family. Wherever the rest of the family dares to be a little bit sloppy, they ran over and rolled over and squatted on the ground. They shivered one by one, and they didn’t even dare to carry them.

Now it is different from before. Shen Gongzi is even worse than their situation. The last refuge of Yujia is completely gone. All hopes are completely shattered. Now I can only hope that Jiang Chen can be compassionate and not care about Yujia. .

"Shen Yifei, do you think that you are the first day of Feng Luomen, I will not dare to kill you? You dare to catch my father Dan Danu, you are dead."

Jiang Chen looked down at Shen Yifei, and he did not directly ask about the bloodthirsty grass. Because he had just fought with Shen Yifei, he found that the practice of Shen Yifei’s cultivation is just the kind of yang, and the bloodthirsty grass may There is no relationship with him. This bloodthirsty event may be followed by people.

"Jiang Chen, you can't kill me, kill me, there is no good for you. I am the great elder of Feng Luomen. The cultivation of Xianzun in the middle of the period is not something you can fight against. You just kill me, he I will immediately feel that even if you have a hundred lives, you will not die."

Shen Yifei said, he was shocked by Jiang Chen’s momentum, and he felt fear. Now he thought of his father, his tone suddenly and hard.

Yes, as the son of the elders of the Windsor, there is a supreme master in the late stage of Xianzun as a background, whoever dares to kill himself, even if he does not dare to give Jiang Chen a hundred courage.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen's pupil can not help but shrink, the dark road really, this Shen Yifei really has people behind.


Jiang Chen pulled out a long sword and slammed an arm of Shen Yifei.


"Jiang Chen, you dare to break my arm."

Shen Yifei is going crazy, and his identity is actually being smashed by the other side. This is simply too odious. He has been ruined for a lifetime, and his arm is broken. It is very likely that the repair will be stagnant.

"Don't take your backstage to threaten me, I don't want to eat that one. I have a question to ask you now. You'd better answer honestly. Otherwise, I cut off your legs and dug your eyes. Cut your tongue, don't think I am joking."

The tone of Jiang Chen can be turned into ice.

Shen Yifei’s mind trembled and suddenly felt that he was really wrong. He didn’t dare to look at Jiang Chen’s eyes. This is a demon king. He knows that his threat is simply not worth mentioning in the other’s eyes. If you do it, I am afraid that it will be directly abolished. It is better to die than to die.


Jiang Chen asked.

"Well, you ask, as long as you don't kill me, what do you want to know?"

Shen Yifei is honest, and man is a knife for me. There is no way to be honest.

“Why do you use algae to make alchemy?”

Jiang Chen asked.

"This one……"

Shen Yifei's eyebrows, bloodthirsty grass has always been a secret, never been known, which involves a conspiracy.

"Don't you say?"

Jiang Chen’s sword trembled in his hand, and he was going to take another arm against Shen Yifei.

"Don't, I said."

Shen Yifei scared the souls of the dead, and quickly exclaimed.

"Don't delay my time."

Jiang Chen said faintly.

"These Dans are all given to me, and the bloodthirsty grass can help him practice the exercises."

Shen Yifei said that he did not dare to hide it because he knew that under the sharp eyes of Jiang Chen, no lies existed.

"Sure enough, you are embarrassed. It seems that you have cultivated a kind of evil spirits. You want to convert the bloodthirsty function of the bloodthirsty grass into yourself. Once you practice it, you can use this bloodthirsty function to forcibly absorb other people's qi. Blood helps you improve your strength. Am I right?"

Jiang Chen’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter. It seems to be similar to his own guess. This elder of the Windsor has problems.

"You, how did you know?"

Shen Yifei was dumbfounded and looked at Jiang Chen with horror. He couldn’t believe it. The purpose of his father was indeed like this.

"Hey! Bloodthirsty grass can't be taken directly, so you want to use other herbs and bloodthirsty grasses to combine this bloodthirsty ability, so you have been trying Dan, but it has not been successful. The door is a famous decent. You are a great elder of the Windsor, but you cultivate such evil ways, absorb the blood and spirit of others, and violate the heavens, so you can only secretly secretly carry out."

Jiang Chen snorted, the father and son's conspiracy, he directly guessed, the ancestral tower can also absorb the essence and blood gas, but Jiang Chen is using the ancestral tower to absorb such demon ghosts, not to absorb humans, and Shen Yifei's father There is an essential difference.

"You, how do you know so clearly?"

The shock in Shen Yifei’s heart has reached an unparalleled level. The young man is terrible in front of him. He said nothing, but the other party has already guessed it.

"This is not over yet. I also know that once your medicinal test is successful, you will be able to achieve great success, and then you will be able to make great progress. Then your father and son will overthrow the current control of the wind door, and enjoy the wind. Door, am I right?"

Jiang Chen was one word, and the light was pressing. When he said this, Shen Yifei slammed into the ground and his face was sweating.

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