Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1788: No argument

There was already a sneer in the opposite eyes, but at the same time it showed deep hatred, because he knew that Shen Yifei would say such a thing, Jiang Chen would not let him go, if Shen Yifei died, he He will suffer for a lifetime, but he swears that if Shen Yifei dies, he must let Jiang Chen die without a burial place and go down to Shen Yifei for funeral.

"Well, you are a sinking, and you have to come with Laozi at the crucial moment."

Jiang Chen grabbed Shen Yifei's neck, and the strong murderousness swept like a sharp blade on Shen Yifei's body. The scared Shen Fei fluttered and the soul was about to explode. He knew how badly Jiang Chen’s means were. Deceived Jiang Chen, I am afraid that there is no life, and, controlled by Jiang Chen, even if he is standing around with the master of the wind door, he can not make him feel the slightest sense of security, deep loneliness, and death. Threat.

"Jiang Chen, the left and right are all dead, it is better to pull you back."

Shen Yifei said with a bite.

"Jiang Chen, what else do you have to say? You should now tell who sent you, why should we give us the internal contradictions?"

Sinking loudly.

"It turned out that this Jiang Chen is really abhorrent. He must be a spies sent by hostile forces. The purpose is to let us have contradictions inside the wind door, kill each other and then take advantage of the fishermen."

"It must be like this. The courage is too big. Such dangerous people must kill them."

"It’s a pity that Shen’s brother is a man, and the first day of Feng Luomen’s talent, but it’s so bad.”


The scene once again moved, and Shen Yifei immediately caused Jiang Chen to cause public anger. It would cause such a scene that Jiang Chen still understood very well. One hundred sentences could not be matched with Shen Yifei. After all, the elders and disciples in Fengmenmen In the heart, Shen Yifei is his own person. After all, he is only an outsider. Without real evidence, it is difficult to convince the other party with a paragraph.

Of course, Jiang Chen is not a fool. Shen Yifei’s thoughts on this point can be overwhelmed by him. He is so arrogant that if he is damaged in a small sinking hand, is it Jiang Chen?

"Jiang Chen, what do you have to say?"

Feng Huazi looked at Jiang Chen. His eyes were sinister. He did not immediately conclude that Jiang Chen was nonsense, just like other people. It was filthy, because he could not see the slightest tension from Jiang Chen’s face. As calm as calm at the beginning, Shen Yifei did not have the slightest impact on Jiang Chen.

Moreover, Feng Huazi firmly believes that Jiang Chen will run over and fall into a big elder for no reason, because it is no different from finding death. It is even more impossible to say that it is sent by hostile forces. The hostile forces are not fools. I don't know the danger of doing so. If the hostile forces have such powerful geniuses, I will be willing to let them take such an adventure. More importantly, the hostile forces of the Windsor have no such character. The younger generation of the entire Middle Kingdom, I am afraid I can't find a younger generation who can make Shen Yifei like this.

Jiang Chen did not answer Fenghuazi, but looked at Shen Yifei and said with a smile: "Shen Yifei, play with me, you are still tender, and you should be careful to counterattack me, it is to show your IQ lower limit."

After that, Jiang Chen turned over and took out a crystal ball. This crystal ball material is very special. For the monk, it is of little use, so in general, few people bring this crystal ball. What's more, the crystal ball in the hands of Jiang Chen is as big as a human head.

If the crystal ball is still useful, the only use is to record the image, and you can brand something happening in it, just like the projection in the big mirror in the golden killing field, but this crystal ball The projection inside can only be saved for up to three days, and will disappear after three days.

For Jiang Chen, three days is enough.

Jiang Chen flexed his fingers and shot a golden light. The crystal ball was stimulated by the light. The Huaguang was bright, and a large projection appeared above the crystal ball. The projection was exactly what happened above the Yujia Square.

I saw that in the image, Shen Yifei broke an arm and squatted on the ground, looking at Jiang Chen with a look of horror.

“Why do you use algae to make alchemy?”

"This one……"

"Don't you say?"

"Don't, I said."

"These Dans are all given to me, and the bloodthirsty grass can help him practice the exercises."

"Sure enough, you are embarrassed. It seems that you have cultivated a kind of evil spirits. You want to convert the bloodthirsty function of the bloodthirsty grass into yourself. Once you practice it, you can use this bloodthirsty function to forcibly absorb other people's qi. Blood helps you improve your strength. Am I right?"

"You, how did you know?"

"Hey! Bloodthirsty grass can't be taken directly, so you want to use other herbs and bloodthirsty grasses to combine this bloodthirsty ability, so you have been trying Dan, but it has not been successful. The door is a famous decent. You are a great elder of the Windsor, but you cultivate such evil ways, absorb the blood and spirit of others, and violate the heavens, so you can only secretly secretly carry out."

"This is not over yet. I also know that once your medicinal test is successful, you will be able to achieve great success, and then you will be able to make great progress. Then your father and son will overthrow the current control of the wind door, and enjoy the wind. Door, am I right?"


Everything that happened above the square, the projections were clear and clear. The quiet scene suddenly broke out. The people present were not fools. If Jiang Chen’s words were not credible, the projection inside the crystal ball was absolutely There will be no fakes, and it can be seen from the images that Jiang Chen did not threaten Shen Yifei at all. Everything is Jiang Chen’s guess, but he guessed it very correctly.

Shen Yifei’s face is like a gray, his face is completely desperate. He is now really convinced of Jiang Chen’s. Jiang Chen’s work has always been countless, and he will never give his opponent a chance. When Jiang Chen decided to come to the Windsor, It is already fully prepared.


The eyes filled with anger and sadness fell on the sinking body. Everything didn’t need to say anything. Any sophistry was not useful. This is an absolute fact. It is not allowed to be a bit of sophistry. For the people of the Windsor. It is said that this is a huge blow. They have always respected the respected elders. They are such a wicked person. Once the great elders have done a great job, once they are really rebellious, the winds and doors will be a hurricane. I want to die in the hands of my respected people on weekdays. That kind of mood cannot be expressed in words.

[Four today, I will make up for yesterday. 】

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