Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1796: Great ruins

Jiang Chen looked like a torch and looked over the emperor's hill. He did not listen to the old man's words. He now has a mind to find a funeral, and where to take care of this emperor's mountain, even if it comes to the next big, it has nothing to do with himself.

However, if Jiang Chen listens to the old man with his heart, with his wisdom, he will certainly hear something, and it will not be as calm as it is now. Emperor Mountain, the Emperor of Heaven, the two are united together, it is too easy to let Jiang Dust thought of something.

Looking at it, the black pressure is everywhere, and people are talking about the topic of funeral fairy. Jiang Chen quickly found Fenghuazi, and his body came to the side of Fenghuazi.

"Jiang Brothers, you are here too."

Feng Huazi saw Jiang Chen coming and smiled.

"The doorkeeper, where is the funeral fairy?"

Jiang Chen asked, his gods have covered the entire Emperor Mountain range, and did not find the shadow of the buried fairy, and did not even feel the atmosphere of the funeral fairy.

"The funeral fairy has appeared in different places in the middle of the country for two days, and finally disappeared into the emperor's mountain. It has disappeared for several hours, and it has never appeared."


"Disappeared again?"

Jiang Chen’s brow is tight. He seems to have missed something. He knows that once the funeral fairy has disappeared, I am afraid it will be hard to appear again. But what makes Jiang Chen very confused is that since the ancient tomb, the funeral fairy has disappeared. For a long time, it has never appeared. Now why suddenly appeared in the middle zone of Fengchi Xianyu, and it floated for two days and finally disappeared into the Emperor Mountain.

Is the funeral fairy looking for something? What is the relationship between the funeral fairy and the emperor mountain?

Jiang Chen knows that this will definitely involve a lot of big secrets, but unfortunately, the rhubarb is not there. Otherwise, Jiang Chen will force the rhubarb to say what he knows.

"The funeral emperor is a very old figure. At the beginning, he and the king of the celestial kings called the brothers and brothers. The two men were invincible, and later they did not know why they suddenly disappeared. I have not thought that after so many years, the funeral fairy has appeared again."

"I have seen the true meaning of the funeral fairy, which is really shocking. The ancient atmosphere that the ancient scorpion exudes casually gives me a sense of dizziness. The soldiers of the ancient emperor are too powerful. The Emperor used this to know how many strong people have been ruined. The funeral can be said to be the blood and flesh of countless powerful people."

"It's a pity that I came late, I didn't see the appearance of the funeral fairy, but why did the funeral fairy suddenly appear in the middle, why would it disappear in the emperor's mountain?"

"Is there a close connection between the funeral fairy and the emperor's mountain."


Numerous questions have been filled, everyone is discussing, the middle field has been calm for too long, and the appearance of the funeral fairy has undoubtedly set off a storm in the middle, affecting the hearts of countless people.

Emperor Mountain is also a famous place in the Middle Kingdom. It has existed for a long time. After the appearance of the funeral fairy, it disappeared in the Emperor Mountain, which made people have to link the two together.

Although the funeral fairy has disappeared, but there are more and more people who have come to the emperor's mountain. There are countless masters, countless masters are everywhere, and the scenes are getting bigger and bigger.

Jiang Chen’s operation of the sky did not deduce the things related to the funeral fairy and the emperor’s mountain, but it was calculated that there would be a big event soon after this, which is a calculation in the dark, but extremely accurate, Jiang Chen After the promotion of the great heavenly machine to the heavenly mood, there will be no perceptual error.

Jiang Chen turned three times on the Emperor Hill and still found nothing. He only thought that Emperor Mountain was very extraordinary and had a kind of honor beyond other natural things, but still could not see the truth.

In a blink of an eye, it was two days. The funeral fairy did not appear again. Someone has already left. I feel that I will continue to wait here and there will be no result.

Or for the people in the middle domain, the appearance of the funeral fairy is just a small episode. Many people have the privilege of taking a look at the funeral fairy. It’s already very good, and it seems that there is no one but a glance. Others are extravagant.

And when most people were ready to leave, the Emperor Hill suddenly swayed.


A shimmering light suddenly spurred out from the top of the Emperor Mountain. The light, like the most dazzling **** in the heavens and the earth, gave the heavens a big hole, and the powerful emperor spreads innumerable. Everyone was frightened and their faces changed. The power of the emperor's mountain rushed out, causing tremendous pressure on the souls of countless people.

"A good and powerful emperor, there is a relic of the great emperor hidden under the emperor's mountain. This is too horrible."

"God, the relics of the Great Emperor, I didn't expect the rumors to be true. This is probably the legacy of the Emperor of Heaven. After many years, it turned out."

"It is really the remains of the Great Emperor. If I can enter the remains of the Great Emperor, I might get a big chance. This is a rare opportunity."


After a brief shock, many people were excited. The opening of the relics of the Great Emperor did not meet once in 10,000 years. The Great Emperor, that is the supreme being. It is already very good to be able to dig out a relic of the Immortal. The influence that the relics of the Great Emperor can bring is really too great, not to mention the famous Datian Emperor, and the whole wind and the fairyland must be attracted.

"The remains of the Great Emperor? There is a relic of the Great Emperor here."

Jiang Chen was also amazed at how he couldn't think of it, but he had previously calculated through big heavens that something big should happen. It seems that this is true, and there is something bigger than the opening of the relics of the Great.

"It is the remains of the Emperor of Heaven, and the rumors are true. Now the ruins of the Great Emperor have become turbulent. It seems that they will be opened soon. At that time, all major forces will be attracted."

Fenghuazi's expression is also extremely exciting.

"The remnants of the Emperor under the Emperor's Mountain have not been opened for such a long time. Why did the relics of the Great Emperor open after the funeral Xianyu appeared here? Is there any secret connection between the buried fairy and the remains of the Emperor?"

Jiang Chen's eyebrows.

"I have heard a secret."

Feng Huazi said.

"What secret?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"I heard that Emperor Mountain experienced a peak war in the past. The Emperor and the Jiuyin female emperor fought here, and finally both fell, but why the funeral fairy will appear here, I don't know."

Feng Huazi said.

Jiuyin female emperor, funeral fairy, emperor mountain, bully emperor!

The light of wisdom in Jiang Chen’s eyes is constantly flashing, and the heart is quickly thinking about the connection, perhaps, what he has guessed.

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