Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1811: Going deep


The surrounding hurricane is still very violent, and the wind wall formed by the hurricane still looks indestructible. Even if the gale beast has been completely destroyed, it is still a sealed big array, which combines the prohibition of the Emperor, and wants to go out from here. It is still not an easy task.

This is also the reason why Fenghuazi is still worried.

Of course, they don't know that there are eternal fairy winds, these powerful hurricanes, and ferocious savage beasts are completely a concept, the eternal fairy wind can easily break the hurricane barrier, and Jiang Chen's big refining spirit and big Under the combination of the heaven and the earth, it is also a very easy thing to find out the flaws of the prohibition of the Emperor.

Jiang Chen stood there, Da Yan refining and Da Tianji operation to the extreme, a violent wind and waves spurted out from his body like a sharp blade, and finally formed a dragon-shaped storm, which hit a part of it. past.


Just listening to the bang, the unbreakable hurricane wind wall was actually pierced by Jiang Chen, and a big hole was made. Even the delicate prohibition collapsed. Jiang Chen just chose the location of the attack, absolutely It is not blind, but it has found a weak point of resistance under the combination of the great refining spirit and the big heavenly machine. In the end, it will be broken.

"I still don't go fast. The hurricane and the ban can be automatically restored. If it is too late, it will not go out."

Jiang Chen screamed at the stunned Fengmenmen, and then turned into a light and shadow to take the lead from the hurricane.

Feng Huazi and others responded, and they were too late to be excited. When the speed was raised to the extreme, they were worn out from the hurricane. For them, this is just like dreaming. After a lifetime of death, they have completely given up hope. I didn’t expect that the last moment would be a life, and that kind of mood was something that ordinary people could not understand.

Outside the hurricane, the wind slammed the three men back and forth, the spirit was tense, and suddenly the people who saw Jiang Chen and the wind slam came out from the hurricane, and the faces of the three men immediately showed ecstasy. I rushed up.

"Lord, are you all right?"

The elder soon cried out, and once again saw Fenghuazi appear in front of himself in perfect condition, it is just tears, so it can be seen that Fenghuazi is in the position of the wind and the door, it is very popular.

"Nothing, this time thanks to the Jiang Brothers, otherwise we all probably have to be damaged."

Fenghuazi could not conceal his excitement. He strode to Jiang Chen, and the people of Fengmenmen followed.

"Jiang Brothers, life-saving grace, Feng Luomen really can't believe it."

Feng Huazi said that he even gave a gift to Jiang Chen. The people behind him also gave gifts at the same time. They were able to give the door of the door of the wind in the middle of the door, and look at the whole world. I am afraid that there is only Jiang Chen.

If it is normal, even the door owner, to give others a gift, even if Fenghuazi is willing, the following people will not be willing, after all, Fenghuazi represents the facade of the wind door, representing the dignity of the wind door.

But now, everyone is willing to give gifts, the scenes that happened in the hurricane array, they will never forget.

For them, in addition to gratitude to Jiang Chen, more shocking, it is shocking, so many of their masters are united in a hurricane, and even Jiang Chen understates it. This ability, looking at the whole world, can have several people.

The presence is not a fool, every eye is very sinister, and people are very precise. In their opinion, don’t look at Jiang Chen’s now, it’s just the emperor’s cultivation, but the future achievements are unimaginable and Limited, unceremonious, the white youth in front of you is definitely the most genius person they have ever seen. The entire young generation of the entire Windsor up and down, can not find a presence comparable to Jiang Chen.

This has long been a fact, because Shen Yifei, who was supported by the first day of the wind, was killed in the hands of Jiang Chen. The gap between the two has already been revealed.

"The doorkeeper is not polite, and I have not treated you as an outsider."

Jiang Chen quickly helped the Fenghuazi, and did not take you as an outsider, directly pulling the relationship between him and Feng Luomen. This sentence is very comfortable in the hearts of everyone.

"Jiang Brothers, but there is a need in the future, I am going to go to the fire and the fire, and I will not hesitate."

Fenghuazi patted his chest and said that other people also nodded. At this time, they had completely seen Jiang Chen as their own, and they were benefactors besides their own people.

There is a lot of kindness in this world. Only one kind of kindness can't be repaid, and the grace of life.

There is only one person's life, either birth or death. For the people of the Windsor who are present, Jiang Chen gives them the opportunity to survive. How can they repay this kind of grace? As Feng Huazi said, when it comes to fire.

"Since all of you have got rid of the dangers, then I will leave. The remains of this great emperor are full of dangers. When you go, you are very careful."

Jiang Chen held a fist to Fenghuazi, and then disappeared like a ghost. It is very urgent now. He must find the most central part of the ruins as soon as possible to stop the Northern and Southern Dynasties. There is no time to entangle with the people of the Windsor. In this ruin, the Northern and Southern Dynasties are the most important and potentially the greatest danger.

"The doorkeeper, this time, we owe the Jiang brothers a big man."

Looking at the place where Jiang Xiong disappeared, an elder couldn't help but say.

"Well, after Jiang Chen has something to do with us, Feng Luomen must do his best, and we must not forget the reminder of Jiang Brothers. When walking in this relic space, be extra careful."

Feng Huazi said.

"Know the doorkeeper."

Everyone should be together, and after a lifetime of life and death, they naturally cherish life more, and the next road must be very cautious.

In the following period of time, Jiang Chen continued to shuttle through different places in the entire relic space, killing many evil spirits and shackles. The Zulong Tower condensed to the forty-eight layers, but Jiang Chen’s cultivation was still in the middle of the Emperor. At the peak, there is no sign to break through the late Emperor.

For this situation, Jiang Chen does not insist, he knows that the time has not yet arrived, the promotion will naturally advance, then Jiang Chen is ready to use the big heaven machine to calculate some, began to move toward the deepest direction of the relic, The secret of the Emperor of Heaven, the secret of the Emperor Jiuyin, and the funeral fairy, these have always led the heart of Jiang Chen.

[Brothers have a happy new year and have been ill for three days in a row. Today they are getting better and they are all tears. 】

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