Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1813: Jiuyin Xuanxin


The magma became extremely violent. In addition to the movements caused by the funeral and the peerless swords, the magma suspended in the sky itself was not calm. This is a very old magma, where the magma itself is not so hot. However, because the Emperor of Heaven has smelted it and used large means to control it in this space, the temperature of this magma is surprisingly high, and even the average Xianzun stayed here for a long time. Can not stand, even if it is a powerful mid-level peak master, do not dare to easily enter the magma.

The ancient fire red altar is engraved with complex textures and densely embossed. It is the symbol of the emperor. This altar does not know how long it has been, full of vicissitudes of life, and the altar gives the greatest feeling. It is definitely not a vicissitude, but a noble, noble and noble.

And if the altar is high above, then a throne placed above the altar is simply supreme. It is a throne made of pure gold, engraved with a dragon head, sitting on the throne, sitting on the throne The majestic man, the man closed his eyes, wearing a gold robe, and his head was also scattered with golden hair. Even with his eyes closed, even if he sat there, he couldn’t move, but the overbearing arrogance was still impossible. Covered.

This is a dead person, or a dead body. This is a really terrible place. A corpse in the district can give off a heart-rending atmosphere. A corpse sits in the ocean of temperature and horror. It is not corrupt, which is enough to illustrate a powerful role before this life.

Yes, this majestic blond man is the body of the Emperor, or the body of the Emperor, in the side of the Emperor of Heaven, there is a man sitting in the suspension, the man dressed like the Emperor, the golden robe, Blonde, even the appearance is a bit acquaintance.

If Jiang Chen is here, I can definitely see that this man is not someone else. It is the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Even though Jiang Chen has been trying hard to catch up, it is still a slow step. The Southern and Northern Dynasties have already found this place and found their own past body. Look at what he is now, and he is merging his own body of the Emperor.

The funeral fairy, the peerless sword, the throne, the body of the emperor, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the magma ocean, the ancient altar, this is the most central scene in this space, and this is not the final scene, because there is another Something, in the height of a dozen feet above the altar, is suspended with a fist-sized crystal, which radiates cold cold, surrounded by numerous fires.

The cold glare from the crystal body collides with the fire, and the creaking sounds of each other can not be melted in such a hot and cruel environment, which is enough to show that the crystal is extraordinary.

"Mom, here is the real treasure in the whole space. The funeral fairy is also here. The sword that commemorates the battle with Xianju seems to be the legendary Emperor of the Emperor. It is."

"Yes, that is the Emperor Sword, the legendary Emperor Sword, if I can get it, forget it, I still don't think about it, because it is impossible, the Emperor of the Great arranges it all, It is a good budget in advance, even his flesh is here. You see the young man, he should be the reincarnation of the Emperor."

"Yes, this kid has found his former emperor's body and is merging with the flesh. Once he succeeds, the new tyrant may be resurrected."


In the distance, the faces of the celestial masters are shocked. They look at everything that happens in front of them. Everyone’s eyes are full of greedy greed, but no one dares to shoot.


Just then, the distant void suddenly made a dull sound, and a young man in white came straight.

Everyone looked at the past, and when they saw that the cultivation of the white youth was only the peak of the mid-Emperor, the eyes immediately showed a trace of disdain.

"A little fairy, even able to find it so quickly, seems to be lucky."

"Good luck? It should be said that luck is bad. The environment here is too cruel. A fairy emperor is here, and it will definitely be reduced to ashes in half an hour."

Someone spoke up, and then stopped looking at the white youth, but re-appeared on the magma ocean in front of him, a little emperor, and he could not let them really put it in his heart.

The person who came is not someone else, it is Jiang Chen, he was summoned by the funeral of Xian Xian, and he soon found it here. He has no heart to pay attention to the masters, and the twinkling eyes are falling in the air. The magma in front of the ocean, but when he saw the North and South, the pupil could not help but shrink.

"It's still a step later. This guy has already begun to merge with the Emperor's body. You must find a way to stop him. Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable, but I have to look at the funeral 棺 棺 call me to help?"

Jiang Chen was very fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he buried himself with a power to summon himself. Otherwise, even if he had a great opportunity, when he found it, he might have lost it. The environment here is cruel, but the hot magma Jiang Chen did not have a slight influence. He now has four kinds of supreme flames in his body, and the temperature against him is like a bath for him.

Jiang Chen is not reckless. He must first understand the situation at hand and then make correct countermeasures according to the situation.

"You see what it is?"

Someone noticed the crystals suspended above the altar, and immediately asked with surprise.

"It's so cold and cold, even if it's separated from the ocean of magma, it can't stop the coldness of the crystals. It's Jiuyin Xuan Xin, yes, it must be Jiuyin Xuan Xin."

"My God, it turned out to be the legendary Jiuyin Xuan Xin, which was left by the female emperor of Jiuyin. It is rumored that the female emperor of Jiuyin is a natural and sinister ninth dynasty. Later, it condensed the nine yin and mysterious heart. The Great Emperor of the First World War, both fell, this is definitely Jiuyin Xuan Xin, I finally understand why the funeral Xianyu came here, it seems to come for the nine Yin Yin Xuan Xin, but it was resisted by the Emperor sword. ”

"The legendary Jiuyin Xuan Xin, the heart of the Emperor, is suspended here. If I can get it, it will be leaps and bounds immediately."


Jiuyin Xuan Xin immediately caused an uproar, the masters of the scene can not remain calm, no matter the funeral fairy or the emperor sword, although they covet, but also know that such peerless emperors are intelligent, not They can get the finger, but the nine yin heart is not the same, the shape of the nine yin heart, itself is the supreme baby, this is the heart of a great emperor, whoever can get and refine it, the benefits are definitely Infinite.

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