Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1815: Take the heart (middle)

The tragic death of a master of the sage, it seems that a basin of cold water is poured on everyone's head, so that people who are already greedy and eroded will wake up instantly, especially the other two masters of the mid-term peak, their cultivation and death. The same one, there is no longer a point to **** the mind of Jiu Yin Xuan Xin, because that is equal to death.

Although the baby is good, but it must have a life to take it. The so-called nine deaths and one life can have a fight. When the nine deaths become ten deaths, the struggle will become meaningless.

"Hey! A group of self-important things, Jiuyin Xuan Xinzhen can be touched by anyone, that is the powerful killings left by the Emperor of Heaven, is to prevent the nine Yin female emperor, not to say that you, even if it is This seat, do not dare to easily grab the nine yin heart."

Standing in front of the gray robes, the old man snorted, he himself has a half-level repair, but also said such words, or easily shot to grab the nine yin heart.

The surrounding Xianzun did not speak one by one. Who dared to speak out against a half-Emperor, and this half-Emperor was a Xianting person. If he offended, and slaps them to death, it is also a white death, not to mention what others say. It makes sense. If Jiu Yin Xuan Xin is really easy to get, then there is this half of the emperor here, where is the other person to grab the shot.

"Hey! What this adult said is that we are too self-righteous. After all, it is left by the Emperor, and it will be so simple."

A peerless sigh sighed, and there was already a heart that was ready to move. Now it has converged. He can't see it. The outbreak of the ban, even if it was replaced by him, is almost certain to die.

In the distance, Jiang Chen clearly sees the scene above the magma altar, but his eyes are not a little bit swaying. This situation itself is also expected by him. The eyes of the former Northern and Southern Dynasties may not have noticed. But Jiang Chen noticed that the eyes have explained everything.


At this moment, a humming sound suddenly sounded in Jiang Chen’s ear, and an invisible idea passed to Jiang Chen’s ear. Jiang Chen’s body was shocked. He could feel that the idea was from the funeral It is the will of the female emperor of Jiuyin that is rumored to be alive. It is said that it is the will of the smoke and the morning rain.

The meaning that the idea has to express is very clear. It is to let Jiang Chen help the nine-nine female emperor to rob the nine-negative sacred heart. Moreover, the Southern and Northern Dynasties are likely to have completed integration with the deity. Once the North-South Dynasty merges successfully, they will immediately control the emperor. Huang Jian, when it is a doomsday for everyone, there is nothing to do with the funeral.

With the life and death of the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor Jiuyin, coupled with the character of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, once the North and South Dynasties succeeded, the first one would have to take a shot on Jiuyin Xuan Xin. At that time, the Yanchen Rain would completely lose Jiuyin. Xuan Xin, the whole person will also completely sleep in the funeral fairy, can not wake up for thousands of years.

In this case, Jiang Chen is unwilling to see it, and will never let such a thing happen. Even if the funeral is not to spread his mind, Jiang Chen is ready to shoot.

It’s just that the funeral fairy has now sent out his own thoughts, indicating that it’s hard to delay the heart, and that it can’t be delayed.

For the looting of Jiuyin Xuan Xin, Jiang Chen still has some certainty. He has four kinds of supreme flames in his body. He is not afraid of the temperature of the magma, but is arranged in the ban of Jiuyin Xuan Xin. When he is excited, he also uses the super flame. The offensive was exerted, and the flame had almost no threat to Jiang Chen. As for the rest of the power of the prohibition itself, Jiang Chen did not dare to resist with the flesh. After all, it was the thing left by the Emperor, even if it was just a ban. Power can't be a little bit small.

Moreover, the ban imposed by a generation of emperors, even if Jiang Chen possesses great celestial techniques and great refining, he wants to break it open in a short time, and easily avoid the banned attacks, which is not realistic, so now Jiang Chen wants The biggest reliance on robbing Jiuyin Xuan Xin is the Zulong Tower.

The forty-seven-story ancestral tower is no longer comparable at the beginning. The current ancestral tower is exceptionally strong, but what is really important is not the strong defense of the ancestral tower itself, but the ancestral tower itself. The breath of God, this is the true dragon to the treasure, but the supreme artifact, even if it is not now, but also has the origin of the gods in it.

God, supreme, that is a kind of existence above the immortal, the true high is above, not tolerant, the emperor is naturally the strongest in the immortal world, but also the immortal, and does not go beyond the scope of the immortal, in the face of the gods, always inferior .

The restraint of the source is enough to withstand the pressure of the emperor left by the Emperor of Heaven, and once the pressure of the emperor has a slight impact on Jiang Chen, it will be very important to ensure the basic freedom of walking in the river.

Therefore, Da Yan refining, big heaven, big void, plus the guardian of the ancestral tower, this heavy anti-sky existence merged into Jiang Chen, and when Jiang Chen perfectly displayed it, he gave it The infinite possibilities of Jiang Chen can make Jiang Chen do what ordinary people can't do, and dare not think about it.

This is also the reason why the funeral fairy will give Jiang Chen the power to summon and ask Jiang Chen to take the shot. The female emperor of Jiuyin cannot know the means of the Emperor, and it is impossible to know that he wants to get the Jiuyin Xuanxin. How difficult is it, and it is even more impossible for Jiang Chen to go to death for no reason, let Jiang Chen shot, in addition to no other method, but also a kind of trust to Jiang Chen.

Or it is the subconscious of the smoke and the morning rain. In the subconscious of the smoke and rain, my own dust brother is an omnipotent existence and has created countless miracles.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen began to walk towards the magma ocean. There was not much time left. He had to get Jiuyin Xuanxin before the North and South Dynasty awakened. Jiang Chen knew that the rise of the Northern and Southern Dynasties could not be stopped. Jiuyin Xuan Xin, let the smoke morning wake up, can fight against the North and South.

Jiang Chen's pace is very fast and heavy, and he walked to the edge of the magma ocean in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the young man in white who appeared before went to the ocean of magma, the faces of those masters changed instantly.

"Kid, don't go to die."

"Is this kid a fool? Or is there no brain at all, even the master of Xianzun is dead. He is a fairy emperor, and he wants to get Jiuyin Xuan Xin. It’s too self-reliant."

"You don't want to be blinded by greed, and it's not important to compare with your life."


Some people have opened their mouths to discourage them. In their view, Jiang Chen is simply doing nothing. He is doing something that is impossible to accomplish. He is going to die in vain.

[Start tomorrow, three more every day. 】

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