Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1817: Take the heart (continued)

Therefore, Jiang Chen does not need to be very energetic, and his current goal is Jiuyin Xuan Xin. He does not want to cause other unnecessary troubles because of dealing with the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Compared with the smoke and the morning rain, the Northern and Southern Dynasties are not so important.

"Jiang Chen, this is the grudge between me and the female emperor of Jiuyin. What is the relationship with you? Do you have to manage everything?"

The North and the South gnashed his teeth and looked at him. If it wasn't because he was merging with the deity at the moment, he would immediately rush to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen no longer cares about the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and his body has already come to the front of Jiuyin Xuan Xin.

"Haha, Jiang Chen, you are too arrogant, even if you have a flame body, how do you think you can get Jiu Yin Xuan Xin? Mentally retarded, look at how the old guy died, Jiu Yin Xuan Xin The prohibition outside is not something you can deal with. Since you are looking for death, it is a pity to try it out. I have not been able to kill you personally. Of course, I am under the ban and died in my hands. There is no difference."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties laughed again. He was very confident about the ban on Jiuyin Xuanxin. Even if Jiang Chen had a strong flame guard, he could not resist the prohibition attack. Once it was attacked, Jiang Chen would definitely die. This is almost a certainty. For Jiang Chen to die under the ban, the Northern and Southern Dynasties said that it is still a pity. According to his plan, after he has merged himself with the deity, he will seize Jiang Chen and let him suffer from the world. After the torture, I will die, and it will never let Jiang Chen die so easily. It is too cheap to die under the ban of attack. It is too cheap.

Still ignoring the words of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Jiang Chen dare to take the shot, that is, there is certain certainty.

It is difficult to separate the burial fairy and the emperor's sword. The emperor's sword is also inseparable from the Jiang Dust. The Southern and Northern Dynasties are also innocent, so at this moment, Jiang Chen can rob the Jiu Yin Xuan Xin with no worries.

Jiang Chen stood outside the nine yin heart, he can clearly sense the terror ban around the nine yin heart, so he did not rush to shoot, he nervous, will refine the soul and big heaven The operation is to the extreme, and before the shot, he must figure out the characteristics of the prohibition.

The prohibition under the Emperor's cloth is almost flawless. Even if Jiang Chen uses Da Yan refining and big heavenly techniques, he can't find a flaw in the ban. This is a full-scale attack ban, as long as someone touches the ban, It will explode immediately, and people will be involved in it, and there will be no place to die. Before that, the master of Xianzun touched the ban.

"It seems that we must rely on the Zulong Tower."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and the ancestral tower made a roaring sound. The invisible ancestral tower was firmly guarded by Jiang Chen, forming a circle of copper walls, and the ban was laid by the Emperor of Heaven. Once touched, it would There was a strong pressure from the Great Emperor, and with the defense of the Dragon Tower, and the mighty power of the Great Emperor, it was impossible to affect Jiang Chen. In the face of the power of God, the power of the powerful Emperor was not a big deal. .

"Look, that kid is ready to shoot, and the courage is really big."

"But the kid seems to be walking in the magma area very easily. It seems that it is not affected at all. I didn't expect it to be a very different boy."

"Look, the key moment is coming. As long as he dares to shoot, the ban will be touched, and the consequences may be unpredictable."


The emotions of those masters are also tightened. They all want to know the ending eagerly. The most nervous one is of course the half-emperor. Since seeing the dusty state of Jiang Chen, he has to pay close attention to this. Genius enchanting.

Above the altar, the flames outside the surface of the Jiang Dust creaked, and the flames continued to dance like a snake. The invisible Zulong Tower was not seen by Jiang Dust, and the North and South gaze looked at it without a trace. Jiang Chen, he must witness the death of Jiang Chen and witness the death of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you are self-reliant."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties ridicule.

Jiang Chen ignored it. He did not have the heart to pay attention to the Northern and Southern Dynasties. He has decided to take the shot.


Jiang Chen’s eyes lit up, and the dragon claws were revealed by lightning. He grabbed the past with Jiuyin Xuan Xin. The timing of his choice was the best. The prohibition left by the Emperor of Heaven was horrible, but it also had the shortest moment of weakness. This kind of time is very short, and most people can't detect it at all. Even if they are aware of it, they can't grasp it accurately, but Jiang Chen can do it.


However, although Jiang Chen’s movements were very fast, the ban was still touched. He only heard the sound of roaring, and a huge fire dragon appeared instantly. The same red vortex appeared, and Jiang Chen was directly involved in it. Because the dust caught the precise moment, and he was too fast, when he was involved in the vortex, his hand had already grasped the nine-negative heart, and the feeling of being extremely cold was spread all over the body. Jiang Chen grasped it tightly. This is the thing of the smoke and the morning rain. It is the chance of the smoke and the morning rain, and never let go.

"not good."

Outside, I saw Jiang Chen being caught in the vortex. The half-empire's old man was kneeling straight on the thigh. His most fearful ending still appeared. Even though he was confident in the eyes of the Emperor, the tragedy still happened and could not be changed.

"Well, this kid is going to die."

"Hey! Young people are too impulsive, and they are too self-righteous. This is good, and life has also been put in."

"I said, it is impossible to have a miracle. The banned by the Emperor of Heaven, even the Xianzun is dead, let alone the little emperor."


Everyone shook their heads and sighed. In their view, they were involved in the whirlpool. Wherever there might be a life, it is definitely dead.

But is Jiang Chen so easy to die?

In the vortex, Jiang Chen really felt the threat of death in a moment. The powerful banned almost torn the surrounding voids. It became a real dead place. No creature can survive here. Unfortunately, this prohibition But can not destroy the ancestral tower.

Not only that, but when the powerful banned force exerted a powerful attack on the Zulong Tower, the imperial power of the prohibition itself stimulated the divine nature of the Zulong Tower, making the Zulong Tower automatically run. The gate of the Dragon Tower was opened and the huge portal was like a black hole, and it began to absorb the magma outside.

"Ha ha..."

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen suddenly laughed. He knew that the Zulong Tower could be swallowed up. He had swallowed the magma before, but this time it was left by the Emperor of Heaven, so Jiang Chen’s heart was scrupled, so before It did not open the door of the Zulong Tower, fearing that the forced absorption would cause damage to the Zulong Tower. Unexpectedly, the Zulong Tower was strongly stimulated by the prohibition and actively began to absorb the energy in the magma.

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