Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1824: Female emperor wakes up

Han Feng’s face has become somewhat ugly, and the reincarnation of the Emperor’s Emperor is really horrible. He has killed so many masters of Xianzun, and he can see that the strength of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, even if he personally shot it. I am afraid that I will be killed by the other party, and even if I don’t use the Emperor’s sword, I will die in the hands of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

However, when Han Feng saw Jiang Chen, who had a calm face next to him, he couldn’t help but give a thumbs up to Jiang Chen. He said that he was a half-dominant, and his heart was not as good as a young emperor. In the case, it can still be kept indifferent, and the Taishan Mountain will not change its color before it collapses. With this alone, this is destined to be a powerful person.

Killing those masters of Xianzun, the Southern and Northern Dynasties once again looked at Jiang Chen, his mouth with a sneer, the whole person murderous, the powerful power will firmly lock Jiang Chen and Han Feng.

"Jiang Chen, I said earlier, you are not my opponent. You will die in my hands sooner or later. Now that I am in the big picture, you are in front of me, and in the end, it’s just an ants. I just explored one. Your fingers can crush you, what do you have to say?"

The Northern and Southern Dynasties are arrogant and boundless. At this time, he really does not put Jiang Chen in his eyes. In his view, Jiang Chen has become a shackle and wants to escape from his own hands unless there is a miracle.

"Yes? You should think that every time there will be an accident."

Jiang Chen is still a face of indifference.

It is said that the face of the Southern and Northern Dynasties is suddenly changing and seeing it. Jiang Chen’s sentence is like a knife stabbing in his heart, because Jiang Chen’s words are not wrong, whether it is the lower bound or the fairy world, he Every time I eat Jiang Dust, there will be a miracle in the end, change the ending, it is the situation that I have the upper hand, and finally it has become a bad side.

So even if the Northern and Southern Dynasties had already felt that Jiang Chen had been eaten at the moment, the uneasy feelings in my heart would still emerge.

"Jiang Chen, I have to look at it, there is still a miracle happening today."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties bite their teeth, and the murderousness is getting stronger and stronger. He has never been so eager to kill a person.

"Jiang Brothers, I will block him first. You will leave soon. The Emperor needs your help. Even if you fight this old life today, you must also protect your integrity."

Han Feng’s body was blocked in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded secretly and his impression of Han Feng was still very good. Anyway, he was very sincere about Nangong. In order to help Nangong ask the sky, his life can be avoided.

"Old guy, since you are looking for death, then I will kill you first."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties said that the Emperor Sword had smashed the past against Han Feng.


At this time, the funeral fairy was also moved, and the huge ancient shackles were blocked in front of Han Feng. The invincible emperor’s sword was on the funeral sacred sacred, making a squeaking sound, and wiping out a large spark, but the emperor The sword is so powerful that it is impossible to leave traces on the funeral fairy.

The Heavenly Emperor is naturally tyrannical, but compared with the ancient burial fairy, there are still some gaps. In a sense, the reputation of the Emperor Sword is also lower than the level of the burial fairy.

"The **** funeral fairy and the nine yin female emperor, I first killed Jiang Chen and the old guy, and then come to deal with you."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties said with anger, his mind wiped the Emperor's sword to block the funeral fairy, and then the deity took a strong shot, and he came up with a horrible hand of the gods. The huge palm suddenly shrouded Han Feng and Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen and Han Feng will kill.

"It's so strong."

Han Feng’s face is incomparably ugly. He can feel the horror of the hands of God. Now all his breath is locked by the hands of the gods. It is like a mountain-like strong, Han Feng role, even if you do your best, here Under the hands of God, it is also a dead end.


At this most critical moment, the funeral fairy had once again seen a big movement, and the heavy cover was directly opened. A beautiful woman with white clothes like snow came out from the inside. After the woman came out, she waved her hand. The palm of the hand is as huge as the hand of the heavens, crystal clear as jade, and it is like an ice sculpture. The whole void is frozen by the cold air that comes out from the big hand.


The hands of the gods and the ice hand collided fiercely, tearing the entire interior space apart, and the horrible waves spread out like the end of the world.

"Light rain."

Seeing the morning rain again, Jiang Chen immediately exclaimed, unable to conceal his inner excitement. Since the beginning of the Shengyuan continent, until now, the two talents have met.

Yan Chenyu turned to look at Jiang Chen, originally cold face, after seeing Jiang Chen, only a smile appeared, she spit out the tongue against Jiang Chen: "dust brother."

A dust brother, called Jiang Chen almost tears, to tell the truth, he has been worried before, worried about whether the wake up is the morning rain or the nine Yin female emperor, now it seems that all his concerns are redundant.

However, this is also a normal thing. After all, the Jiuyin female emperor is dead. The morning rain is just the reincarnation. Just like the Southern and Northern Dynasties, he merged with the Emperor of the Emperor, but the essence is still the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Some memories of past lives, and what really dominates is the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

The smoke morning rain is the same as the Jiuyin female emperor. The smoke morning rain is a new life. After all, the Jiuyin female emperor has become a thing of the past. Or, the smoke morning rain is the new Jiuyin female emperor. She has the cold personality of the Jiuyin female emperor, but Jiang Chen’s deep affection will not change. This sentiment can also promote the morning rain to become the body’s dominant.

Han Feng directly stunned, dumbfounded, and the nine-yin female emperor who woke up, and Jiang Chen was a lover relationship. At this time, he finally understood why Jiang Chen would desperately enter the altar to help the nine-nine female emperor **** the nine yin Heart.

In front of this white woman like a snow is so beautiful, the beauty is a little dazzling, Rao is the strength of Han Feng, and dare not face up to that peerless face.

Even Jiang Chen, I have to admit that the smoke in the morning is really beautiful, especially the current morning rain and the fusion of the past life, carrying the majesty of the Supreme Emperor, every move is the attitude of the female emperor, let people not Dare to give birth to a little bit of heart.

The Assassin's smoke and morning rain is similar to that of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. It is the cultivation of the Xianzun Peak. The momentum from the body alone is not weaker than the North and South Dynasties. There are emperor swords in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. coffin.

Han Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that his own life could be saved. There are women in the nine yin, and the Northern and Southern Dynasties want to kill them. It is very difficult.

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