Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1837: Miracle

The elders have already moved the calculations to the extreme, and still have not found where problems have arisen. The old emperors and others on the side are all in a hurry, looking at the elders one by one.

"What is going on?"

The old emperor couldn’t help but ask.

"No, no, my empire is indeed full of anger. There will be miracles. I have been studying the calculations all my life. Although I can't predict the past, I can't go wrong with this kind of thing."

Even at this time, the elder is still very confident. As he said, he has been studying the calculations all his life, and his cultivation has reached the late stage of the horror of the sacred, such a master has no such calculation ability. If you switch to someone else, you can't believe it.

But where is the miracle of the Dagan Empire?

At first, people thought that the dragon thirteen was a miracle. Later, he thought that the monk was a miracle. Now the dragon thirteen and the monks have been seriously injured by the stalking scorpio, and they are in danger of life. If even they are dead, then this Where is the miracle?

Or is it a problem with the calculation of the calculation?


In the sky, the devils are completely arrogant. Fortunately, before the Emperor of the Great Emperor Xianzong masters have jointly laid a layer of defense, otherwise, just a few howling, they do not know how many people will be killed.

Even so, there are still many disciples who are low-educated and ugly, and the soul has suffered a certain amount of trauma.

"Eat you, this seat will eat you."

The scorpion scorpion eyes are blood red, and a pair of giant mouths suddenly become very big. The infinite qi is swallowed by him. This is the talent of the gods, the powerful genius, and the heavens can eat. He can eat everything between heaven and earth. He is now in a violent state, flying toward the dragon thirteen and the monk. The huge mouth is big, and the strong attraction falls directly on the monk.

The monk's body was uncontrollable, and flew toward the giant mouth of the demon scorpion. When he saw it, the dragon thirteen quickly flew up and stopped in front of the monk.

Seeing the dragon thirteen, the demon scorpion once again became arrogant, but there is still reason to stop him from swallowing. He can eat anything in this heaven and earth. Only one kind of life can’t eat, that is, fighting war ape.

The blood of the demon scorpion can digest everything, the only indigestion fights the holy sacred, if he eats the dragon thirteen, the final outcome is not that he eats the dragon thirteen, but will be countered by the blood of the battle sacred. At that time, he became a consumable of Dragon Thirteen.

"Haha, konjac, you have the ability to eat me."

Dragon thirteen laughed, he knew that the devils did not dare to eat themselves, he even wished to devour the genie to eat himself, in that case, the entire genius must be countered by himself, and then become his own tonic.

It’s not a fool, he won’t go to eat Dragon XIII, but Dragon XIII wants to eat the Devil, if he can eat the Devil, the repair will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and he will be promoted directly from the half step. It is not impossible to reach the middle of Xianzun.

It is a pity that it is not an easy task to eat the Devils. After all, the strength gap between the two sides is too great. Unless the Devils lose their senses and eat themselves into the stomach, it seems impossible.

Therefore, unless there is a miracle, otherwise, Dragon Thirteen does not say that eating the devils, it is difficult to save their lives.

"This seat does not eat you, this seat directly kills you."

The devil snarls, the horrible claws are shot toward the dragon thirteen.


The dragon thirteen could not resist at all. Rao was very quick to respond. This palm was also firmly photographed on his shoulder. The strong body could not withstand such an impact. The dragon thirteen was an arm. Broken, blood flowing, the monk behind the dragon thirteen was once again bombed, almost coma, he stood in the sky and staggered, and it fell from the sky.

"Thirteen brothers."


Lan Lingji and Han Yan and others all exclaimed. The scene suddenly became very tense. The devils were too powerful. The dragons and monks were seriously injured. In their current state, they can no longer resist the devil. Any one trick, the next time, the devil will be able to take the life of the dragon thirteen, eat the monk.

"Miracle, miracle, miracle..."

The elders kept licking their fingers. He firmly refused to believe that his calculations would have such low-level mistakes. This is related to the fate of the entire Dagan Empire. It is related to the safety of the dragons and monks. If there is a difference, then If he wants his life, he can't make up for the fault.

"The **** is the battle sacred, you can die now."

The demon scorpion is almost hateful to the dragon, and the kind of suppression on the blood makes him feel a painful feeling, killing the dragon thirteen, no one in the world can suppress himself in the blood. It is.


Once again, the demon scorpion explored the big hand, the overwhelming big hand, and shrouded the dragon to the thirteen.


At this critical juncture, an ice arrow hit the air, and the ice arrow was frozen directly in the void. The ice arrow burst into a harsh humming sound, and the person who radiated the cold thorns could not open his eyes.


The ice arrow hit the big hand of the demon scorpion accurately, and the hard-boiled hand put the big hand of the demon scorpion to the hole. The blood rushed, and the devil screamed and screamed, and the body quits a dozen feet.


The devil screams and screams at the sky.

"The miracle has appeared."

The elders’ face, which is still being calculated, suddenly showed the color of surprise. He almost burst into tears. At this most critical moment, the miracle finally came. He didn’t know what the masters had saved them, but it must be It has something to do with the Dagan Empire.

Countless people have been uplifted, and the feeling of hope from desperation to extremes, without personal experience, can never be understood.

Long XIII and the monk looked at each other and saw the stunned eyes of the other party. They felt the cold and cold attributes of the people who shot them, but they did not seem to have such people in the high hands they knew.

Everyone looked up into the sky and saw two figures suddenly appear. It was a pair of men and women, all white clothes like snow, like a fairy, the handsome man is unconventional, the domineering, the woman is cold and proud, just like the most beautiful between heaven and earth. Fairy, any woman in the heavens and the earth must be self-defeating in front of this woman.

This is a pair of peerless monks, like a golden boy.

"Little dust, light rain."

Han Yan and the monk exclaimed at the same time. At this most critical moment, Jiang Chen and Yan Chenyu finally arrived.

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