Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1840: Fine gas distribution

"Jiang Chen Brothers, this gentleman is?"

Yang Yu looked at the morning rain, could not help but ask, today thanks to this strange woman, can kill the devil, in the eyes of Yang Yu, it is indeed an expert.

"This is my wife, the morning rain, the reason I left this time is to find my father. I didn't expect to find a light rain accident. It can be said that it is a great harvest."

Jiang Chen will take the morning sun in the arms, in the heart of Jiang Chen, the smoke of the morning is the treasure, is the greatest wealth in this life.

Everyone is ashamed, although there is already speculation in the heart, but it is confirmed by Jiang Chen, how many are still somewhat surprised, besides being surprised, more envy, a woman like Yan Chenyu, there are several under the world, not only The appearance is beautiful, the strength is even stronger to the sky, under the sun, if a man finds such a woman, it is all the best in the last generation.

"Haha, Jiang brothers are really blessed."

Yang Yu laughed, and a woman like Yan Chenyu was very proud of her bones. The average man would not even look at the right eye. Under the whole world, I am afraid that only a man like Jiang Chen could deserve it. The smoke is raining, and when I see this pair of golden boys and girls, everyone is also happy.

"Smoke girl, today, thanks to your help, saved the lives of all the people in our empire, this kind of kindness, I really don't know how to repay."

The old emperor came forward and gave a gift to the morning rain. Although the morning rain was young, but the strength was strong, even if the old emperor was in front of her, he had to look up.

"The old emperor is not polite, you are friends of the dust brother, that is my friend."

Yan Chenyu smiled and could help Jiang Dian to do something, let the light on the surface of the river dust, in the view of the smoke and rain, is the happiest thing.

"For the little dust, what did you say about finding the whereabouts of your uncle?"

Han Yan asked, he only now knows why Jiang Chen suddenly left the Xianxian domain and found the whereabouts of Jiang Zhenhai.

"I have found it, and I am in the middle of the wind, but I am now in a very safe place, and I am not coming back with me. Don't worry."

Jiang Chendao, this time to go to the wind and the fairyland, the harvest is too big.

"Great, your father and son are finally reunited in the fairy world."

The monk is very embarrassed. He and Han Yan are very aware of the father-son relationship between Jiang Chen and Jiang Zhenhai. Now Jiang Chen and Jiang Zhenhai can reunite in the fairyland. They are naturally happy for Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Brothers, the change of the day must let the lord come to the empire, I want to do a good job of the landlord."

The old emperor said.


Jiang Dust Road.

"Okay, your brothers reunion, there must be a lot of words to say, we will not bother, now the devils are removed, and many disciples of the genius house have been subjected to a strong vibration, need to appease, extraordinary, you bring Jiang brothers and smokers went to a quiet place to sit."

Yang Yu said to Yang Bufan, he is a very understandable person. Now that the big thing is over, it is natural to give Jiang Chen a chance to gather together.

The residence of the genius Fujiang Dust, among the quiet courtyards, everyone gathered together, and regardless of the current situation in the Xianxian domain, this moment is worth celebrating.

"Blue Girl, how are you so dressed today?"

Jiang Chen looked at Lan Lingji and couldn't help but ask.

"Little dust, you still don't know, tomorrow is the big wedding day of the blue girl and the monkey. Before the monkey still complained that you are not coming back, it is good for you to come back in time."

Han Yan laughed.

"What? The monkey is getting married, haha, good, good."

Jiang Chen laughed twice. This is really a gratifying thing. Although Long XIII and Lan Lingji didn’t know each other for a long time, their feelings were very deep. They really experienced life and death together, and soon Before the Dragon 13 in the exquisite blessings of the exhibition, it became the dragon of the exquisite fairy, and now Linglong Xianzun to preside over the wedding, it is normal.

"Jiang Gongzi, where is the thirteenth brother now?"

Lan Lingji asked the question he had always wanted to ask. The dragon thirteen disappeared after swallowing the scorpio, and although Lan Lingji knew that it was Jiang Chen, he did not know the existence of the ancestral tower. .

"The blue girl rest assured that the monkey swallowed a devil, and now it is trying to digest it, and will definitely not delay your big marriage tomorrow."

Jiang Chen said that with the strength of the Dragon Thirteen, in the thirty-three-story space, one day is enough for him to successfully digest the demon scorpion, and when the dragon thirteen comes out of the ancestral tower, it will be repaired. Flying by leaps and bounds, reaching a more horrible level.

Listening to Jiang Chen’s saying, Lan Lingji is completely relieved. For Jiang Chen’s words, she still believes in it.

To be honest, Lan Lingji is really worried about the marriage of Long XIII in the future. For a woman, this is undoubtedly the most important day in life.

"Little dust, I see that your cultivation has made a lot of progress, and it has reached the end of the Emperor. It seems that you have no benefit in the wind and the fairyland. Let us talk about it. thing."

Yang Bufan said that Jiang Chen’s changes were all in the eyes. When Jiang Chen left, it was the early Emperor’s early stage. It was only in the past that it was promoted to the late Emperor’s Eve, and it was definitely a huge benefit.

Jiang Chen did not hide it. For these brothers, he did not have any good concealment. He said everything about the Emperor Mountain, including the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the morning rain.

"My God, the light rain turned out to be the reincarnation of the nine yin female emperor, no wonder so powerful."

Han Yan was shocked, and they really didn't think of it.

"I didn't expect that the Southern and Northern Dynasties were really a reincarnation of the mighty Emperor. So, this guy's strength is probably quite the same as Xiao Yu. It's terrible."

"Yeah, the people in the Northern and Southern Dynasties are arrogant, not necessarily when they will come out to make the world chaos. Now he has the Emperor Sword and merges with the Emperor's body. If it appears, it is even more difficult to deal with."

The monks and Yang Bufan and others are Emei, and the figures of the Northern and Southern Dynasties are doomed to be extraordinary. Sooner or later, they will still appear. Fortunately, the smoke in the morning is also the reincarnation of the nine yin female emperor. It can restrain the North and South dynasty, the existence of the smoke and the morning rain, how much will The Northern and Southern Dynasties have some taboos.

"Right, I got a lot of great emperor in Emperor Mountain this time, A Yan, I see that your cultivation has reached the level of half-step Xianzun. If you can get some supplements from the Emperor, shock the fairy Respect is a very simple matter."

Jiang Chen said that nowadays, Han Yan, monk, and Yang Bufan have reached the level of half-step Xianzun. If they can get the spirit of the Great Emperor, it is easy to attack Xianzun.

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