Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1879: Lost illusion

Jiang Chen’s gaze is fiery. In the eyes of Jiang Chen, these three demons, that is, their own nourishment, the three devils in the middle of the immortal, the body has formed a demon, Jiang Chen if refining and absorbing the three A demon spirit, repaired as a direct impact half-step fairy, no pressure.

"A good man, don't think that you can defeat the Yuntians, you can fight us, brothers, let this kid taste our power, slowly torture him, don't let him die so fast."

The demons are all cold and murderous, and the demons and demons are indistinguishable and are the most brutal.

The cold magic wave began to impact from the body of the three people, like a tidal wave, forming a closed battlefield, shrouded Jiang Chen directly inside.

I have to say that the cooperation between the three demons is really the same as that of the heavens. The combined strength is also improved. It is no wonder that they can kill the late Zunzun. It is not unreasonable.

It is a pity that this kind of strength has disappeared in Jiang Chen.

"Kid, let's die."

A demon came out directly, and his body came to the front of Jiang Chen, and the horrible claws came out. The speed was so fast that he was fiercely grabbed toward Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s face was with a calm smile, and he did not put his opponent in his eyes. He punched out a fierce punch and directly shot a large piece of fire. It was a combination of four kinds of supreme flames, and the power of the world was unparalleled. It is simply the ultimate nemesis of the devil.


At the moment when the flame appeared, the surrounding magical power began to be burned, and the sound of the squeaking sound, the demons of the shot, felt the horror of the flame, the face suddenly changed, and his original gloomy claws met. At the moment of the flame of Jiang Chen, the momentum suddenly slammed down, and the power was only half of the previous one.


Jiang Chen shot like a power, carrying a strong flame of a punch and slammed on the demon's body, the demons screamed, throwing them back, a black magic blood directly sprayed out.

"How can it be?"

"Not good, this guy has a special restraint in our hands, the flame is too horrible, and my heart feels trembling."

"Damn, this guy will restrain our origins from dying, and we have no way to fight them."

The three demons who were incomprehensible, after seeing the flames of Jiang Chen’s shot, their faces changed completely. They didn’t know what the flames of Jiang Chen were, but they could clearly feel that such a powerful flame would simply It is not that they can fight. Under the restraint and suppression of this flame, they can only exert half of their combat power.

"It's so good, the coach is really too big, and I hurt a strange person when I came up. I can't believe it."

The people on the side of the Dagan Empire are excited again. Every time Jiang Chen’s shots will bring them different visual impacts, the three weirdos are the most worried about them. Now it seems that Jiang Chen seems to restrain them. s method.

The nine princes are embarrassed. For the surprise, he seems to be completely numb. With Jiang Chen for a long time, he will find that nothing is impossible in this world.

"Three people, this person is different, don't waste time with him."

Yun Tian double face said gloomy.

"Haha, three demons, in front of me, is the ant-like existence, what means do you have to make it out?"

Jiang Chen laughed.

The three demons looked at each other and saw the importance attached to each other's eyes. In the face of Jiang Chen's flame, they had to pay full attention to it. This battle may be more difficult than the masters of the late Jingzun. They must Displaying unique skills.

"The lost illusion."

The three men shouted, and then they swayed, their illusions were everywhere in the void, and a black wave covered the battlefield. The outsiders looked at the past and were vague.

In the blink of an eye, there is a closed area, surrounded by variegated brilliance, as if completely entering another world.

"This is a powerful illusion. Those who enter it will lose themselves in it. The poisoned hands of the demons are very difficult to deal with. It seems that General Lu Sheng is dead in this illusion."

Seeing the display of this lost illusion, the face of the nine princes immediately showed a dignified color. With his eyesight, it is natural to see the horror of this illusion, not to mention how Jiang Chen is, if he is caught in this lost illusion. I am afraid it will die.

Yun Tianshuang's mouth is only a smile, he is very aware of the horror of this lost illusion, so at the moment when Jiang Chen fell into a illusion, he can basically be sure that Jiang Chen is dead, Lu Sheng is dead. In this illusion.

In the illusion of the territory, Jiang Chen looked at the flashing light and shadow around him, and there was a road that he liked. It seemed to have no end. It has become a new world. When you enter here, your heart has become extremely heavy.


Around the world are the voices of the three demons, and the shadows of the demons are everywhere, but these demons are fake, and only three are real.

"Kid, here, you will soon get lost. At that time, it is your death."

The sound of the sinister laughter sounds, and every word is like a sinker, slamming into the soul of Jiang Chen.

"Playing with me in the illusion, you are still far away, the illusion of the region, in my dreamland, is completely vulnerable."

Jiang Chen’s contempt for his face does not put the puzzle illusion in his eyes. Although this illusion looks very powerful, Jiang Chen is like a paper tiger here. It’s broken at a glance, and Jiang’s dreamland is The true originator of fantasy.


A variegated airflow continually flew out of the river dust, and these airflows quickly merged into the lost illusion, forming a new illusion.

Soon, the big dreamland was completely formed, and the lost illusion was completely covered. The whole lost illusion began to change greatly, began to collapse, and the three demons in it, only to find that the illusion changed. They lost control and the real control, in the hands of Jiang Chen.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. How can this guy be able to control the lost illusion silently."

A demon is shocked and seems to have experienced the most horrible thing in the world.

"No, the boss, the lost illusion has disappeared, we have entered the illusion of each other, and the powerful means have used the new illusion to break our illusion silently."

The other person exclaimed, this fact makes them simply unacceptable.

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