Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1886: Force pressure Xianzun late [five]

Yun Tianzun is to see if Jiang Chen is so arrogant, so daring and dare to fight alone.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen led tens of thousands of troops and prepared to attack the next city. At this time, the morale of the Dagan Empire has climbed to a limit, which is completely bursting, and countless soldiers can not control themselves. The blood is clear, and some directly scream.

I have lived for half a lifetime, and I have never played such a dazzling scream. The feeling is not only described by the word "sweet".


At this moment, the sky suddenly became a violent wind, and a dark cloud suddenly emerged from the void. In the blink of an eye, it floated on the top of the army's head. From the dark cloud, a powerful pressure was passed down. The strong pressure was like a tide. Overwhelming, the souls of people are in a state of tremor.

"A good and powerful pressure, this is probably a powerful late master of the fairy."

"Grandma is, what is the late Xianzun, still not the opponent of the coach, we are going to kill the emperor of the Great Cloud Empire."

"Yes, the more powerful people are coming, not enough for the coach to kill."


On the faces of the soldiers of the Dagan Empire, only the shock, but not a little fear, their hearts have been thoroughly baptized by the power of Jiang Chen. In their hearts, as long as there is Jiang Chen, there is nothing that cannot be done. There are no opponents that can't be dealt with.

It is a kind of deification, Jiang Chen has been deified, and has become the **** of all the hearts of the soldiers, the unbeaten god, even if the other party came to the powerful master of the late Xianzun, they still do not have a little fear, still feel that Jiang Chen can It kills.

"Little dust, it seems that the emperor of the Great Cloud Empire could not sit still, this time came the real master."

Yang Bufan looked at the dark cloud and said with a smile.

"Xianzun is only late, I thought it would be the extinct person to appear in person."

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a smile, and there was no worry on his face. In addition to the extinction of the Great Cloud Empire, he was not in the eyes of anyone else. No matter what kind of master, as long as he came, he would follow the list. Received.

The dark cloud drifted in the wind, and then became an old man. The old man was slightly fat, his face was like a spring breeze, and he looked like he was fifty or sixty years old. After he appeared, his eyes suddenly looked like poisonous, and continued underneath. Sweeping.

"It seems to be a more important figure in the Big Cloud Empire."

Jiang Dust Road.

"This is the elders of the Great Cloud Empire. I didn't expect him to appear in person. It seems that the Yun family can't sit still."

Nine kings.

"Half of the mountains and rivers have been lost, and they can still sit and blame."

Yang Wufan laughed.

"Jiang Chen, your courage, is too big, solitary, is it not to put my big cloud empire in the eye?"

The elders of the elders looked at Jiang Chen, and the tone was extremely cold. The body did not hide his murderousness. He had seen Jiang Chen, so he recognized it at a glance.

"You are right, my Jiang Chen did not put your big cloud empire in your eyes. Your Yun family and I are right, it is destined to be a dead end."

Jiang Chen’s body flew high above the sky and stood opposite the elders. He knew that the purpose of the old man was for himself. If he had said before, the master of Xianzun might still worry him, but now, promote After the half-step Xianzun's Jiang Chen, the dragon's change in the state of killing the general Xianzun later, can still be done.

Now, Jiang Chen is trying to hone his own combat power. This is the arrival of the elders. For Jiang Chen, it is better.

"Big words, young and young, young and frivolous, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, don't feel that you are already invincible, in fact, it is still far away, Jiang Chen, as long as you are now ready to go, I will leave, this seat will ensure that you will not die pain."

The elders of the elders said loudly that he had lived for so many years and had to admit that Jiang Chen was the most arrogant young man he had ever seen.

"Old guy, you have too much nonsense. If you don't have any nutrition, don't say it anymore. Of course, after today, you have no chance to speak."

Jiang Chen is too lazy to talk to this elder elder. There is nothing to say between the two sides. There is only life and death between them.


A violent force suddenly came out of Jiang Chen’s body. Jiang Chen’s body directly turned into a dragon-changing state, and ten times the strength of the attack. This is his real fighting state, which other people cannot imagine. of.

Jiang Chen moved, and he came up with a real handprint of the dragon. The horrible blood-colored dragon claws were overwhelming. When they came up, they blocked a battlefield and grabbed the past toward the elders.

Moreover, Jiang Chen directly applied the five elements of the field. He wanted to open up a battlefield and isolate it from the outside. Otherwise, this fierce battle may be a kind of doom for the army below.

"Good guy."

Feeling the strength of Jiang Chen, the face of the elders changed slightly. Jiang Chen was so strong that he did not expect it. He also let him understand why Jiang Chen was able to defeat Yuntian.

The elders of the elders shot a palm with lightning. The huge palms were full of hundred feet and crystal clear as jade. This blow did not know how much destruction was carried, and the world was shaken.


The palms of the elders and the real handprints of the elders collided with each other, and the aftermath of the eruption shrouded the entire sky. In this situation, the people watching were frightened.

Everyone in the Dagan Empire was wide-eyed, staring at the battlefield without hesitation, and his heart was constantly cheering for Jiang Chen.


The elders of the elders were shaken back three steps backwards. On the other hand, Jiang Chen, the body was only slightly shaken, this first collision, high judgment.

"Okay, the coach is mighty."

"Grandma is a bear, the coach is simply a enchanting, and it is going against the sky."

"Haha, I said that the existence of the coach is a legend. Even the elders of the Great Cloud Empire are not his opponents."


The Dagan Empire is cheering on this side, it is difficult to conceal the excitement, and in the face of an invincible coach, they really have no way not to be excited.

"It is not a happy thing to be an enemy of such a person."

The nine kings shook their heads and looked speechless.

"It is a very happy thing to be friends with such people."

Yang Bufan said that the two men looked at each other and laughed.

In the sky, the face of the elders has changed completely. It has not been in the state of being high above. Before playing against Jiang Chen, he felt that it was very easy to take a half-step fairy with his own cultivation, but Now, after Jiang Chen’s shock and retreat, the thoughts of the elders began to change.

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