Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1899: Mysterious master

Suddenly powerful pressure, the entire imperial capital filled the moment, the high-level figures in the palace were alarmed, and immediately flew out of the emperor.

Soon, the two figures appeared out of thin air. It was two old men. It looked like sixty or seventy years old. Everyone had a powerful anger and murderousness. Their momentum was very large and not weak. I have been to the half-emperor Li Wangye of the Dagan Empire. That is to say, this is two powerful semi-imperialist figures.


Yang Yu and the old emperor and the Dagan empire all flew out. They volleyed and saw the arrival of the two semi-emperors. Their faces were surprised, but they did not show the slightest fear. The smoke in the morning is in the capital, they are not afraid of the half emperor.

"It is the ancestor of the Great Cloud Empire and the Tianyu Dynasty. They are all people of Xianting. They did not expect to run out."

"It is expected that the Great Cloud Empire and the Tianyu Dynasty will face extinction. They will naturally appear, but we are not afraid. There are smokers who are enough to fight them."

"Yes, don't be afraid of them, the smoke girl will appear at any time."


The master of the Emperor of the Dagan Empire formed a wall of people, guarding the emperor behind him.

"Jiang Chen, let the little beast roll out."

After the arrival of the ancestors of the Great Cloud Empire, they immediately named Jiang Chen, the Dayun Empire and the Tianyu Dynasty. They have already made it clear. If it wasn’t for Jiang Chen, the two empires would never get it now. This step of the field will not fall so badly, so their hatred of Jiang Chen is conceivable.

"Two, you are already a figure of Xianting, why do you want to control the battle between the great forces of the East Xuan domain?"

Yang Yu said.

"Less nonsense, call Jiang Chen out."

The temper of the celestial dynasty of the Tianyu Dynasty does not look very good, but at this time, even if it is replaced by any one, the temper is not good.

"Screaming, affecting people's rest, there is no morality."

Just then, a lazy voice sounded, and two figures appeared. Standing next to Yang Yu, it was Jiang Chen and Yan Chenyu.

Seeing the morning rain, the Dagan Empire was relieved. This is the reincarnation of the powerful Jiuyin female emperor. They have witnessed the horror of the smoke and the morning rain. Even the devils are not her opponents, even more The half emperor is useless.

The eyes of the two ancestors immediately fell on Jiang Chen's body, almost at the same time said: "You are Jiang Chen?"

"Yes, I am, you two are not good enough to stay in Xianting to enjoy the Qingfu, but you have to run here to die."

Jiang Chen said that he was not salty and not light, and he did not put two emperors in his eyes.

"Jiang Chen, you ruined our two empires, and today you will definitely be a thousand."

The ancestors of the Great Cloud Empire said with sorrow, the powerful momentum has locked Jiang Chen, and it seems that he will not give Jiang Chen a chance to escape.

"Yun brother, don't have to say so much with this little beast, directly tearing him away, and then destroying the big empire."

The ancestors of the Tianyu Dynasty are even more ferocious, but this can't blame them. It is really a miserable encounter between the two empires. They have already thoroughly ignited their anger. This time, regardless of the rules of Xianting, not only do they come out, but not only To kill Jiang Chen, we must also destroy the Dagan Empire in disregard of everything, and truly solve the final crisis for the Dayun Empire and the Tianyu Dynasty.

As long as the Great Dry Empire is extinguished, even if the Great Cloud Empire and the Tianyu Dynasty become the second-rate forces, they will not be destroyed, and the two empires will still be there, and there will still be a rising day.

"On the basis of both of you, do you want to kill your brother?"

The body of the smoke morning rain swayed to the front, and she burst into a very cold atmosphere, just like the ice **** came to the world.

"A girl who wants to stop this seat, then kill you first."

The ancestors of the Tianyu dynasty were directly motivated, and a huge golden hand took a picture of the morning rain. They have been in Xianting, but they have long asked about Dong Xuan’s affairs, so even though Dong Xuan’s troubles have been raging. However, they do not know the identity of the smoke and the rain, and their status in Xianting is not very high, so no one has ever told them about the last time they happened in Lingfufu, so they don’t know the morning rain. The presence.

In their view, the smoke morning rain is just a small fairy, even if it is the late stage of the Xianzun, how can they be put in the eyes of their half emperor.

Today they are going to kill Jiang Chen and destroy the Great Emperor. No one can stop it. Who will stop it.

"court death."

The smoke and the morning rain did not have a bit of politeness. When it came up, it played a powerful Xuan Yinzhang. The huge ice palm of the horror directly set up an ice wall. The cold air blocked a void and collided with the huge palm of the Tianyu Dynasty ancestors.


The swell of the air is like a storm, the coldness of the morning rain is too strong, and the whole battlefield is frozen. The ancestor's attack is under the Xuanyin palm, and it is completely vulnerable. It is destroyed almost instantaneously. When it was gone, the old ancestor was beaten and flew out, and it was only a hundred feet away to stabilize the body.


The ancestors of the Tianyu Dynasty exclaimed, his face turned pale, his hair and beard had white frost on his face, and his body was frozen and shivering. He looked at the opposite and did not know where it came from. The peerless beauty can't believe and accept this result. Before coming to the Dagan Empire, they never thought about there and people who could fight against them.

No, this is a confrontation. This is simply a pressure. Just going up a collision, let him thoroughly understand that he is not the opponent of this woman.

However, this is a normal phenomenon. It should be known that the current morning rain is no longer the morning rain that just came out of the Emperor Mountain. At that time, it collided with the North and South Korea and suffered a minor injury. Now the injury has been The recovery is almost the same, her own cultivation is infinitely close to the semi-emperor, the general half-emperence against the morning rain, itself is vulnerable to the existence.

"Well, the means of the smoke girl is getting more and more powerful. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't believe it."

"Haha, do you think that two and a half emperors can pose a threat to my big empire? It's so funny."

"Look at their two old faces, where the prestige went."


The people of the Dagan Empire directly gloated, the morning rain was stronger than they thought, and the morning rain stood here. The two ancestors thought that it would cause the slightest damage to the Dagan Empire, let alone kill the river. Dust.

"who are you?"

The ancestors of the Great Cloud Empire looked at the morning rain and asked.


Yan Chenyu indifference looked at the ancestors of the big cloud empire, said not tired.

A scrolling word has undoubtedly completely hurt the self-respect of two ancestors. With their identity and status, I am afraid that I will not have the chance to hear this word in my life.

The ancestors of the Tianyu Dynasty came to the ancestors of the Dayun Empire and whispered: "The Dagan Empire does not know when there is such a person who is so anti-sky. Her strength is extremely terrifying. Even if you and I join forces, it is not at all His opponent, if you really fight, I am afraid that you and my life will stay here today. What should I do now?"

The ancestors of the Great Cloud Empire thought about it for a moment, and the chill in the eyes was even stronger: "It seems that we have to change the previous plan now, leave here first, and then plan again in the future."

The two nodded each other and immediately reached a consensus. Both of them are masters of the older generation. They are all old fox-like existences. One is more savvy. They will not act recklessly. They can naturally see with their eyesight. There is a morning rain in the rain, and they have no chance at all.


The two bodies swayed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Not good, light rain, can't let them leave."

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen’s dark road was not good, and he quickly said to the smoke morning.

At this time, even the faces of the masters of the Dagan Empire have changed. With their wisdom and wisdom, it is impossible to guess the fear of Jiang Chen, but two powerful semi-emperors, if the front and the big empire If there is a counterbalance, there is a smoke in the morning, and they naturally don't care, but if the two come in insidious, specially from the secret, then the big empire does not know that there are few people to die in their hands.

The so-called guns are easy to hide, the dark arrows are difficult to prevent, and the thieves are not afraid of stealing. If they let them go today, then the disaster of the Dagan Empire will begin directly.

Just as Li Wangye came to catch Jiang Chen, when Xiao forgets to say something, if he moves Jiang Chen, he will kill one after seeing Xianting after Xiao’s forgetting. Only this threat will shock Li Wangye. The situation is the same.

At this time, the morning rain also reflected, but unfortunately it was already late. The two ancestors did not suffer any major injuries. The ancestors of the Dayun Empire did not even have any damage, and a semi-emperor in the province. If one wants to escape, the calculation is that the morning rain may not be able to stay, not to mention the morning rain has delayed for a while.

For a powerful master, even the moment between the moments is enough to change everything.


At this moment, two screams of screaming suddenly sounded from the inside of the void. This screaming statement came from the two ancestors, and everyone listened to it.

But this sudden scream, but let everyone in the Dagan Empire directly stunned, and the smoke and the rain did not have time to take the shot, then, who shot it?

Everyone looked at the distance with a shocked look. When I saw a man on the stalwart, I walked out of the void like a ghost. He looked like he was forty years old, tall and tall, with a light blue robes, and there was a flood of eyebrows. The unyielding arrogance of the stocks, the exaggerated momentum, is frightening, in his hands, carrying two human heads with blood.

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