Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1907: Little girl’s encounter

"Big brother."

Zuo Linger was extremely excited and suddenly fell into the arms of Jiang Chen. Since Jiang Chen left the Shengyuan continent and flew to the fairyland, they never saw it again, but in the heart of Zuo Linger, the image of Jiang Chen It has never disappeared. It is a legendary figure. Zuo Linger does not want to meet Jiang Chen again and again.

However, since the arrival of the savage world, Zuo Linger is also clear that he may not have the opportunity to meet Jiang Chen in his life, but today at the most dangerous moment, Jiang Chen appears to be miraculous in front of himself. Such as the nebula that protects his big brother.

Coupled with this period of time in the savage encounter, left Linger can not control his emotions.

Yang Junlong and Long XIII on the side finally understood it, and finally knew why Jiang Chen would be desperate to shoot. Now it seems that these two people not only know each other, but also have a bad relationship.

"How is this bastard's Yan Fu so good, each one is a national fragrance, or a barbarian woman, it is enviable."

The envy of the dragon thirteen face.

Yang Junlong still cares about the blood of Zuo Linger, such a strong blood, once he reaches the barbarian, for the fairy world, after all, it is a hazard.

But at the moment, Jiang Chen is uncomfortable. The left Linger in front of him is not the little girl of the year. The soft body flutters in his arms, and a unique fragrance is straight into the nostrils of Jiang Chen. It was him, and he couldn’t help but sway.

"Cry what, crying is not beautiful."

Jiang Chen comforted him. He was able to see Zuo Linger here. He never thought of it. His mood at the moment is naturally very happy.

Zuo Linger cried for a while, and the emotions were calmed down. She wiped her tears and flashed out of Jiang Chen’s arms.

"Big brother, you earn me cheap."

Zuo Linger’s hands squatted and said righteously.

Jiang Chen: Hey...

Jiang Chen’s mood is a complicated one. It seems that you have rushed over yourself. How to become a rogue, this is not reasonable.

Of course, Jiang Chen has long understood a truth, and it is most unwise to tell the truth to women.

"Big brother, can I look good?"

Zuo Linger got in front of Jiang Chen’s face, and a pair of big eyes fluttered and flashed. It was just an elf.


Jiang Chen was forced again, and there was no psychological preparation for the problem of Zuo Linger.

"good looking."

Jiang Chen’s reflective answer, after all, this is the big truth.

"Giggle, big brother, then I will marry you."

Zuo Linger giggled.

Jiang Chen hit a spirit, and the cold sweat almost didn't come out. He immediately extended his finger and bounced on the forehead of Zuo Linger.

"Dead gimmick, no shape."

Jiang Chen said with no anger, but seeing that Zuo Linger was as strange as before, he was completely relieved. After all, he did not know what Zuo Linger had experienced in the savage world, and he was really afraid of that innocent little girl. It has been changed, and now it seems that I am so hearted.

"We have just experienced the battle here, we are still changing places."

Yang Junlong reminded.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen nodded and then left with Linger.

In another ridiculous valley, Jiang Chen four people came here.

"Linger, how come you get to the savage world?"

Jiang Chen asked, and Yang Junlong and Long XIII also looked at Zuo Linger. They already knew that this left Linger was flying up from the lower boundary like Jiang Chen, but Zuo Linger went to the sage. This is probably related to her blood.

"When I was ascending, the blood of the gods in the body seemed to be stimulated, so the ascent also deviated from the orbit, and my breath should have been sensed by the mortal people, so I used the big means to let me directly enter the stagnation. ""

Said left Linger.

For the answer of Zuo Linger, Jiang Chen three people nod. In this case, they can basically guess that if they are not the cause of Zuo Linger's blood, they will definitely fly up to the fairy world.

"Little girl, how did you become the saint of the Uk family? As far as I know, the Uk family is a great family of the singularity. The ancestors of the Uk family were the same as the king of the celestial beings. presence."

Yang Junlong asked.

"I don't know. After I got up, I was directly drawn to the Uk family. I guess it is the high-level means of the Uk family. Because of my blood, I was greatly trained by the Uk family. I also became the saint of this family, and named me Uk Linger, but I know very well that the Uk family cultivated me, not really for me, but for my blood, there are big people behind the Uk family wanting I took my blood, but because my blood is still immature, they cultivated me vigorously. After my cultivation reached the realm of the great emperor, I will take my blood."

Zuo Linger said that she is not a fool, on the contrary very smart, the Uk family is really good for herself or another attempt, her heart is like a mirror, so the situation of Zuo Linger can be said to be very dangerous, but for the left Linger said, this is also a way to do things. She is too weak to repair, and she cannot change the overall situation, and she cannot achieve effective resistance.

"It seems that the ambition of the savage world is not small. Fortunately, I met you here. Otherwise, if you cultivate to reach the realm of the great emperor, if the blood is taken away, the big man of the Uk family will have a qualitative leap. At the time, the fairy world is really dangerous."

Yang Junlong is embarrassed, and the pure blood of the sacred **** is so terrible for the barbarians of the savage world. He is most clear that the emergence of Zuo Linger is enough to change the history of the mortal world and even change the fate of the celestial world.

"Linger, are you not very dangerous in the Uk family?"

Jiang Chen said that he couldn’t help but feel a little bit of a headache when he thought of the pressure that Zuo Linger had suffered in the mortal world.

"My situation is indeed very dangerous, and my blood is getting more and more powerful, which makes my cultivation progress faster and faster. Together with the cultivation of the Uk family, it is a matter of time to advance to the great emperor. Fortunately today I met your big brother, I will follow you later, and get rid of the Uk family."

Zuo Linger said happily that for her, it was indeed the happiest thing to meet Jiang Chen since she was soaring.

"That is nature. After we find the rhubarb, we will be together in the fairy world."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"What is the rhubarb? Rhubarb?"

Zuo Linger quickly asked, she also wanted to ask why Jiang Chen appeared in the wild, and now it seems to be for the big yellow dog.

[A cold, a headache, a weight, a chapter, I am afraid this chapter is over, sorry. 】

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