Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1917: Longyang Emperor

"Grass, this **** is more handsome than me."

Jiang Chen’s face was speechless, but he saw that rhubarb became like this. He was really unaccustomed. He even began to worry that the dog who was savage could not return.


The wind whistling, the top of the head of the rhubarb dog, there appeared a rule of law, the golden rule, the complex runes floating on it, Jiang Chen counted, these rules, there are twenty, and each rule has an arm As thick as ever.

“Is this the law of the Emperor? It looks like a big feeling.”

Jiang Chen was awkward, and the law of the Emperor, the first time he saw it, was naturally amazing.

The law of the Great is the symbol of the Great, and it is also the place where the Great is different. It is the reason why the Emperor is high. In this world, the rule of law is the ruler.


Juvenile rhubarb once again screams in the sky, and he can spit out the law of the emperor from his mouth. This guy is too strong, and the breath that comes out casually makes the ancestral towers shake, if the river dust secretly controls the apprehension of the ancestral tower. I am afraid that the Zulongta will take the initiative to pop the big yellow dog.

Half an hour later, the promotion of the rhubarb dog slowly stopped. When all the breath was converged by rhubarb, the figure of the teenager disappeared again and became a dog again. It was exactly the same as the previous rhubarb. You simply looked at it. There is no change in this dead guy, not even a little dragon horse.

Jiang Chen patted his head, this guy seems to be very satisfied with his dog, even the handsome figure has given up.

"Look at what, boy, are you convinced by the handsome and powerful posture of the dog, from which the dog is an idol."

The rhubarb dog said shamelessly.


Jiang Chen squinted, but his fears disappeared completely, and the narcissistic dog was still there.

"You guy, why don't you keep human?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Is this not afraid that you are not used to it?"

The rhubarb dog smiled.

"But don't you say it, or you look like a dog."

Jiang Chen has a big head. He knows the rhubarb's thoughts. The reason why Rhubarb continues to maintain the present is to take this life as the main thing. I don't want to live in the shadow of past lives. This is a good thing for the big yellow dog. Reborn, then come back.

What's more, the handsome human figure of Rhubarb is really unfamiliar to people, or this dog looks cute.

"Right, what are you doing now?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"The first-class emperor, not far from the second-class emperor, afraid not afraid?"

Rhubarb dogs are extremely narcissistic.

"I am afraid of death."

Jiang Chen still slaps a shot on the dog's head.

In this world, it’s really not much to dare to slap a powerful first-class emperor’s head.

"Grass, you give the dog a respect, and the dog is the great."

The big yellow dog looked awkward.

"Dog the Great."

Jiang Chen is also grabbing the ears of the big yellow dog. This kind of scene really makes him miss.

"Grass, your kid, this is the earth on the head of the old age, what dog is the emperor, Laozi is the imperial Longyang Emperor, you go outside to inquire, who does not know the name of Longyang Emperor, Laozi is the same as the Emperor Xian, the emperor The presence."

The rhubarb dog suddenly did not do it, and the imposing Longyang Emperor was so humiliated that he couldn’t stand it, and he bit his body against the ass.

"Nima's, good dogs don't have ass, hurry up and let Laozi loosen."

"Send your sister, disrespect for the Emperor, don't give you a look at the color, you don't know how much the Emperor is."

"Okay, you are amazing, still not let go."

"Not loose."



One person and one dog launched a fierce battle directly in the Zulongta. The final outcome was naturally that Jiang Chen was defeated. The clothes were completely shattered. The buttocks were wounded and bloody. It was a miserable.

Jiang Chen wants to cry without tears, but now he can't report the enemy. Now it is not the opponent of this dog. It is still a little good. Otherwise, the other half of the **** can't keep it.

Longyang Emperor, this name is quite domineering, Jiang Chen has always felt that the rhubarb dog should have a very loud name, just like the Emperor of the Immortals, the Emperor of the Immortal, the Emperor of the Void, the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, since it is the same era. The character, Longyang Emperor, is also quite worthy of the rhubarb.

"Speaking of it, it is really timely for you to go to the wild and ancient land. Otherwise, I am afraid I will fall into the hands of the hunger."

The rhubarb dog sat next to Jiang Chen's side, stunned, just thinking of the experience of Zuo Linger, his face was extremely dim.

Although he has been sleeping in the wild, he still knows what is happening outside.

"Unfortunately Linger did not come out."

Jiang Dust Road.

"The blood of Linger is destined to be taken seriously by the mortal world. As long as Linger has not been promoted to the Great, there will be no danger. We still have a chance to save her."

The big yellow dog said.

"Yes, Linger, I will save it sooner or later."

Jiang Chen's tone is extremely firm. Zuo Linger's current cultivation is only the beginning of Xianzun, and there is still a distance from the Emperor, so they still have time.

Next, Jiang Chen told the Dahuang dog about what happened during this period of time. The most important thing is of course the morning rain and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, as well as the Nangong question.

"In fact, I have already guessed a thing about the last time. I didn't expect the rain to be the reincarnation of the girl. When I was with the Emperor, I was buried in the emperor, and the sword was still infused with my blood. It was also the reason why I was able to control the sword of Xian Xian. But when I saw the daughter of Emperor Xian, she was still a baby, and the time was really too long."

The rhubarb dog is so embarrassed that his thoughts seem to have returned to that era.

"Tomorrow is the selection of the Emperor Mountain, just as you wake up, let's go to Xianting together, just to help Anan."

Jiang Chen said.

"it is good."

The rhubarb dog is full of excitement. This guy is a free-spirited master. It is too boring if he does not go to Xianting if he is a master of the first-class emperor.

"Right, what you have just shown is the law of the Great Emperor? I see you in the law of twenty great emperors."

Jiang Chen asked curiously that he still knew nothing about the level of the Great.

"Yes, when you want to become the great emperor, you must also condense the law of the emperor. The general first-class emperor can condense the ten laws of the emperor. The second emperor is twenty. Of course, this is only for ordinary people. I am now a first-class emperor, there are already 20 rules of the Great Emperor, plus the Emperor's Law is twice as thick as the average person, so even the average second-class emperor is not my opponent at all."

The rhubarb dog said with great pride.

[Today's two more, we must design the following story]

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