Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1926: Protection fee

"it is good."

Jiang Chen nodded. He had no doubts about Nangong’s questioning. The current situation and situation of Nangong’s questioning day, in addition to this method, it is difficult to find other methods.

Moreover, Jiang Chen came to Xianting, which is to help Nangong to ask the sky. With his current strength, it is difficult for him to play a crucial role in Nangong.

"That's the way to say this. In this month's time, you should first familiarize yourself with the environment of the fairy world. Even if something goes wrong, I will give it to you."

Nangong asked Tianxiao to smile. Now that Jiang Chen has come, his heart has been relaxed a lot, and he also saw the hope of the future. In his eyesight, Jiang Chen itself is a miracle creator.

After the big event was agreed, the two brothers talked a lot. Jiang Chen talked about his experience in the fairyland to Nangong. Among them, the natural monks and the monks, the morning rain and the life of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the rhubarb dog. Life experience, let Nangong ask the sky to be surprised.

Such a thing, whoever is replaced by someone will be surprised.

"I didn't expect these guys to be so good, they are better than Lao Tzu."

Nangong asked Tianzhu, but his words were real. He felt that his identity was already big enough. He did not expect that the morning rain and the big yellow dog’s identity were much more powerful than themselves. In the fairy world, almost no one I don't know the prestige of the female emperor of Jiuyin. As for the emperor of Longyang, it is the existence of the emperor of the emperor.

"Okay, let's talk less time, I will go back first."

Jiang Chen took a picture of Nangong’s shoulders.

"Well, Xianting is no more than the following, especially now that the wind is rushing to Xianting, and you are deceiving yourself. Be careful."

Nangong asked Tianzhu Road.

"Don't you worry about me?"

Jiang Chen smiled and then left the Emperor's Palace with the big yellow dog and flew to the mountain where he lived.

Above the mountain peaks, Lu Yishan did not return to other courtyards, but walked back and forth on a large square. They looked anxious and looked like they had no fun when they first came to Xianting.

When I saw Jiang Chen coming back, there was a hint of joy in everyone’s face.

"What's wrong? One by one is dejected."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Shixiong, there are five or six old disciples of Xianting who came to us to collect protection fees."

Wei Yun said indignantly.

Receive protection fees?

Jiang Chen directly stunned, this is what it is.

"There are a few old disciples, and the leader seems to be called Bridge Huan. Let each of us hand over 100,000 yuan of Xianyuan Stone as a protection fee. If we don't pay it, let us have a bad life in the future."

Lu Yishan also said that he was angry.

"Have you paid?"

Jiang Chen’s face was cold, and it seems that these old disciples wanted to come up and give them a horse.

"No, Bridge Huan said that people are not in order. When you come back, let us go and find them to pay. If you don't go, you will give us a good look tomorrow."

Yang Ming said.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen almost laughed, this person's spectrum is really big, the protection fee must be taken in the past, not to put them in the eyes.

"Then wait for them to come tomorrow, and then you can talk to them about the protection fee."

Jiang Chen smiled. He is not a fool. The protection fee is small. But this is probably something that someone pointed out later. The ten people they came to follow are Han Feng and the Emperor. They are destined to be incompatible with other disciples. It’s a matter of time before the battles are merged together. Jiang Chen just didn’t expect it to be so fast.

"Well, waiting for them to come over tomorrow, I want to give us a horse, we are not irritating."

"That is, this is the first time. If we compromise, then there will be a second and third time in the future. We will be even worse in the future."

"It’s just hard to make a fist hard, and you can’t be afraid of them.”


Everyone is a top-notch genius of all major forces. He has never been so arrogant. Now Jiang Chen is their boss. Jiang Chen said, how do they naturally do it.

However, everyone's heart still has some concerns. After all, although Jiang Chen is powerful, it is only the early stage of Xianzun. That bridge is a master of the mid-south of Xianzun, and it is the supreme genius of Xianting. If Jiang Chen is right, I am afraid. It's hard to be an opponent.

But this is not important. The important thing is to play your own momentum. They all understand very well. If this time, the momentum is not given out, and the time of being bullied is still behind.

The next day!

It was only early in the morning that a strong temperament emerged and landed on the square of the mountain.

"Everyone is rolling out."

A loud bang sounded into everyone's ears.


The people had already prepared for it, and they came out from the other houses one by one. They saw that the people from yesterday were the ones who were yesterday, the one who led the leader, wearing a light golden robe, and the long one was a talent. Proud, eyes are about to see the sky go.

"Jiang brother, that is them."

Lu Yishan stood next to Jiang Chen and pointed to the opposite side: "The leader is the bridge."


Jiang Chen nodded, then walked with the crowd to the square, and finally stood not far from the bridge and other people.

"You are so bold, you dare not pay the protection fee yesterday. It seems that you will not give you a little color to look at. You still can't see your status and identity."

A disciple of the early Xianzun said that Yao Wuyangwei.

"Qiao Shixiong said, yesterday, you did not take the initiative to pay the protection fee. Today, the protection fee doubled. Everyone has 200,000 yuan worth of Xianyuan Stone. The person is also due, and don't delay the time."

Another disciple said that Zhangkou would have doubled.

"I am very fond of Xianyuan Stone, but why give it to you?"

Jiang Chen said that it was not salty and not light. As for the goods in front of him, it was not enough for him to blow up.

"Let's go, what's your name?"

One person is drinking.

"Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen faintly reported his name.

"Jiang Chen, you immediately kneel down and give the bridge brothers a gimmick to admit your mistakes. Otherwise, your end will be very miserable."

The man continued.

"I want to remind you that all the threats will make me squat, and the final end is not very good."

Jiang Chen’s eyes have become a little cold, and he has already seen it. The guys have made it clear that they are looking for trouble. If they don’t, there is no way to solve them.

"Globe, what are you, a newcomer, and dare to talk to me like this, I will immediately abolish you."

The disciple was furious at once, and his early cultivation of Xianzun was mad at the extreme. On the spot, the momentum was shocked, and Jiang Chen grabbed the past.

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