Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1931: Swinging nine waves

The reason is very simple, because Li Wei is not only strong in strength, but also has a strong backing.

"Who is that dragon? The courage is too big. I dare to fight against Li Wei. I really don't know how to write the dead words."

"Don't underestimate this person. Don't you see people lying on the ground? Maybe it's all done by him. Xianting is afraid to come to a real enchanting."

"The newcomers are so arrogant now that even Li Wei dare not look at it. I can only say that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers."


Many people who have come to see the crowd, Jiang Chen is destined to be uncommon, no matter where he goes, and it is also destined to be in chaos. This is beyond doubt. Jiang Chen has been through The place is not calm.

Behind the dust, the dragon wing flew directly to the sky and came to the opposite side of Li Wei. The momentum that emanated from him was like a layer of waves rolling over, and it seemed that it was not weaker than Li Wei.

"Jiang Chen, today I will teach you a lesson, let you learn how to behave."

Li Wei was domineering and fiercely punched toward Jiang Chen. This punch directly hit the horrible air, and the air wave turned into a gas dragon, whistling.

This kind of offensive is already strong enough. At least it is better than the previous Weihui. I don’t know how much stronger, but Jiang Chen does not care. Li Wei is naturally strong, but he is not weak.

The real dragon handprint was shot again, and the huge **** dragon claw of the horror fell on the air wave. When it was caught, the air dragon was directly torn, and the void was exploded by the horrible energy, and a huge black hole appeared.

"This guy's combat power is so terrible, he is only the early stage of Xianzun, the enchanting qualifications, if my repairs have reached the peak of Xianzun, I am afraid today is not his opponent."

Li Xin’s heart secretly saw Jiang Chen’s attack on his own attack, and his heart was somewhat shocked. He has always been very proud. The younger generation has never convinced people, but Jiang’s appearance is really stimulating him. However, he almost no doubt, if he and Jiang Chen are at the same level, I am afraid that they are the same as the bridge, they are not the enemy of Jiang Chen.

In fact, even with his current situation, it is not necessarily the opponent of Jiang Chen.

"Li Wei, if you have this ability, don't be disgusted."

Jiang Chen said loudly.

"Jiang Chen, don't be arrogant, since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

Li Wei looked completely angry, and the waves on his body were more and more intense, and the first layer was connected with a layer.

"Let you try my swaying nine waves."

Li Wei Shi displayed his own proud killer, swaying the nine waves, is to transform all the energy in the body into a wave of waves, one over one heavy, nine waves are nine heavens, representing the degree of nine kinds of horror, Once it is displayed, the opponent seems to be caught in an endless ocean, unable to see the boundary and can not find hope.

In the blink of an eye, Li Wei’s swaying nine waves were all displayed, and the nine-energy wave formed a large virtual barrier, which completely covered Jiang Chen.

"Well, this is still like going on."

Seeing the power of the nine waves, Jiang Chen’s face showed a hint of passion. He longed for such a battle. If Li Wei’s performance is too weak, then there is no meaning. The stronger the opponent, the more he will The more happy, the battle can inspire Jiang Chen’s war, let him fight all his strength and test his true combat power.

"Five elements of the dragon seal."

Jiang Chen put out a powerful French seal in his hands. For a time, a horrible real dragon emerged and rushed in all directions.

Five dragons of different attributes ravage everything.


The sky is full of dragons and sounds, and the dragons and shadows of each other are smashing in the void, and they are raging together with Li Wei’s sullen nine waves. The world that has stirred up has become a chaos, and the void is torn apart. This kind of battle is really too fierce and heart-rending.

Countless gaze is on the battlefield. At this time, no one will look down on Jiang Chen. Everyone is shocking, and when there is a shocking trend, there is such a resurgence.

"How can this guy be so terrible?"

"Yeah, we are all in the early days of Xianzun, but this gap is so big, hehe! It’s really more people than people."

"You said that two of them will win?"

"It's really hard to say, I think Li Wei's chances of winning are still bigger. After all, it's not so easy to deal with the nine waves. This is Li Wei's famous stunt, and Li Wei's cultivation is almost reaching the half of the emperor. Although the dust is against the sky, it is still in the early days of Xianzun. I don't believe he can overcome Li Wei across so many levels."


No one is not surprised, this kind of battle is too stimulating, too exciting, and Bridge Huan and others look at it all in the eyes, suddenly feel that they are so ignorant, ignorance to the extreme, they have this strength, before they came to Yaowu I threatened to collect the protection fee. Now I am being labeled as a dog. It is really a deserved.

The so-called not to die will not die, to die, to be able to blame who.

Now, Bridge Huan can only hope that Li Wei will defeat Jiang Chen and give them a sigh of relief. Otherwise, the faces of these old disciples will be wiped out.

Lu Yishan's emotions are very exciting. Jiang Chen's power has once again refreshed their cognition and thoughts. They are now numb, even if Jiang Chen will be able to defeat Li Wei, I believe they will not be too surprised.


The battle situation is still extremely fierce. The five elements of the dragon and the raging nine waves constantly collide and want to destroy the other party.

Both Jiang Chen and Li Wei are constantly delivering energy.

"Don't play with you, kill the dragon seal."

Jiang Chen’s momentum has changed again. He is full of endless murderousness. He has already realized the way to kill, and the horrible killing dragon seal was hit by him. A **** killing dragon screams out and joins. The battlefield.


Under this circumstance, the swaying nine waves formed a barrier and could no longer resist, and began to break down, and finally collapsed directly.


The nine waves were destroyed by Jiang Chen’s killing dragon, and Li Wei was immediately devastated. Wow spewed out a blood, and the nine waves were his most powerful attack. When he showed up, he and him The energy of their own is closely connected. Nowadays, the nine waves are broken by Jiang Chen, and the influence on him is imaginable.

"How can it be?"

Li Xiaokong contracted and looked at Jiang Chen's eyes full of strong shock.

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