Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1936: Hit the flight [three more]

The light of the red gold slammed to the extreme, like a golden sword with horror, and pierced the void with a hollow hole.

Li Yuan did not say a bad voice. Before he shot, he did not expect that there would be people who could compete with himself. This shock is not the same.


Under the strong attack of the big yellow dog, the big hand that Li Yuan evolved was pierced by life, and the explosion suddenly broke. Li Yuan itself was deeply affected by it. The whole person was shaken backwards and exited for more than ten feet to stabilize himself.


Li Yuan exclaimed, and the horrified eyes fell on the big yellow dog. It was like seeing a ghost. I couldn’t believe it was true. What strength, the second-class emperor, the attack was actually given by a dog. It was broken directly, which made Li Yuan suffer.

"God, what the dog is, how can it be so powerful."

"This dog is likely to be a demon emperor. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to destroy the strong attack of Elder Li Yuan. This Jiang Chen is too much against the sky, so that a demon emperor will be with him." It’s really enviable. If there is a demon emperor next to me, how good it should be.”

"Before this dog shot and grabbed Long Yin in the hands of Li Wei, I saw the extraordinaryness of this dog. I just didn't think that it was so powerful. It's no wonder that Jiang Chen was sitting there without fear, even the Emperor didn't care. There is such a powerful demon emperor beside him, so it seems that he is indeed arrogant capital."


No one is not shocked, the situation seems to have once again turned into a turning point. Originally, people felt that Li Yuan was coming, and things are coming to an end. Jiang Chen must be severely punished. It is not impossible to be directly abolished, but where is it. Thinking of this dog so brave, even the second-level emperor is not an opponent.

Lying on the ground, Li Yan’s eyes are round and round, but his feelings of depression at the moment are conceivable. To be honest, Li Wei, now, regrets in his heart, regrets that he should not come to Jiang Chen’s troubles, should not Come kick this iron plate.

The face was thrown away, Longyang Dan was also lost, and now even his grandfather’s face was lost, and the days after that have passed.

Li Yuan's pupils are miniature, and they will see the repair of rhubarb all at once: "It turned out to be a first-class demon emperor, kid, no wonder you are so arrogant, but do you think that standing next to a first-class demon can do whatever you want? Don't forget that here is Xianting, who offended the seat and must execute you today."

Li Yuan was furious, although he was shocked back by a blow, but after seeing that the rhubarb dog was only a first-class demon, his momentum once again rushed. He was a second-class emperor, higher than a rhubarb dog. A level, so strong confidence is still there, he does not believe that he can not even beat a first-class emperor.

"I am afraid you can't do it, but if you want to take away Li Wei, you have to come up with 5.6 million pieces of Xianyuan Stone."

Jiang Chen sat on the tiger chair and cocked his legs, and did not put Li Yuan in his eyes.

For a character like Li Yuan, the ten are not enough to be played by the big yellow dog. The two sides are not at all a level. The strength of the rhubarb dog is enough to fight against the general third-level emperor.

"This seat will kill the dog first, and then abolish you, this kid who doesn't know how to be tall."

Li Yuan was completely angered, and the momentum of the second-level emperor was completely released. He flew up to the sky, and between his hands, he had already opened up a battlefield. The battle of the emperor level must be blocked. Otherwise, the consequences It is very serious, and the aftermath of the explosion that broke out is not something that ordinary disciples can bear.

"The immortal board, dare to slaughter the dog."

The rhubarb dog sneered at it, and the majestic body turned into a light and shadow brush and rushed up.

"Teach the lesson, don't kill him."

Jiang Chen reminded him that he was really afraid that the big yellow dog would kill the old guy. It would be really troublesome. Anyway, everyone is a second-class emperor, and he is the elder of Xianting.

After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, Li Yuan directly had an impulse to spurt blood. The dog of this relationship would have to leave a hand for a while, otherwise he would die, which is a shame for Li Yuan.

"Stupid dog, die."

Li Yuan immediately launched a violent attack, infinite energy gathered into a French seal, obscured everything, blocked the entire battlefield, and smashed the past with the big yellow dog. This is the full blow of the second-level emperor, many people have changed The color.

However, when people guessed that the rhubarb dog should respond to Li Yuan’s powerful blow, he saw the big yellow dog rushing against Li Yuan with a golden dog head.

In the eyes of people, this is completely a suicide attack. This is crazy.


In the eyes of countless horror, Li Yuan’s attack was broken by the head of the big yellow dog’s dog. It’s unacceptable that the attack that was enough to tear the sky could not cause any harm to the dog’s head. .

The speed of the rhubarb dog is extremely fast. It is like a lightning bolt. After destroying the strong attacks of Li Yuan, the invincible dog's head hits Li Yuan's chest.


A scream of screams suddenly sounded, and many people could hear the sound of broken bones. Some people saw that Li Yuan was madly squirting blood. The whole person was like a broken kite, and it was generally sunk. A large piece.

Everyone is dumbfounded. No one has thought of such a scene. It seems to be a dream. For a long time, in the hearts of people, Li’s grandfather is a big man, so Li Wei is flying in the ordinary disciples, so he came to bully Jiang. Dust these new ones.

Now it seems that this newcomer is also very difficult to provoke, your grandfather is very powerful, a dog around the family is against the sky, and, that dog head, how can it be so strong, it is simply an artifact.

"Oh, it’s hard to beat."

The rhubarb dog swayed and laughed, and the second-level emperor, in his hands, was simply vulnerable.

"God, how could this dog be so powerful."

Some people simply cannot accept this fact, but today's things are definitely bigger. A second-class emperor is beaten, which is definitely a big deal.

The rhubarb dog retired from the enemy and then returned to the side of Jiang Chen. Li Yuan, who was flying, flew back. Although he was hit by a rhubarb dog, it was repaired by the second-level emperor. Fast, and the injury is not very heavy, but after returning Li Yuan, has lost the previous arrogance, and his expression has completely changed.

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