Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1950: Three-level emperor without sense of existence

"Haha, Leopard Hall is just like this. If you have this ability, you still want to fight with us."

The broken blade laughed and flew one person, killing the other battle group.

On the other hand, Hung Hom’s opponent has been pressed by Hung Hom, and there is hardly any effort to fight back. Yun Yang’s confrontation with Shang Yu is also very difficult. Jiang Chen’s side is not to mention, a sword The hardships of the half-emperor genius can only be supported.

Even the half-emperor master of the Leopard Hall is still the same, not to mention other people, the battle did not begin long, the morale of the Leopard Hall began to slowly disappear.

The strength of Longtang itself is well known. The people of Leopard Hall are very happy, and now they have lost their fighting spirit at the beginning.

"No, Leopard Hall is obviously not good."

"Yeah, although they have a large number of people, they can't stand the life of Longtang. You don't have to talk about Yu Feng and Hung Hom. You can see that Jiang Chen is more enchanting than Yu Huafan. His current cultivation is just a fairy. In the mid-term, but the fighting power is more terrible than the half-emperor, you must know that none of the half-emperors are easy-going, they can all resist the existence of the first-class emperor, does it mean that Jiang Chenxian’s mid-term cultivation is With the power of the First Emperor, what a enchanting thing."

"Yeah, it’s too bad, it’s no wonder that the scenery Yang will be so heavy to him. Such a person, as long as he gives him time to grow up, sooner or later, will surpass Yuhua Fan and become the first talent of Xianting."

"Look, the momentum of the Leopard Hall has become weaker and weaker. The dragon halls are all fierce people, all of them are fighting madmen, and one by one is getting more and more fierce. The Leopard Hall will not be able to support it."

"The position of Longtang in Xianting is really unshakable. Even the emperor must give the scenery a seven-point face."

"That is, who does not know the temper of the scenery Yang, annoyed him to do everything, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the five-level emperor, is the last person who Xianting hopes to hit the sixth-level emperor in the near future, at any time. It is possible to be promoted to the sixth-class emperor. Once he reaches the sixth-level emperor, it is almost a character of Xianting."


There are more and more people onlookers, and there are more and more people talking about it. The strength of Longtang makes everyone helpless. This hall is becoming more and more important in Xianting, and it is cultivated by the scenery Yang. The temper is the same as the scenery, and they are all mad.


At this moment, a big drink suddenly sounded from the inside of the Leopard Hall. Then, an old man who exuded the incomparable tyrannical flies out and turned out to be a powerful third-class emperor.


It is a pity that the deterrent power of the third-level emperor does not seem to be very good. Just when the elders just shouted out the two words, Jiang Chen kicked his opponent out and then smashed the sword to the other person. At the end, there is no such thing as a third-level emperor in the eyes, as if the other party does not exist at all.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't mean to stop, Yu Feng also continued to shoot, and once again, they played against the people of Leopard Hall.

"Well, your little scorpion in Longtang is getting more and more disappointing. Even the old man’s words are not in the heart. Since you are so disrespectful to me, then this seat will teach you some lessons."

The elders of the three-level emperor were full of anger, and their hearts were extremely depressed. They were also the third-class emperor. They were the elders of Leopard Hall. They also had supreme status in Xianting. Which disciple saw him on weekdays? After a respectful respect, a group of young people now regard their own words as a whisper, and do not put themselves in their eyes. This makes his sense of existence seriously depressing, and he feels that he has lost his face, which makes him not angry.


However, just when the elder had just moved, a golden light suddenly stopped in front of him like a ghost.

"Old man, the battle between their young people, what kind of strength do you participate in? Don't you know what is wrong?"

It’s not someone else who is talking. It’s the rhubarb dog who has been watching the drama. The reason why Jiang Chen ignores this elder is because the rhubarb dog is still there. He wants to help the Emperor, so I think it’s going to be messy. There is a contradiction between them. The bigger the trouble, the better. If you give Jiang Chen a chance, he will completely enlarge the situation.

When I saw the big yellow dog, many people thought about what happened on the day. It seems that this dog is using the dog's head to directly hit Li Wei's grandfather Li Yuan. You must know that Li Yuan is the second-class emperor. The third-level emperor, but no one still looks down on this dog.

Everyone knows that this dog is a real demon emperor, who dares to marry a powerful demon emperor, unless he does not want to live.

"Where a dog comes, go away."

The elder was furious and his identity. A group of young people ignored him and made him angry enough. Now he doesn’t know where to come out of a dog, and he dares to stop himself. This is a shame to himself.

The elder waved his hand and patted it directly toward the dog head of the rhubarb dog. In his opinion, his own palm was enough to directly slap the other dog's dog head, and the opponent did not even have the opportunity to escape.

Unexpectedly, the rhubarb dog didn't even mean to avoid it. He licked his dog's head and licked his mouth and slammed into the palm of the other hand.

Such a move almost did not make this elder mad.

Niang's, too no face for himself, too much sense of existence, a dog dare to directly use the dog's head to fight against their own attacks, even if you do not want to live, but also to leave some face for yourself, so that you can prevail.

The elders secretly made up their minds that they must smash the dog's head to their lives, and then they can solve their own minds and hate only to be able to establish their own majesty.


However, the three-level Emperor's palm was heavily photographed on the dog's head of the rhubarb dog, and even a sound of iron-clad sound was made. Even a spark was ejected. I imagined that the scene of the dog's head was directly fragmented and the disease did not appear. Instead, the Emperor felt that his palm was numb, and he was about to be cracked by the earthquake.


The elders exclaimed on the spot, a pair of horrified eyes staring at the big yellow dog in front of them, as if they saw a ghost, the head has always been the most vulnerable part of the human, even if it is a monster, and just now At the time of the collision, the dog showed that the repair was only a first-class emperor, but the skull was too strong.

"The immortal board, just because you also want to shoot the head of the broken dog, too much effort."

The rhubarb dog was unmatched in war, and the huge dog's head swayed toward the other side again.

"This seat does not believe."

The elder was in a hurry, and the powerful offensive was once again displayed. The goal was still the dog's head of the rhubarb dog.

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