Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1952: 妖仙岛[四更]

After the people returned to the Longtang, Hung Hom took out his own private wine, and many of the teachers and brothers enjoyed the drink quickly. It was really full of pride.

Jiang Chen is also infected by such an atmosphere. He personally likes to deal with such people. The people of Longtang, up to the scenery Yang, down to every disciple, let Jiang Chen know what he likes, such a group of people, Almost every one is promising.

"Jiang Shidi, you are really fierce, and even dare to go alone to leap the leopard hall, Niubi."

"Yes, Jiang Shidi is indeed full of pride. We like this kind of person in Longtang. Today we have a big fight, and it is enough to repair the guys in Leopard Hall."

"That's for sure, fighting with our dragons, they are still tender."


Longtang’s disciples were all elated and did not feel that what they were doing was wrong. Jiang Chen still felt that this was a disaster. Back then, he might have to be blamed by the scenery Yang. Now it seems that he is not himself. As I thought, the scenery Yang did not appear from beginning to end, and the meaning was already obvious. To the actions of their group of Longtang disciples, the church owner directly stunned one eye and closed his eyes.

What kind of soldiers are there, what kind of soldiers are there, the same is true of Longtang, what kind of disciples are there, and the disciples of Longtang must be able to understand the nature and temper of the scenery. So, it will be unscrupulous to choose to shoot, and at the moment did not feel that their practices are wrong.

In other words, if you don’t dare to start with a loss, the scenery will only come out. When you turn your nose and scream, you will be embarrassed.

"You drink, why don't you please?"

A voice suddenly sounded, and everyone immediately looked for it. I saw a man wearing a blue robes coming out of nothingness. The man looked twenty-five and six years old with a smile on his face. He is very handsome, and his eyebrows are full of heroic spirit. At first glance, he is a dragon and a phoenix. He appears in one place, and it is impossible to make people forget.

"Master brother."

When I saw the coming people, everyone was excited, and they immediately stood up from their seats and ran to the close of the master.

"Master, when did you come back? Why don't you say it in advance."

"Yes, Master, you didn't see it. Today we went to repair the guys at Leopard Hall. It's called a temper."


The young man who suddenly appeared is the master of the Longtang legend, the genius of the immortal legend, Yu Huafan.

"Well, you did a good job. I was suddenly summoned back by the master this time. I don't know anything."

Yuhua Fan shrugged, as a young second-class emperor, Xianting’s one-of-a-kind peerless powerhouse, in front of his own brothers and sisters, there is no shelf at all, but from this point of view, the atmosphere of Longtang is really harmonious. .

Jiang Chen walked to Yuhua Fan and held a fist to Yuhua Fan: "Jiang Chen has seen the master."

For this legendary master, Jiang Chen is still very interested. He has always been interested in the strong. He has been in Longtang for a few days. He has been listening to the legend about this master, except for his own. In addition, this is the first person to be alone in the Leopard Hall.

"Well, the new disciples of the masters must not be wrong. I already know about the things you went to the Leopard Hall. They did a good job. The Leopard Church and the people in the Tiger Hall were originally owed to repairs."

Yu Huafan said, his eyes turned around in Jiang Chen, and then nodded, apparently very satisfied with his new younger brother.

Jiang Chen smiled. For this master, his first impression is still very good. Like other disciples of Longtang, the first impression of Jiang Chen is good. The disciples selected by the scenery Yang personally must be It is wrong.

"Hua Fan, Jiang Chen, you two come to see me."

At this moment, the sound of the scenery Yang suddenly sounded in the sky, and named it to let Jiang Chen and Yu Huafan go to see him.

"The master calls you, there must be something, you must hurry."

Hung Hom said.

"Yes, I guess there may be something important, or I won't call the master back."

Yu Feng also nodded.

Jiang Chen and Yu Huafan did not delay the time and went directly to the place where the scenery Yang lived.

Longtang only occupies a mountain peak. Compared with Xianting, it is not too big. Therefore, Jiang Chen and Yu Huafan are still very relaxed when they want to live in the scenery.


The place where the scenery Yang cultivation is the most central part of the Longtang is a palace. When Jiang Chen and Yu Huafan arrive, the palace door opens automatically.

Jiang Chen and Yu Huafan glanced at each other and walked toward the palace. They saw the sunny side of the temple sitting in the middle of the main hall.


The two men gave a ceremony to the scenery Yang.

"Well, Huafan, what is the harvest of this trip?"

Asked about the scenery Yang.

"The harvest is not small, my cultivation has reached the peak of the second-class emperor, and it is only a step away from the third-class emperor."

Yu Huafan said truthfully, in front of the scenery Yang, he showed great respect.

"Yes, Not Bad."

The scenery Yang nodded and praised. Before Jiang Chen did not come, Yu Huafan was his most proud disciple.

"I see the master is very good, the atmosphere is also relatively large, and should be promoted to the sixth-class emperor."

Yu Huafan laughed.

"When I am in this realm, everything can only rely on chance."

Scenic Yangdao.

Jiang Chen nodded secretly, and the scenery Yang had his own attitude towards cultivation, and he had a calm heart and no impetuousness. Such a person, promotion is a matter of time.

"The master is so eager to ask me to come back, is there anything?"

Yuhua Fan asked.

"There is really one thing, saying that it is not big, saying that it is not small. After seven days, it is the birthday of the Emperor Tianpeng of the Demon Island. The Emperor of the Stars asked me to choose two people from Longtang to celebrate the birthday. You bring Jiang Chen. Go ahead."

The scenery Yang said.

"it is good."

Yu Huafan did not postpone, directly promised to go down, the mission of the landscape Yang, he has always been obligatory.

"Fairy Island? What is it?"

Jiang Chen was directly stunned. Regarding this demon fairy island, he first heard that he had only known the Xianting of the Nine Great Sects, and then went up to a dynasty, and now suddenly emerged. A demon fairy island, and the birthday that can make the emperor's heart go up, is enough to show the extraordinary of the Peng Emperor, indicating the extraordinary of this demon fairy island.

"The younger brother, the demon island is a special island, not belonging to any of the nine celestial fields, but the power of the demon island is not a fairy."

Yu Huafan said with a smile.

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