Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1970: 闯万风台

"Reassure, Tianpeng demon will not want your mind, you will say that you are the descendant of the Nether Emperor, there is the qualification to negotiate with him."

The rhubarb dog said that the tone was incomparably confident, as if he had decided to be the Emperor Tianpeng.

Jiang Chen nodded. In this world, he can not believe anyone, but he only believes in the big yellow dog.

"The demon emperor, my younger generation inadvertently obtained the inheritance of the Nether Emperor, and completely cultivated the Great Void."

According to the instructions of the rhubarb dog, Jiang Chen gave a voice to Tian Peng.

Sure enough, after hearing that Jiang Chen was a descendant of the Nether Emperor, the look of the Tianpeng Emperor changed again, and the look of Jiang Chen was softened.

"Jiang Chen, you better not lie to me, you should know, deceiving the end of the emperor."

Tianpeng demon emperor again.

"I deceive you with the wisdom of the demon emperor?"

Jiang Chen smiled. He seems to have guessed something. It seems that there is some origin between Tianpeng and Emperor.

Aside Xiao Xiao forgives a look of sorrow and tension, no one knows the sound between Jiang Chen and Tian Peng, but many people are beginning to be a bit confused, because the Tianpeng Emperor, who was originally angry, doesn’t know anything. The reason suddenly eased.

"Xiao forgets, do you have to see the saint?"

Tianpeng demon emperor looked at Xiao forget.

"Yes, the demon emperor, even if I want my life, I will see the last side of the saint today."

Xiao forgets to say that he is very firm.

"Well, this emperor will give you a chance."

Tian Peng's demon emperor said that this sudden change made Xiao Xiao could not help but stunned. This sudden change made him unable to accept it for a while.

Not only is Xiao forget, everyone is surprised to see Tian Peng, the emperor, I don’t know why this adult suddenly changed his attitude, especially the blue wolf demon and some of the high-ranking demon islands. How disgusting Xiao is forgotten. They are too clear. In their view, even today, Tian Peng’s demon emperor continues to estimate that the face of the saint does not kill Xiao, but will never agree to let Xiao forget and the saint to see each other.

However, people have also noticed that this matter will not be so simple. Even if the attitude of Tianpeng Emperor is changed, it is only an opportunity for Xiao to forget. It is conceivable that this opportunity is also conditional. Xiao forgets to really see the Holy Woman, I am afraid it is not a simple matter.

"The demon emperor please say, just let me see the saint side again, even if the knife is in the sea, I will not wrinkle my brow."

Xiao forgets to say that he does not know why Tianpeng’s demon will suddenly change his attitude, but he can guess that the transformation of Tianpeng’s demon is definitely related to Jiang Chen.

"If you want to see the saint, you will rely on your own skills. Xiao forgets that you and Jiang Chen will go to Wanfengtai. As long as you can get in, you will be able to see the saint."

Tianpeng demon said.


As soon as this was said, countless exclamations rang, most of them were people of Yaoxian Island. Others may not know what Wanfengtai is, but as a person of Yaoxian Island, it is too much for Wanfengtai. I understand that with the strength of Xiao forget and Jiang Chen, I want to see Wanfengtai, that is no different from finding death.

"I really thought that the demon emperor was very kind, and did not expect to put forward such harsh conditions."

"Yeah, Wanfengtai was built by Tianpeng Demon Emperor himself. Using his own understanding of the speed of speed, there are hundreds of millions of winds and waves in the entire region. Every wind and wave carries the destruction. Once the power is touched, it will be attacked by the wind and waves. It is said that it is a first-class emperor. Even if the third-level emperor arrives inside, it is also a life of nine deaths."

"The demon emperor is arguing that he wants to put two people to death."


The voice of discussion has come and gone, and most of those who come to Heshou have not known Wanfengtai. Now they have heard one or two from these arguments, and many people have been gloating.

"Haha, these two guys are lifting their own stones and licking their feet. Now Tianpeng demon makes them squatting. They can’t go without it. Go, it’s dead.”

"Oh! Deserve it, but they are so dead. If we die, we will save trouble. We don't have to worry about killing them."

"It seems that this time there is really a good show, just as we also went to see the horror of Wanfengtai. This is the Tianpeng demon emperor personally created. Tianpeng is best at speed, this million winds, almost integrated The speed of the world is so fast that if you want to get through the wind, you must first have the speed of peerlessness, and you must master the rules of the intersection between countless winds and waves."


Lan Xian and Tan Jinye have a good mood in their instant. In their view, Jiang Chen and Xiao Xiaoxiu are looking for death. For example, today, the Peng demon emperor puts forward such conditions in the presence of so many people. They want to not go to jealousy because they don’t. If you go, you will not give Tianpeng the emperor face, waiting for them, it will be the anger and punishment of Tianpeng demon, and will die as soon as possible.

"Little dust, Tianpeng demon emperor is testing you. If I guess it is correct, the windy platform that he laid down can only be easily spent by the big void. Tianpeng demon is now trying to test your empty Emperor. The authenticity of the person, if you can get through the wind and the big void is the best of the show, then prove your identity, when the Tianpeng Emperor will personally receive you."

The voice of the rhubarb dog was once again transmitted to the dust of Jiang Chen, which was equivalent to giving Jiang Chen a reassurance.

Aside from the sorrowful feelings of hearing, I heard the glory of Wanfengtai, the face suddenly became very pale, and even the eyes began to show despair.

"Well, I will go to see the wind station."

Xiao forgets his body and shakes his eyes. His eyes show a firm color. He has no retreat and will not retreat. This is his only chance. He is now ready to die in Wanfengtai, even if he dies inside. He is also willing.

As Jiang Chen said, at least I have tried hard.

"Jiang Chen, you don't have to take risks with me. I am very grateful for today's things. You, this friend, I didn't have a white hand. After today, whether it is life or death, my wish to forget, but it is gone. ""

Xiao forgot to take a picture of Jiang Chen’s shoulder, and a smile appeared on his face. For this day, he waited for too long. Even if he waits for his death today, Xiao will not shrink and will not wrinkle. brow.

"Predecessors, let me do something for you, let's go to Wanfengtai, don't forget, I got the inheritance of the Nether Emperor, inherited the big void, body and speed above, but you can compare of."

Jiang Chen laughed and said that he always wanted to do something for Xiao forgetting. Now the time is right, Jiang Chenyu can retreat, and Jiang Chen knows clearly that Tianpeng demon promised to let Wanfengtai, in fact It’s not to let Xiao forget to go to jealousy, but to go to jealousy. If you don’t go, wait for Xiao’s forgetfulness, you can only die.

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